What Visions do you Have for NEW EARTH?
What visions do you have for you and others within it?
What collective DREAM can you conspire with Source, with the Universe that brings new light and life into a world that needs your unique creative joy, blessing, and magnitude of awesomeness?
How big and beautiful can you dream?
My teams have been helping me break out of my box and boundaries, which to most, are pretty far out there, but apparently I have been thinking way too small.
I often dance around the house doing chores, singing of blessings, healings, and sounds and tones, and as I do, I catch myself intending what I envision new earth to look like, feel like, and to our multi-dimensional sensing, is really key right now; especially as we are all facing the collective vibrations of such fear and displacement of worry, we all need to dream our way into a new 5D loop frequency and really start creating.
Whether you have come here to create healing centres, educational empowerment explorations, new farming and Gaia observation and learning centres, and far off communication portals, how may we dream big and really bring our collective within new juicy energies of what we, what Source, what the lush fields of Creation are just waiting for us to conspire?
I do this daily. And I am noticing profound synchronicities and joy from this and my teams often tell me; 'you're not dreaming big enough, go BIGGER!'
It is really key at this time dear ones, to reflect upon what type, what feeling, what vision, what sensations of love and joy do you have for yourself, our planet, our collective in the coming days, months, years.
We all get to choose; choosing from a place of despair or fear will perpetuate this in your future and / or can you allow the deepening of your power to create and bring forth a joyful perspective and outlook for your new earth and what it feels like, the vision of its newly enriched tree's and soil, and how humanity behaves and interacts; caring, sharing, healing and helping one another in new and enlightened ways.
When you are centered, relaxed, and within your heart, ask and call forth all of your multi-dimensional sensory systems to begin co-creating your new earth life; envision, smell, colours, textures, imaginings beyond what our senses think; you don't have to know; simply ask your teams and higher self to guide you deeper into your Christic toolkit that is waiting for your activation and why we each come with unique and creative blessings to do just this.
Gaia, our collective, the Heavens, all is ready for our co-creative dreamy sense of joy and adventure. Be the child of Source and know you are infinite in all the ways you are here to create, heal, manifest, and explore all that you are in new and expansively profound ways.
There is such profound power that we each - for those that so desire and are keen on a consciously creative future - to set time aside and pray, commune, reflect, and intend what future and how it feels, looks, and is vibrationally to help the catalyst of our human healing, in Oneness and in unity and greater health in which fear and unfolding's do not and no longer topple us.
I visualize humanity helping humanity, dancing, singing, being of joy with nature, and honouring the gifts that all life offers with little ailments, and troubles to pull us down; we live in gratitude and excitement to help, to heal and bless others; a unified family of care and compassion.
Humanity filled in light, humanity healthy and all babies with good food to eat and care-takers sharing, caring, healing those in need, our planet singing with us, caring for our bodies in new ways, living in joy rather than living to work and working to live; State of being, rather than 'doing'
Reflect dear ones; we are co-creating our future. You are a master dreamer ~ time to use your creative joy-kit and visualize and wish big! Every moment we are creating our next reality experience; literally - building it from scratch collectively and we are all entangled within a quantum God-soup of the infinite and most lush potential; so how and what may we truly stretch beyond what was and begin purity in NEW NOW NEW EARTH.
How do you want your ascension to look and feel like?
Dream big,
Humanity needs you!
Humanity needs you!
A good dream is a wish, and Source, the Universe is always listening;
For those that so desire, join us in a sacred light language healing song that I was inspired to bring forth in the joy and happiness to boost and co-create a new 5D Loop frequency; we are meant to be and live joyfully ~ here is our Christic vibrational offering in sound healing and song;
Youtube Channel - Universal Love Light and Heavenly Radiance Shamanic Tarot and Sound Healing
Joanna L Ross
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