Monday, 30 March 2020

A Gateway to Perceiving our World Anew ~ 5D Garden of Love to be Seeded!

Gateway to Perceiving our World Anew
Our Own Garden of Love

Greetings dear lighted ones, 
In quiet reflection this morning I was reminded that we are in year 33 since the harmonic convergence; a Divine and Heavenly Mastery number; quite appropriate for what our collective is now opening into and many are now feeling the inspiration to begin in many new vibrational ways and manners.

Many are now seeing, understanding at a logical level, that at some point we must begin to perceive to know ourselves anew; we are meant to be challenging social norms; for we are at the most exciting crucible that inspires our entire collective to perceive a new 5D reality.
What roles, social constraints, social paradigms that ache to be re-written and what constructs, routines, and daily rung is not feeling creative and inspiring? Remember dear ones, from a holographic perspective, whatever we inspire and creative visualize and affirm, the Universe will conspire to make it so; and again, how may we each dream our world into being that is of pure love, colour, joy, and bliss and birthed, seeded in Oneness.

We are at the doorway to seeing what has occurred over eons of falsehood and limitation, and how may we open our hearts to perceive anew to better our bodies, to better our minds, and our hearts, and our world at large? Doorways, portals, gateways, come in many forms; oftentimes we create them out of despair, sometimes they are devotional offerings from Source to once again awaken to our purity and wholeness; we are love. We are pure love. How may we open the door to that love and live it fully, authentically, and with joyful and soulful bliss?

What social circles are due of change? What friendships and relationships are supportive, honouring, and empowering and what are ready to be released so that Divine order, Divine entanglement of all vibrations can occur? 
Holding on to situations, relationships, will only cause greater turbulence and imbalance; on all ends of the equation; these and all energies are meant to flow, to be renewed in Divine ways; release the stagnancy; answer the call of your soul. How can the ego take a break, and how may we each surrender more deeply into the callings and direction of spirit? This is the awakening and evolutionary process and simply is what our hearts ache for us to answer and heed.
Our world is changing, through consciousness, to open our hearts, to live authentically, to live in loving support of what you are truly here to do; speak your truth, for a 5D world is one of spiritual liberation; releasing all constructs, limitations, and judgments. 

* How may our systems change to inspire greater creativity; how can school be done via youtube, teachers, instructors, and in combination with creative exploration centers inspiring other attributes of living soulfully and in balance and wellness; with options and freedom to that of creative desire; children following their dreams creatively and learning of their hearts calling; is that not what we have learned in our hearts through 15yrs of awakening? 
* How may we use our global experiences as Divine gateways to begin anew in a heightened and enriched and compassionate perspective to see that who we truly are has been stifled in much limitation and fear; and perhaps a perfect positive opportunity to rebuild in the most unfathomable creative ways?

The Christic omni-present desire, our ache that is activating new DNA gifts, is the foundation, the awakening process, allows for us to continue the inner seeking that reveals Divine truths; our Oneness, the macro-micro holographic power we have to create, to explore, express, and experience ourselves anew, in new ways, to create beyond what was; the limitations, the way in which we can offer our gifts and services to be in greater alignment to our souls calling, our souls ache to connect and be a part of a new world being birthed that simply doesn't look anything like what we have been allowed ourselves to be suspended from.
How may we see, perceive that this suspension of our everyday routines to be that of the 'ringing of the judgment bell' in which the Heavens within, allow for a pause to reflect, to integrate, to re-evaluate what is truly working, and what is soulfully aching to be revealed.  How may we, many light-workers, and newly awakened, to use our creative gifts and wisdoms, and so many skills, we have brought forth from on and off world, to inspire and ignite within a world order that is need of Divine vibrations of liberation and benevolence?

