Sunday, 15 March 2020

The New Health Awareness ~ Humanities Awakening to Oneness & Compassion

Greetings dear lighted ones,

It is really key to tune in and reveal the truth of the energies that are being co-created within your environments;
There are more and more studies of the affects of negativity and behavioural energies of imbalance and how it affects our entire overall health.
Daily Self-Care and our Collective Beliefs
Daily self-care, balance, and positive loving nurturing is vital in these accelerating energies of bodies being rebuilt;
Narsicism, negativity, imbalances of any kind affect the cells, and DNA, organs, and sensory energies and of course all chakra's. If there are energies in your environment that need to be brought to the surface and sorted out - it is key to do so and allow your intuitive guidance to lead the way; your intuition will show you; 'somethings up and time to clear' whether it be with relationships or home health, like mold and other home irritants, attitudes, beliefs, and health in eating and creating greater simplicity. Living through much of human dysfunction, living through and healing much of my own personal experiences of great dysfunction, great imbalance on many facets of not only an awakened teacher and inspirational speaker of spirit and Gaia wisdom, there is far Divinely blessed gifts of wellness that can play a far greater part in our healing than we have taken time to respectfully delve into. 

In my personal experience, ascension, enlightenment, spirit communion, alchemy and the blessed experience of Oneness with spirit, with Gaia, with the soul, is a unity that heals in every manner of speaking. This has been my mainstay in every and absolute experience and without as much as an aspirin, I am still here and healthier than I have ever been.  Prior to my awakening, and during my entire life, I was a chronic asthmatic, and usually catching bronchitis several times a year and many bouts of pneumonia. Constantly using inhalers and being on antibiotics, and having to switch numerous brands due to the regularity and my immune systems recognition of it; I understand how the bodies, the mind, allow for such dependencies and how these limitations lead to further dysfunction and illness cycles. It wasn't until my awakening that my health began to turn around in so many ways. 

Now, after thirteen years of devoted ascension work, I am moving through another deeper purification to allow for greater light and re-balancing to a new set of DNA activations and light entanglement with a new set of mission potentials and soul tribe connections; also come forth gifts, wisdoms, and Divine intelligence that spiral up within new evolutionary cycles. For it is within these Universal evolutionary truths that lie our greatest gains in wellness and inner peace, inner joy, and the beauty that we truly awaken within. I have not been or have used inhalers for over nine years and I have not had an aspirin or over-the-counter drugs in just as long.  

My weight and bronchial problems are resolved, my eyesight has improved, my clarity and digestive system has improved, and overall feel younger now than I did thirteen years ago. I offer this not as a hubris footnote, but as a statement of harmony between the intentions through spirit, the inner Oneness systems that we have ultimate loving management and direction within. Source within, and Source without, and how may we enlighten ourselves upon what can be that of the very foundation that all masters came to offer. 

How may we look deeper at our imbalanced daily routines, the ever-stretched emotional disregard of importance and the history of imprinting patterns of 'doing' that plays a far greater role of importance than 'being' and how these very key societal paradigms are the first that need and are being dismantled to be holistically re-written.

How does joy, playfulness, and intimate connection play a part in our health and wellness?  Laughter, and meditation, breath, exercise, and creative expression being so key to wholeness, health, and balance; where and how does this play into our daily exploration of spirit and 'being' Universal human? There can always be positive and empowered ways that can bring greater Oneness, greater enlightenment, greater communion, greater compassion, greater ingenuity, greater systems of care and respect and wellness to that which plagues our ability to evolve beyond paradigms of illness and limitation, and more importantly, the system of wholeness that we are as Universal multi-dimensional beings of living light evolving into greater light.

How may we re-write the benefits and importance of our connectedness not only with one another in our closest circles and communities but our collective and also that of our world and planet?  These are vital in medicinal replacement for healing and releasing anger, resentment, toxic energies, need clearing and self-care sessions in creative and empowering ways will help with staying on top of the healthy maintenance.
Family health begins within; in whatever it is that needs re-balance. When you step back and reflect upon your most cherished circles, is there more giving than receiving? Is there intimate emotional and mental inspirations and activations? Is there toxic and negative dilemmas constantly throwing off the peace of the home? There are inner battles, inner imbalances that literally affect every aspect of who we are and until we look at the WHOLENESS of who we are; multi-dimensional than we will always been at arms length of a truly harmonic earthly experience.

