Thursday, 16 January 2020

Refining & Raising Your Vibration through Higher Truth ~ Ascension

Refining Your Innate Vibration VIA truth
How can you live more purely as love?
What and how often and how truthful can you be in all moments? Ascension requires authentic truth. What was 'ok' last week, may not be ok today as far as the behaviour, the words, the way we walk about; for unity consciousness is the living of Oneness, and that all affects the all.
Ascension requires us to transmute density; through our all essence; physical, mental, emotional, etheric, chakra's and so on.  As you ascend, shift, and transmute, your truths become refined to a higher vibratory sense and state of being; vibration and why change always follows the living of a refinement of 'truth.'

In this Divine human experience, we are each being offered the opportunity to ever-refine our vibrations through refining our beliefs, our perspectives, our values that shape what and how we behave and are able to co-create.
Ex; truth; If there is a mistruth, or lack of honesty may be hidden from others; the vibration of mistruth, the dishonesty affects the integrity of the community, of the soul. Why the soul, the higher self, will continue to bring forth lessons, in various manners, in various ways to give the personality the free will to seek within and unveil a greater truth. 

That is why, as higher vibrational communities are constructed, and the socio-economic restructuring has begun, nothing can remain hidden. Empaths, telepathic, and consciously awake people and know the vibration of truth. We can see beyond what is said, and thus the experience will be based on what each come to the table with. If the intention is to live in a truthful and honest manner, within and without will be received. 
Why the path of ascension will always see transitions, friendships and relationships shifting; for as you live more purely within your truth, you will innately resonate to magnetize and propel what is and isn't in unified match. It is a natural process and oftentimes, tough decisions must be made to stand in your power and honour your higher truth. These are the experiences that allow you to continually pave the path of deeper, richer, higher love.

Trust in the path of the unveiling to greater truth.
It may not be an easy path at first to own, acknowledge and discover your own strength within this journey, but it is the only way to live purely in your own sense of soulful becoming.
Live Truthfully by examining, discerning your values, what is important, and trusting the higher self, the nudges, the gifts that present themselves for you to speak, live, and be fully within a higher vibratory essence of you; thus reshaping your reality experience, and the ALL.
The true and infinite way to peace is through the living of your own soulful truth.

The soul knows your highest path and path of integrity. 

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The experiences each day show you how to 'deep dive' to rediscover and choose self-value, self-love, and self-joy as all mistruths are released to a higher vibration within the cosmic soup of Source.
And so it is.
Blessings and light,

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