Absolutely know; empaths, intuitive, and crystals will require to attune to their bodies, their fields, and bringing all to harmony and peace;
We are amplified in all ways; to use these gifts to tap into the fields for healing and co-creating; these are necessary and profound gifts, but also require Divine and loving self-care.
As we accelerate, simple daily self care and strengthening your core, inner empowerment will be key to maintain multi-dimensional wellness, and as this is all new for all of us, may be a 'trial and let go' basis, for each person will require different tools, practices, and processes depending on what depth you have come to serve and help other with.
Akashic and earthly experiences serve. They are your lessons for teaching greater mastery within the vortex of light that you are - Mind, Bodies, Heart, Soul, all harmonizing to new levels of co-creation and all require your love, honour, blessing, and guidance to transmute and stand tall within your love-light.
* Daily clearing, meditation and peace
* Releasing the noise - TV, Radio, and other electronic distractions and discern what feels vibrant and light
* Healthy - water rich food, releasing as many additives as possible (the additives, can affect the mental body as well as the physical body, thus then affect the emotional body)
* Tune in and ask as you go to the fridge; what does my vessel of light desire? Your meditations will guide you; last night my teams sent images of blueberries and pineapple

* Greater quieter time, breath work for children and time to create with crafts, Gaia, and water
Our vessels are being refined in every way, and it requires new refinements in 5th dimensional living, constantly harmonizing with Gaia, with our higher angelic bodies, and anchoring here and now.
* Practice in love and desire to live as a fully aligned and well balanced light body = refinement of light
There is much coming to my own personal remembrances of flow, movement, sound, and light language for healing these bodies, so I will be offering all such activations on our new channel - Heavenly Radiance
Wellness, balance, peace, and Divine sacred joyful play
* How to 'let go?'
What is light refinement? What is light Quotient? What is ascension?
These are essentially attributes of our multi-dimensional 'ALLNESS' being transformed by the ALL and at a soul level, if you are reading this, you were tuning in to your own innate path of greater light alignment and awakening to liberate that which was dense in limitation to be refined and illuminated by light as you and your soul, your higher self, your teams, as the Heavenly-Earthly teams that process this cycle of light and love harmonization.
Evolution, our ascension, our light body unveiling is cyclical. We are constantly within cycles of awakening to new vibrations, new concepts, new light codes, and this all occurs as you can imagine at a multi-dimensional level.
So in a nut shell - Ascension is ever greater cycles of multi-dimensional experience of loving trust, exploration, and expression as Source in human form.
Therefore, it is a great beginning to first acknowledge yourself as such a dynamic light - human - spiritual being that can and does transmute and transcend or transform in all moments. How to do this mindfully and masterfully is the what humanity is currently in the throws of now.
Give yourself permission to 'let go' and surrender to your teams, your soul and your Higher Self, in direct alignment with the Divine Mind, the Mother Father Source Creator and know you will and always are guided to live in joyful play, happiness, and peace as well as monetary abundance. The sooner we learn to 'let go' and allow spirit to guide us, to live as souls and spirit, the smoother and less dramatic the ride will be.
It is when we resist through out-dated control patterns, beliefs, and / or habits that the ride becomes confusing, imbalanced, and very difficult.
Living in the 'NOW' requires that you surrender the lower mind, ego mind, the conditions, the limitations, and the control to constantly achieve what is seemingly 'safety' for your existence and know, higher knowing you are always ONE with LOVE and PEACE.
Connect with our weekly Shamanic Healing Tarot readings, sound, light language, and other healing offerings as I awaken and remember, and downloads are integrated, I will share forth accordingly.
Be soft and gentle with yourself and always discern what feels right for you. Be your best advocate for wellness and health in your own healing and seek the right qualified and professional care and know your teams, your soul, and Source, always seek the higher and best for you and the ALL.
Blessings and graceful joy,
Heavenly Radiance and Universal Love Light Youtube
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