World events, through collective energies, we are often seeing much unveil that at a deeper level, allow us to look deeper at what our core beliefs are to manifest what we manifest? Whether we want to collectively blame and point the finger, although a part of the awakening process in the initial stages, won't provide the true wisdom that is required because through the deepening of awakening and understanding Universal laws, and the process of ascension, the understanding of the Universe, quantum mechanics and physics one will become to know very clearly that we are absolutely the manifesters of our reality and in this, how may we become true compassionate masters to evolve to a benevolent system of humans-spirits-universal beings that can transcend any illness and imbalance that may unveil. 

We often find our greatest strengths and inner Oneness when we face our greatest challenges. As we are each living through such worldly and collective events, regardless of what they are, and will continue will allow us to deepen our resolve on so many levels, and also more importantly seek within the depths of what is truly important, what is our most important collective values and ethics of importance? This may provide much heartfelt awakening to a more simplistic and holistic manner of living as spirit and more attuned to a deeper Source of Love that is and has always been within.

When we each face trauma's or challenges, or daily health scares, depending upon what we are here to heal and transform, transmute, we can go into varying degree's of 'shutdown' that are catalyzed by fear. Even if there are no reasons to suspect any tragedy, our bodies and psyche reacts. We are here to transcend such patterns, imprints, and paradigms, for this is evolution and how we step beyond our previous cycles of illness, shortened lifespan, and the myriad of medical imbalances we face; whether we do this as an individual or collective, these are all issues and dynamics we must face and resolve.

How may we start the inherent look at our collective threading and the impact of energy and how we direct energy, our imbalances, and our behaviours and how this innately affects our world and the ALL; this cannot be overlooked any longer and what beliefs will we unveil to bring about new compassionate action, greater integrity, greater awakening and the value systems that have been plagued with such great distortions.  Should we not center all of our health care upon the Oneness that is within first? The innate and inherent Oneness IS the bridge to individual health and wellness, and thus then, so too this will be for the collective.
Perhaps why we manifest and co-create such experiences to begin deeper realignments that simply cannot be overshadowed any longer.

Seeing Through the Chaos, Pain, to a Higher Evolved & Compassionate Humanity

I was reminded today by my higher self in a recent and ongoing healing with other akashic timelines of cataclysmic energies and healing from negative and toxic relationships since my childhood; 'what if the outcome wasn't so doomsday, and what if you could perceive a far grander portal to evolve than you could imagine?' We donot offer this to lessen and minimize the importance and sensitivity of what we are all experiencing, or the traumatic loss that many have suffered, but to offer this in the light of Universal opportunity to begin in new and enlightened ways to enhance and reduce such occurrences that will have overriding beneficial affects for the ALL in return. With great compassion and love we pray and offer our hearts for those affected and those in states of panic and worry, and in this, how may we begin to heal and realign to a greater awareness of the potential we have to make a new now better than the last one? How has every human event allowed us to deepen our ability to see and know the importance of one another, of our bodies, of our planet, of our Oneness and see into new ways of 'being?'

Miracles are the allowance of Source to live through you, and within pure intention, childlike trust and play, the Universe can converge to open new possibilities and portals to answers that are needed, wisdoms that are required, and gifts that are earned.  We are each here to evolve not only our souls, but our human collective, our planet and we are not separate in any way to this. We are all in this together, and how may a new perspective shift such experiences?

I was sensing the collective fear, the fear of my children and how they are being communicated to in social settings, what they hear and sense, and even in my heightened awareness, I still have to re-align knowing my akashic energies also triggering me; 'what is it that you absolutely know?' How may our collective knowingness of Your knowingness will override any other energy trying to infuse with you; as a collective, or in our intimate circles, we all work within entanglement; and it is key to know this and how our Oneness absolutely will align more deeply as more and more awaken at the heart center. Thus then within new potential paradigms.