These are perfect beddings for us each to wipe the canvas clean and come out with our most heartfelt inspirations to shift the vibration of the ALL and allow for so much to be re-invented and resolved in doing so. Living within authentic harmony and balance within, the wellness factor and benefits of awakening, allows for this re-alignment to a deeper and more pure truth as we release the limitations, heal the fears, and self-love our way back into clarity, confidence, and boldly moving forward to joyfully express the ALL that we are; thus then, living in fully joyful balance, wellness, and health of who we truly are; for we are multi-dimensional, and if this global experience has brought such awakenings to light, it is our falsehood in which many live in lack of inspiration, spirit Oneness, living within social constraints that weren't working but were so stuck in the cycle of norms that the higher perspective of true wholeness and wellness cannot be seen.

Here is our link to our Heavenly Radiance Youtube Channel and our Universal Love Light Youtube channel for ascension wisdoms, ASMR, and Shamanic Tarot weekly guidance and Ascension healing offerings;
Our souls truth, our Divine liberation is being offered on every level and how may we each be so inspired to go within and call forth our greatest work of art, inventiveness, and system renewal in which there will be a complete re-write to value and honour the ALL? Our systems simply must change. Our bodies simply need our loving and nurturing attention. We are being lovingly and gently offered a gateway to open our hearts and perceive anew.

Our perspective of what a 5D world can be, how it can feel, how it can be lovingly seeded, nurtured, and blessed by each person, and how we are here to assist and honour all elements within the garden of love; we are each here to tend this new garden, we are each here to add our blessings and gifts to it, we are each here to nourish and work the energies that lovingly require greater attention.
We are here to know that in doing so, we allow for a rich and beautiful garden to bloom; our planet, our collective, our foundations, are what we create and infuse it to be; how may we soften and know, we are all being offered the clean slate; a new path, a new canvas, a new blessing, a new gateway, to begin from a heart-centered, and soulfully aligned perspective; how may your soul be served and be expressed in this experience? 

How may we release, re-write, and renew all systems that are creatively stifling, or gravely and socially steeped in inequity? How may we shift, re-write, all subtle and not so subtle subjugation? These are the many foundational issues at our collective core needing our loving and soulful attentions to bring into a new vibration.  

We are so very rich in creative bounty. We are so very blessed in our connection, direction, and guidance with Source, and spirit to begin a new garden for generations, all worlds, all galaxies, and know that the micro-macro, holographically will be served from a perspective that truly does serve the ALL.
Those that are your soul tribe, unconditional love, will value and encourage you; otherwise, release those that cannot see the dawn and landscapes of new. 
Life is to be lived fully, richly, in deep creative passion; not from a perspective of working to live and living to work. We are the purveyors of light from the Heavens, and we have each embarked upon a soul journey across many galaxies to bring our gifts, our wisdoms, our blessings to seed a new Gaia. To bring within her, what her soul aches; creative joy and enriching one another along the way of Sources Divine song of benevolent evolution.

Would you hold your child back from living their dream?
Would you want your children to stay hidden from their gifts and skills to help and offer the world? We often take on such guilt and responsibility for others while our own souls call is bottled up to care for others. 

These are profound times of benevolent change, and the Universe is opening the door, a vibrational gateway to inspire our hearts into greater Oneness, greater alignment to our souls true callings; as we each live within our purity of alignment to our hearts, we serve the ALL; A Divine system of vibrational and evolutionary alignments are moving and dancing without de-evolved stagnancy.
Our hearts, the compass of evolution and our souls joy is the heart and we will be inspired through our dreams, our inspirations, and our gifts to synchronistically offer forth to a Divinely sewn garden of love that is of our hearts joy in Oneness and gracious love. We are the gentle gardeners dear ones, we are the nurturers, and the wisdom agents to ensure through our loving alignment, we will create such consciousness templates that inspire generations far beyond what we can conceive will be served by.  Such Divine inner seeking, inner truth, inner shifts and changing, we will answer and heed the call of Source to ignite anew and to a world, a collective in need of joyful new perspectives that truly shine forth through our galaxy like a ginormous super-nova. 

