Saturday, 2 February 2019

When All You Do is for the Love of You

When All You do is for the Love of You
There will be those on your journey,
This life, this journey, that invite you to go deeper
and to go wider, to a truly enriched level of who you are;
They ignite you,
They inspire you,
They love you,
They allow for you,
They accept you,
They honour you,
They show you that you are perfect, even when you are down; and in these moments, you glimpse at the depth through which Creation will never stop showing you that you are worthy, that you are loved, that you are readying yourself for the belief that changes reality and hearts of the All forever more;

There are those that allow you to open your souls door,
the codes, the purpose, the story, the elegance of you;
There are those that will ride every wave and hold you dear in all moments,
There are those that will feel and ride the ride with you, and those dear ones, are threaded with you on all realms, in, out, and through this glorious Universe;
For your heart is a mechanism of such profound quantum majesty;
There will be those that will invite you in and want to journey with you in authenticity and purity of the experience;
There are those dear ones, there are those;

All moments, raw, honouring, and bowing before you in the path that you carve; for they have utter faith in you, they believe in you; when you simply cannot see or feel what they do; you keep on keeping on, and you dig in, and go forth. Know that there will be a moment, the epiphany, the edge of you, through which you step into the unknown and rejoice it; when you transcend doing, and surrender into 'being.' 
Perhaps this ride was more than we thought. Perhaps this ride was far more than we thought. 
Perhaps the moments between moments are the richness that allow you to drop into that space, that place that is reserved and meant for only you and God; soul defining moments of undeniable grace and you are shifted within the elegance that is Source, LOVE, and the being of IT.

There are those dear ones, your soul, your teams, your guides, your higher self, your family here, family there, family that is bowing upon your perseverance and inner soft knowing that LOVE is the essence that carries and shapes every part of you. 
Believe within that the depths you carry to traverse every challenge with grace and true soulful power; for there is your soul beckoning you on and many more celebrating you as you do. 
There will be a moment, a moment of purity that touches and shifts every fibre of your being ness; and all that you do, all that you are simply is love. 

Love, this is the journey.
This love is you; this love, this journey, and those that honour you within it; 
And so it is,
Blessings and heartfelt grace for those on this authentic and Heavenly ride of love with me; we are family, we are One.

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