We often go into 'worst case scenario' downward spirals and what fear implicates in our patterning, and what if, we were able to see, to sense, to inspire a new way, a new beginning, a new way to perceive any challenge that we face that could serve us and lessen the affects? How we perceive any one thing changes it. We know this as basic science; Universal law. Therefore, how may we perceive and know we have the potential to shift any-thing we co-create? ANYTHING.  
Call all that you are in to commune in loving and heightened ways, to re-align, to enhance, to infuse pure love to begin a whole rebalancing, and you will begin to intend a new way to health.  New and more intimate self-communion, self-management, self and spiritual expansiveness, and you get to call the map on what and how you navigate and ever changing and accelerating world.

How you perceive, how you deeply know, how you alchemically love, or create intention, prayers, and light within you is the exact evolving status you walk within. This is not hypothetical dear ones, it is absolutely you. Inner work in outer work; inner is outer, upper is lower, and we are the bridge that mends all gaps to a new collective potential of Oneness and wellness. These are basic principals that we can perhaps perceive anew to release so much stress, fear, worry, and negative entanglements that affect the ALL. Light and love heal all. There will be much to come to the surface of such God Consciousness field work and how our bodies are God in action and co-creation, and our gateway of awareness is the door to our expanded limitless potential of the ALL that we were always meant to be.

Be compassionate, be understanding, and be loving, ask for Angelic help and soul guidance; we are purifying to 5D bodies, and absolutely affects ALL that you re within the ALL; all that you are - the soul health, is the NOW human health and vice-versa.

You are a master and your bodies, and intuition are guiding you-pay attention with your empowered sense of self to take action and clear the way; Hold ALL in the most high and offer kind and loving help to bring greater awareness to the defeating cycle negativity and fear have on the entire systems of life. Have a conversation about how they feel and when they feel inspired and good when this occurs and what they are doing, and how to direct energies and activities to heal in this way to clear and cleanse away the density that fear embeds.
For crystals and indigo children, toxic environments affect the chakra systems and block high light frequencies from being received and when received can be very discombobulated. This is key to the overall health and why such energy discoveries within science and medicine and healing will prevail in our overall care and longevity; thus then, what core beliefs and limitations do we set, and cultivate in limitation without perceiving the infinite?

Perhaps a soft musing to ponder that will eventually lead you to a higher and more profound truth of your potential.

We are multi-dimensional and such energies and behaviours truly do affect us in ways that we simply are only beginning to understand. There is no fear around this but excitement to become the light of direction and God embodiment to know we are so very elegant and Divinely designed in perfection and it is our responsibility and honour to care for this 'ALLNESS' in a sacred and loving way that is intuitively and cognitively aware, intelligent, and far beyond what we have yet to understand and what we have given credit for.
Simplicity Returning Through Human Co-Creations
'I want to live a good life filled with laughter, joy, and offering a hand and compassion in times of need to those who need it; to do good work and never forget that 'love' simply is.'
Love is my health.
Love is my strength.
Love is my inner peace.
Love is my wheel of fortune.
Love is my guiding light.
Love is my truth.
Love simply is.

How may we simplify and look within to what our true values are, and how these values can begin to come forth in new ways to honour the ALL that you are and how may these values be brought forth to set a new vibration and tone and example for others and new health and wellness in your home and circles?
Honouring and allowing the ALL to be expressed and healed is key to wellness and simple balance.
There will be much medical and scientific studies to further honour the affects of negativity, fear, and other imbalances upon the wholeness and why these then affect the collective; for we are ONE.

What is it that aches from your heart to be, become, act upon, and sing out loud? This is your destiny calling. Your health, your wellness, your inner warrior of joy is calling; how may you respond in loving communion to begin anew?
Answer the call; it may change your life.

For those that so desire to spark little Oneness and unity of our present potential and opportunities creating your own 5D Infinite Loop Entrainment ~ Higher vibrational co-creations to affect the whole multi-dimensional wholeness.
Sacred Song

Blessings and light,

#destiny #creatinginthe5thdimension #God #Christhood #Gaia #lightworkers #crystallinechildren #ascensionandthefamily

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