We are the new world energy, we are the new Divine blossoming, we are the seeds of love, and the seeds of such changes, and in our inner alignment, our honouring of this, we serve and live inner peace that is true self love and spiritual liberation.
If our world situation has awoken anything, it is how precious and beautiful every moment is; why live in regret!
Answer the call of your soul.
Your heart is your greatest guide.
Blessings and light,


Monday, 23 March 2020

Be Uncompromising in Your Worthiness

A Conversation with Source

With the many experiences we will all move through, the sensing, the moving forth in and amongst the many energies we are able to sense, to know, to feel, to intuit, and how to suss out what is true for you will be key for every light-worker and aspirant on the path of fulfillment and enlightenment.

Here is a Divine conversation with spirit and the Source of ALL that IS, my higher self and guides, and perhaps this may help others moving through grand transitions and initiations that test our resilience and higher truth to step up and forth in purity of love; this allowed me to truly reflect and activate a new level of knowing, to truly live from a vibration of remembrance; be uncompromising in your own loving worthiness to be joyful, to be loving, to live co-creatively in childlike play. This is the challenge and the test we all must face and walk within. To seek this, to live this, to be this, in vibration; Uncompromising to love thyself and in so doing, creates an unshakable and ever-expanding Heavenly truth.

Why do I feel the retribution or resistance of and with my communions and connections? 
Dear one, you are purifying your worthiness of our ever-present guidance and what trust you place within this. There are experiences and lifetimes that are karmically cautioning you, however the heart will guide you beyond and always to your transcending higher knowing. You have been here many times and the collective was not ready for what is now needed and calling for you to step into; therefore, many will be tested to transcend such occurrences

You deserving of this purity and knowing of your grand elegance.

Be joyful,
Be pure of your loving nature,
Be excited about our moment-for-moment co-Creations,

Stop doubting your worthiness with me and my being with you, we are meant to be forever in loving and joyful play.

I know this logically, but desire to feel this within every cell. How can I move and serve fearlessly when I feel the dissolution in the energy of global fear, those that are in anger and throw spirit back in retaliation or distrust? 
Dear one, honour and allow their path, for you will not know their portal of awakening; perhaps your love and acceptance was the vibrational exchange they needed to bring their remembrance into cognitive birthing. 

How can I help heal humanity and how can I step forth?

Dear one, by living in your purity, your purity offers this powerful resonance to ALL life, all life and you know this; for you have the gifts and skills to sense these rippling experiences. Why you chose the eloquence of such well earned gifts, for this is a part of your mastery and desire for expression; for you know the power in the truth of love is so very multi-dimensional and truly beyond earthly words, but is the very fabric of what the world, your planet, your collective and all children require to remember.

The roots, that each are sensing must be reflected upon, for all is essentially being 'up rooted' and what values, truths, will you as a collective, you as individuals choose to consecrate and seed?
These as we see it are very purposeful and exciting times and as we have offered previously, are/ is the availability to all who choose to seek love, perfection, beauty, and joy in all that is presented.
All moments offer the All.

What love of soul evolution and awareness, perspective, openness one exists within will all determine the experience or value judgment you place, remember; all is essentially neutral and requiring the heart-higher mind to create the elegance of evolution that you and your collective are now awakening to in need to bring forth and create anew.

Truth ~ Will you sort out your new 'truth?'
You, your collective is at the point in which it is now forced to review and reflect upon what your truth is. What is the collective truth? How will you each release control and your denial of your Divinity to systems and groups that clearly do not serve the collective in a loving and caring truth?

The most challenging experience, yet exhilarating will be that of the human journey to create systems of service and through benevolent higher truth; fairness, greater good intent and delivery, the collaboration and honour and respect in which honouring of all truths and leaving space for this to also change and shift, for as you each grow and expand, so too will your collective systems and truths to also need shifting and grow through evolution. 

You will need to release the ego in much of your creations to ensure that loving evolution be accountable to further adjust systems.
So again, what is your truth?

