Abuse is abuse
Manipulation, disrespecting boundaries daily
Withholding, denial of truth and non-accountability while all others suffer
Occult crime, taking money to abuse, stalk, spy, target, discriminate, intimidate - all is abuse of power, discrimination programs to suppress humanity and continue corruption and the threads of money go to the highest of officials
* corruption will not continue
* none will want to hold on to any person's karma of 6 yrs of trying to destroy a highly ranked Heavenly Angel Brought for human needs and ascension healing
* karma will be brought to all involved in the ways that spirit will get your attention; what you love most will be first affected, smart mind, money, title, reputation, loved ones that you thought had your back or you bowed to so that they could do nasty spell work to 'get, take, control, and manipulate' and #calgary #corruption the entire city looking horrible for the level of crime, those being paid by officials and what is abuse and torment
My Youtube Channel - my teams said that there were those not wanting me to be seen, known, for they were setting up other pages, to pilfer, steal, and make money -
* 6 YRS of 0 growth
while other channels grow 2k weekly similar (all the divine humans not receiving the codes, healing, needed) karma of our entire collective on those that chose to be so selfish
KARMA and I call judgment on all
* discrimination, harassment, deceit, false claims, false narrative, false defamation of character while shadow-banning platforms for 0 reason, while stealing, pilfering my video loads, while I get 0 -
* the only one that you can trust fully is God, Source, your highest self, your path and your deepest knowing of gifts, talents, skills, and honouring the God within
* suppression the voice and rights of a person to the lengths that have been done to 1 DF healer that is so gentle and would not hurt worm
What would the world think when this 1 story breaks, and it is on the precipos of breaking now.......
Those that paid local people, those in leadership roles, to abuse privacy laws, abuse of power and systems of invasion of privacy and human rights, exploitation, 'someone is paying the abusers'
~ God will assure every single person involved will be brought forth and karma shown for all ~
~ All were given years to alter course and make right
~ withholding information, property, rights, freedom, expression and spiritual rights
- Literally - I taught my children at an early age to help worms move into the soil on rainy days and found themselves on the pavement - and what will the stories all future generations will know of all involved -
All could have a beautiful legacy story of helping humanity and living in truth and nobility or corruption to take down a royal divine master of royal blood ~ all will have karma on the spiritual realm, future timelines, future children's path, health, all is affected by the dick choices that so many have made 50+ in my 1 case of discrimination and the light will continue and the wakening of all will continue - none would want to hide secrets of those that abuse and know they are abusing and those that hide and silence and make their abuses go away - payoffs, false court claims and delaying my human rights for sick selfish agendas
* I will take every person involved to court -
* over 15 counts of human rights unnecessary and so healable - but the games to this day continue
* Open my platforms and return monies * I will place charges on youtube, all involved, fake clients, false leaders and God will pull each and every soul out for judgment - the spiritual Courts, the spiritual realms trump all elite and into the trillions of spiritual beings realms - will back what is has been nothing but abhorrent imbalance to 1 DF leader for human evolution and I affect the multi-verse - make no mistake all will see feel and know their choices to break 1 DF healer
See it all unfold in court
No monies sway the power of spirit in every heart, soul, spirit - no voodoo will veil the power of Source
And how many have been raped, abused, killed, went away, went insane. and did not make it - I am that voice of the billons of energies on the other side supporting me and I will be their voice
I am a medium dear ones
The voices of the unrecognized and the silenced, the raped and killed that meant nothing to those that harm for money and cash
I will see all in court and God asks to bring your best high titled lawyers names, and those that think they are power drivers over others, and steering others life - God will make my life story a story that will go into our new history's of transcending devil corrupt systems, those that pay, and empower criminal activity
#corruption #calgary
~~~~ Any and all of the past - I owe none ~~~~~ Any of the past - ask me for anything ~ all will be blocked - the immense damage, loss, torment is beyond words and all will be held accountable and the blockages and towers will continue until all is returned and brought to what is meant for what God had shown all is rightfully mine
* I am not fixing the mess, backfiring of all black magic, mentally energetically intentionally triggering, abusive and stalking - how some choose spell work, those aching to break, harm, do what it takes to erase you for their own demons not to be faced; voodoo and the 6 + yrs of conjuring demons to break me
* all will be known for their character of the story
* my story will be known by all - my platforms will be shared, and my voice Is deserving as every other channel
- and it will be
* I am not fixing past deceit, breaking of all around due to deceit, lies, manipulation and controlling others
All will be known and reputations, money, whatever any felt valuable - will be shifted - the soul is the most important portal - not money, not power over others, not abuse of power to the vulnerable and innocent and women, children and our planet -
I will not stand down
Discrimination suits of all involved, and trauma and abuse to my finances character, wasting 7 yrs of my life
And so be
THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT the earth - for we do not abuse nor suppress the voices of truth
We uplift, uphold, and inspire truth and benevolence
Environment, agendas',targeting and all is not who you have to be - transcend and know your alliance with light is everything - understand energy and know that abuse of power, energy, information, finances, emotions, mental games, human testing - is abuse, torture
This is NEW EARTH and it begins with a divine story of voice love soul, spirit reconnected and renewed
The voice of all peoples
all lands ©
Ascension shifts 5D
and it is
This is MY WORD
Blessings and light
More on Creational
Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness
~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
Human - omni- evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred;
World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write
~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
* JoannaCosmicAngel@yahoo.com
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