Greetings and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Powerful right?
Like no other right?
You bet!
We are gifted with energies and potentials like no other time in human history.
So how to begin? A new year, a new day, a new beginning.
When you awake, begin there.
Begin with love.
Begin with a centering to know yourself as profound Universal love and a joy of the child to explore, express, and experience the vastness that IS you within the ALL, just awaiting your entanglement and acknowledgement of who you truly are.
Are you worthy of your most precious and greatest life ever?
Whatever it is you steer yourself to experience; should it not begin with self-love?
Self-love innately brings the Divine soul tribe, abundance, and harmony to you; the Universe reverberates, and aligns for your highest and best; it is up to us to set the vibration within first, and thus then, comes from our self-care, our self-honour, our own desire to feel better.
'Today I will walk in my own knowingness that I am worthy of living and loving myself within new energies, new Divine light that at any moment, I can be bathed in Heavenly joy and love and reset anew. Today I will own, claim, and honour my vessel, the food and drink I will love to love me, the space, the movement, to love and be sacred as I AM. Today I will love myself and know, live, and be Divinely guided within my own light, my honour of this, and know the highest and best will be brought to me. And so it is.'
Know thyself.
Love thyself.
Cherish thyself.
The Universe spirals and entangles with the vibration that you are and emanate and so why not dance within your own sacred dance?
It takes courage dear ones, to move in a way that is unique and special and Divinely aligned in only the way that is right for you; I get it. If even you are the only one in prayer, or sacred communion, then so be it; you will be the emanation of light that you experience from this.
~ Our New Mastery Class - first one of the new year!
You allow others to see, to know, to feel your example of centeredness, of balance, of a clear and sacred space and with graciousness you lead the way in gentle and loving ways that work for you.
A new year, a new beginning; you get to choose!
An elegant dance awaits;
Blessings and sacred grace,
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