I am pure in my love for you and all life, my ego, the fears of moving forward were creating vibrational blocks that I logically know do not exist, due to the experiences and remembrances, I felt held within constraints, limitations; I wish to heal and transmute these negative gatekeepers that stall my progress and love with you, the ALL.

Dear one, that can never happen; it is the illusion of this, however there is nothing and no one that can do such a thing, it is the experience you choose to transcend and how you allow such lack of self to create such hurdles. What are you allowing to occur, to conjure, and how to re-align to your Divine truth and wholeness that you are able to create a new thread to the omni-truth, Soul, your Source essence that has always been, at a soul level you knew this, now you are simply moving and showing the way for the human version of you to higher shores of reunification with your wholeness; the soul, Source. You are showing yourself back to your innate wholeness which is, always, been your truth. Pure. Simple and highly unfathomable, and to those that seek this within, will also experience a similar yet Divinely uniquely in their own way.

We are never separate in any way, and in all ways we are always ONE with love. It is our personality, the ego, individuated self that co-creates with all else, the experiences for us to remember at every moment how powerful we are to transcend all that we place before us; all to release all denial how loved, and how Divinely perfect we are; this is a Heavenly truth that we each carry and are to explore, express, and experience in our co-creative joys with Source as Source. A grand conversation and remembrance of why the inner seeking of our own unique and Divine higher truth is so key to creating with Source in the outer world; inner = outer, and all based on our strongest truth.  Self love and self-honour to nurture and expand that which is love and all enduring; this I see being truly paramount in  all new human co-creations and systems that we re-ignite and create anew.

We are the Heavenly vessels and all blocks, all hurdles, although seemingly real, are illusions to allow our gifts, our skills, our inner strength and empowerment to shine forth and reunite within a Universal truth that never is apart of separate from us; we are pure Heavenly love and all is possible. 

We are showing ourselves, hand-in-hand, to a new level of self-love, self-joy, self-honour, and this is the ultimate Oneness with Source, the wish of Creation; our truth of Holiness in all moments to purely be all that we are and in joy of this in our Divine co-creations and not fear in whatever blocks or energies we place before ourselves to know we are the unconditional vessel of love to transcend and grow from doing so. Each moment, we are co-creating from a place of unconditional love and transmuting fear and neglect of this love; this dear ones is truly Divinely evolutionary and exhilarating; see the blessing within this and stand tall to shine forth in this knowing.

And so it is,
Fear not dear ones, you are Divinely powerful to transcend in all ways in love, joy, and higher knowing you are ONE and navigating within this Oneness to your remember your perfection of creative joy.

Blessings and light,


Wednesday, 18 March 2020

You Are ALL Crystals of God - Source

Lord Sananda 
Offers Guidance

How can I be the highest light when I see, hear, feel, so much that is not in the highest light?
I want so much to live in this Divine lighted joy;

Allow and honour life, love, all is God.
You are the crystals of God, Source Creator. Your benevolent heart will prevail;
What beliefs about those around you, others within your collective, the Universe, or other timelines, that you feel or perceive 'pulling you down?'
This can only occur if you give this its permission and name to do so; you are giving this its life are you not?
Why no be of the open vessel of infinite light and love and ever amplify you in whatever may be of the Divine Joy to do so and that is the vibration that is offered thus then to the all before you and all that you entangle with.

You have for so often brought yourself down by such lack of declaration, and in doing so, this is what you feel within your fields, and energies, memories; your consciousness, your state of vibration is the catalyst to what you experience, and thus then, forgive, honour, and love whole to anew.

How may you be the perfection, the brilliance and the crystal of God that you were born to be? There are many aspects we sense within you that is denying this and doesn't feel comfortable to own this level of love and self-acceptance of glory; this is where you begin and all will follow suit. Own your light and shine forth as the crystal that you are dear one. Own it. Be it.

You are able to amplify all that you experience by the vibration and open love you set for yourself.
Why not see, know, this as a way to become a portal to bring greater Oneness in the light that is always within and awaiting your new acknowledgement and calling forth to play and co-create with all that Source is and brings you?

