Wednesday, 18 March 2020

YOU are a VESSEL of Unconditional LOVE

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Someone has offered their question for answering and musing and I thought I would bring this forth as a collective perspective that we are all moving through in varying ways and how to perceive as a ONENESS and unified tool to bring wholeness as opposed to the vibration of separation;
lowering, or the fear of taking on others energy. 
When I am around others I take on so much of their energy 
and how to re-align to mastery within as unconditional love?

Unconditional Love

This has been my path for this lifetime; honouring the all that we are emerged within, and as empaths, crystal children, we are heightened at every level and for a beautiful and Divine reason. We are here to help through our sensing and healing abilities those that need it in finding their way. 

There is much offerings in the new age and enlightenment communities about this and it will always resonate from Source in the most profound and simplistic manner;  

To always remain in pure alignment; your highest and best, the highest and best for the greater good, as Source, is to focus all that you are on your own light and explore being the perfect vessel of Holy light and love that you are and offering this unconditionally forth. Therefore releasing all fear, all judgment, all perceptions, that you can be affected or harmed, or diluted in any way is only of the ego and its attempts to control and manage what clearly spirit is now offering to come forth.

Here is a recent video on the expectation of miracles that truly live through you;
that we are literally the vessel of manifestations for such to live and be birthed through.

Allow all other light to move on; when we infuse with energies in any way, it becomes an entanglement; so we must get to the mastery state in which we acknowledge the ALL as Source, honour it, and as your vibration arises, it will no longer be in the vibration to entangle with you; be merely be present for others to work on and through; Open as an infinite vessel of love, and all will be as it should, you choose what you want to entangle with, 'I intend to entangle with the highest vibration of creative joy as Source' and then you walk with this energy and certainty, all else is the ALL moving and around us; we are healing separation; thus then, we must know the ALL is US.

Know that being in your certain knowingness of this, and aligning in your own joy and love, then you raise the vibrations of all entanglements and the opportunity to feel their acceptance and ALLNESS - Others can feel and we co-create at a very subtle level if we are trying to repel them, or their energy and thus creating experiences, and more energies of discordance; so it is a mastery practice; have faith, knowledge, courage to walk as pure love; and hold this firmly as every cell, every thought and you will soon feel the confidence and empowerment to love all; unconditionally; love. 

If you approach every moment as a miracle, appreciating all within and before you, the vibration shifts. It is about opening to the flow of unconditional love and being it, to shift and transmute that around you. For others to be offered this and choose for themselves or not. But to be 'ok' with you being the central transmutation vessel of pure Holy LOVE and not dispel or judge any other energy but simply be neutral and allowing, and focussing on your light. Your vibration will bring what is meant for you at all levels for deeper and more enriched soul growth and soul evolution. This is how we all walk in mastery and ever-expanding our souls desire to transmute to love.

Affirmations, meditation, and being joyful will assist in remaining in these alignments as we walk and move about the world, and you will sense very soon, what is 'feeling' good and what won't to steer from, so honour what you sense; whether it is reading, viewing, and so on, as these are all energetic and affect the fields; doesn't mean close yourself away, just honour the intuitiveness to take breaks, re-align, clear your fields, and click off if it doesn't feel right.

This is who we are. All vibrations are an aspect of us; so if thoughts, or energies come up about fearing your vibration lowering, or thought forms, then forgive and release; as these are energies and fragments we are also healing of our wholeness; it is all us; we are here to love unconditionally - period! 

We are all offering this potential to the ALL for the ALL - it is mastery and takes practice to release the fears and ego survival triggers every time they arise but is what we must do to arise within inner peace regardless of who or what we face; this is LOVE. 

Blessings and great light, you are so shiny!

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