Scriptures of Light
Article 1
In the beginning, there was a Divine blessing; Sacred ancestry, beauty, and Heavenly light, to birth a world rich in potential.
Peoples from all tribes, all systems brought forth their cultures, their wisdoms and ways, that all sang the coherent song of sanctity. Even in times of trouble, or challenge, they held fast to the core value of love, honour, and the respect for all. There was no divide. For millions of years, this was the way of life; ancestry so rich it spun portals of great wisdom and tapestry of magic.
In time, there became great loss of tradition and mistrust in ancient ways. Honour was passed over for efficiency and profit, and the lands became sick with exhaust and pollution.
The keys of light which you activate within, bring with it the similitude of Oneness; thus a remembrance of 'All for One, One for All,' and how honoured the souls and rich offerings you are shown serve you in more ways than initially presumed.
Sons and daughters of the Heavens, you are being birthed into new light, new land, new dawnings, and how may you reflect deeply upon the stories that which you wish to write and be a part of new earthly experiences?
You have the opportunity to begin anew, the Heavens gracing you with such generous glory and beauty in ways that will delight every cell within you. How may you reflect upon that which you wish to see for your world, your human family, and the new galactic home in which you will move?
Will you bring with you new deepened regard for all that IS love; will you bring the habits of the old, the pains of the past, or will you choose joy and sacred devotion? Devotion that is not steeped within service of obligation, but that which feeds the soul in graceful beauty and gentle travel. Devotion to the expansion and co-creation of beauty and love; love within beauty, and beauty within love.
We ask that you ponder these days of transference. We ask that you truly ponder what ways of being human can be released and a new elegance of co-creation be considered. There is a great and deep richness within the life you are exploring; how may this be your new found joy and palette of adventure?
We honour you in your steadfast discoveries and remembrances of Universal Oneness and unconditional benevolent love.
And so it is.
End of transmission.
Oracles and Scribes of Light,
Council of Twelve
* In my understanding, when we offered 'millions of years' in this article, I saw - sensed this meaning the culmination of many planets, many tribes, and systems in this now moment, as we are aware of our multi-dimensional ALLness.
Blessings and light,
January 29, 2020
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