The environment doesn't affect you; you affect it.
You affect the ALL - this is re-writing your basic sciences in every way; own this empowerment and how may your crystalline love-light be this to all moments of perfection and joy to new realities of Divine exploration?

And so it is,
Blessings and light,

Lord Sananda

YOU are a VESSEL of Unconditional LOVE

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Someone has offered their question for answering and musing and I thought I would bring this forth as a collective perspective that we are all moving through in varying ways and how to perceive as a ONENESS and unified tool to bring wholeness as opposed to the vibration of separation;
lowering, or the fear of taking on others energy. 
When I am around others I take on so much of their energy 
and how to re-align to mastery within as unconditional love?

Unconditional Love

This has been my path for this lifetime; honouring the all that we are emerged within, and as empaths, crystal children, we are heightened at every level and for a beautiful and Divine reason. We are here to help through our sensing and healing abilities those that need it in finding their way. 

There is much offerings in the new age and enlightenment communities about this and it will always resonate from Source in the most profound and simplistic manner;  

To always remain in pure alignment; your highest and best, the highest and best for the greater good, as Source, is to focus all that you are on your own light and explore being the perfect vessel of Holy light and love that you are and offering this unconditionally forth. Therefore releasing all fear, all judgment, all perceptions, that you can be affected or harmed, or diluted in any way is only of the ego and its attempts to control and manage what clearly spirit is now offering to come forth.

Here is a recent video on the expectation of miracles that truly live through you;
that we are literally the vessel of manifestations for such to live and be birthed through.

Allow all other light to move on; when we infuse with energies in any way, it becomes an entanglement; so we must get to the mastery state in which we acknowledge the ALL as Source, honour it, and as your vibration arises, it will no longer be in the vibration to entangle with you; be merely be present for others to work on and through; Open as an infinite vessel of love, and all will be as it should, you choose what you want to entangle with, 'I intend to entangle with the highest vibration of creative joy as Source' and then you walk with this energy and certainty, all else is the ALL moving and around us; we are healing separation; thus then, we must know the ALL is US.

Know that being in your certain knowingness of this, and aligning in your own joy and love, then you raise the vibrations of all entanglements and the opportunity to feel their acceptance and ALLNESS - Others can feel and we co-create at a very subtle level if we are trying to repel them, or their energy and thus creating experiences, and more energies of discordance; so it is a mastery practice; have faith, knowledge, courage to walk as pure love; and hold this firmly as every cell, every thought and you will soon feel the confidence and empowerment to love all; unconditionally; love. 

If you approach every moment as a miracle, appreciating all within and before you, the vibration shifts. It is about opening to the flow of unconditional love and being it, to shift and transmute that around you. For others to be offered this and choose for themselves or not. But to be 'ok' with you being the central transmutation vessel of pure Holy LOVE and not dispel or judge any other energy but simply be neutral and allowing, and focussing on your light. Your vibration will bring what is meant for you at all levels for deeper and more enriched soul growth and soul evolution. This is how we all walk in mastery and ever-expanding our souls desire to transmute to love.

Affirmations, meditation, and being joyful will assist in remaining in these alignments as we walk and move about the world, and you will sense very soon, what is 'feeling' good and what won't to steer from, so honour what you sense; whether it is reading, viewing, and so on, as these are all energetic and affect the fields; doesn't mean close yourself away, just honour the intuitiveness to take breaks, re-align, clear your fields, and click off if it doesn't feel right.

This is who we are. All vibrations are an aspect of us; so if thoughts, or energies come up about fearing your vibration lowering, or thought forms, then forgive and release; as these are energies and fragments we are also healing of our wholeness; it is all us; we are here to love unconditionally - period! 

We are all offering this potential to the ALL for the ALL - it is mastery and takes practice to release the fears and ego survival triggers every time they arise but is what we must do to arise within inner peace regardless of who or what we face; this is LOVE. 

Blessings and great light, you are so shiny!

Monday, 16 March 2020

Dream a Bigger and Far Grander DREAM ~ NEW EARTH ~ WE ARE IT!

What Visions do you Have for NEW EARTH?
What visions do you have for you and others within it?
What collective DREAM can you conspire with Source, with the Universe that brings new light and life into a world that needs your unique creative joy, blessing, and magnitude of awesomeness?

How big and beautiful can you dream?
My teams have been helping me break out of my box and boundaries, which to most, are pretty far out there, but apparently I have been thinking way too small.
I often dance around the house doing chores, singing of blessings, healings, and sounds and tones, and as I do, I catch myself intending what I envision new earth to look like, feel like, and to our multi-dimensional sensing, is really key right now; especially as we are all facing the collective vibrations of such fear and displacement of worry, we all need to dream our way into a new 5D loop frequency and really start creating. 
Whether you have come here to create healing centres, educational empowerment explorations, new farming and Gaia observation and learning centres, and far off communication portals, how may we dream big and really bring our collective within new juicy energies of what we, what Source, what the lush fields of Creation are just waiting for us to conspire?
I do this daily. And I am noticing profound synchronicities and joy from this and my teams often tell me; 'you're not dreaming big enough, go BIGGER!' 

It is really key at this time dear ones, to reflect upon what type, what feeling, what vision, what sensations of love and joy do you have for yourself, our planet, our collective in the coming days, months, years.
We all get to choose; choosing from a place of despair or fear will perpetuate this in your future and / or can you allow the deepening of your power to create and bring forth a joyful perspective and outlook for your new earth and what it feels like, the vision of its newly enriched tree's and soil, and how humanity behaves and interacts; caring, sharing, healing and helping one another in new and enlightened ways.
When you are centered, relaxed, and within your heart, ask and call forth all of your multi-dimensional sensory systems to begin co-creating your new earth life; envision, smell, colours, textures, imaginings beyond what our senses think; you don't have to know; simply ask your teams and higher self to guide you deeper into your Christic toolkit that is waiting for your activation and why we each come with unique and creative blessings to do just this.

Gaia, our collective, the Heavens, all is ready for our co-creative dreamy sense of joy and adventure. Be the child of Source and know you are infinite in all the ways you are here to create, heal, manifest, and explore all that you are in new and expansively profound ways.
There is such profound power that we each - for those that so desire and are keen on a consciously creative future - to set time aside and pray, commune, reflect, and intend what future and how it feels, looks, and is vibrationally to help the catalyst of our human healing, in Oneness and in unity and greater health in which fear and unfolding's do not and no longer topple us.

I visualize humanity helping humanity, dancing, singing, being of joy with nature, and honouring the gifts that all life offers with little ailments, and troubles to pull us down; we live in gratitude and excitement to help, to heal and bless others; a unified family of care and compassion.

Humanity filled in light, humanity healthy and all babies with good food to eat and care-takers sharing, caring, healing those in need, our planet singing with us, caring for our bodies in new ways, living in joy rather than living to work and working to live; State of being, rather than 'doing' 
Reflect dear ones; we are co-creating our future. You are a master dreamer ~ time to use your creative joy-kit and visualize and wish big! Every moment we are creating our next reality experience; literally - building it from scratch collectively and we are all entangled within a quantum God-soup of the infinite and most lush potential; so how and what may we truly stretch beyond what was and begin purity in NEW NOW NEW EARTH.
How do you want your ascension to look and feel like?
Dream big,
Humanity needs you! 
A good dream is a wish, and Source, the Universe is always listening; 
For those that so desire, join us in a sacred light language healing song that I was inspired to bring forth in the joy and happiness to boost and co-create a new 5D Loop frequency; we are meant to be and live joyfully ~ here is our Christic vibrational offering in sound healing and song;

Youtube Channel - Universal Love Light and Heavenly Radiance Shamanic Tarot and Sound Healing

Blessings and light,
Joanna L Ross