Tuesday, 12 February 2019

3 Simple, Easy Practices for Divine Re-Alignment ~ Preparing our Children's Future for Joy

Greetings dear lighted ones,
As we awaken, release, heal, deepen within our understanding of who are we, what do we exist within, and what exists within us each; we are masterfully navigating through the density into liberation and reunion of the soul. 
These can be offered to Divine children of all ages; for we are of the essence of the stars, cosmic love, Universal potential, multi-dimensional DNA, and the seed of Source Creator, therefore, every human, every human; has the potential as such. From the earliest of ages; it is our new higher task to live sacredly and bring forth such sacred inner truths to our human platform and as we do, every generation begins anew.

With the seed thoughts of profundity within, with seed thoughts of eternal and Christed illumination within them; cell-by-cell, and breath by breath, we ascend into the illuminated light body, the enlightened multi-dimensional Universal higher intellect being that lives through loving compassion and inner alignment. We are the very seed, the essence, the design, and the potential of Heavenly Source Creators in human form; how may we begin to offer such vastness in joy and celebration and loving value to our children? How may we begin? 
Mental Wellness & Rebalancing our Systems that Honour Rebalancing of our Collective
So many of the challenges that children face; the over-whelm they experience within is the misunderstanding between what inherently they know themselves to be; for they have come here in far greater awareness than we have, and yet there are no social hintings of their innate glowing Source Creator essence. There are few if any elements of their Divinehood taught or mused about in any aspect of the world, day, and when life events unfold, they go into immediate overwhelm and desperation in confusion or lack not knowing or understanding what truly resides within.

How may we offer with grand illuminated excitement the vastness of who we are as Universal humans; to tickle their inner senses and creative delights in their Universal truth of being-ness that will be the very gifts and skills needed to ever heighten our planetary placement within the stars of loving and benevolent evolutionary cycles.
Our youth today are moving through ascension as we are and yet there is no discussion or offerings of such profundity of our dynamic life potentials within any social experience. They feel the cycles of ascension and all that they exist within at such great intensities; so how may we begin to look at their challenges, their emotional pains, suffering, and misguided behaviours witin a higher Christic intellect, that is purely aligned within unconditional love, acceptance, allowance, soulful and spirited multi-dimensional truths? 

Worthy of creative and open-heart-felt consideration in deepening our understanding of what our children could benefit from before we judge or misread their experiential challenges; there are 3 primary facets of our multi-faceted essence that is fundamental to our existence and evolution; 1.) who are we, 2.) what do we exist within 3.) what exists within us each. If these 3 primary Divine truths are taken into consideration of any study and diagnosis practice for healing, we can then begin to bring greater awareness of our unique needs, desires, gifts, capabilities, and design as being eternal, quantum, multi-dimensional, and elegant beings with infinite possibilities to explore and heal within ourselves in this knowing. 

In the primary foundations of our existence, we then view ourselves more wholely. We are; physical, emotional, mental, etheric, and so much more; this is our Divinehood; multi-dimensional, expansive, eternal, highly quantum, and threaded within ~ without God consciousness; so how may our expansive and loving care, loving treatment, loving re-balancing begin in this way that can serve every body of life, cellular and etheric memory held within each? 

Where and how may we begin?  How may we release the old paradigms of out-dated arbitrary scoring systems that simply do not 'fit' within such dynamic beings of love and light; how may we release our need to define and place our children, ourselves within boxes of out-dated psycho-symptomatic prognosis that is followed with the same outdated lack of higher knowing to self-empowerment, self-healing, and the infinite power of God Consciousness within us.  

How may we begin to transcend and explore beyond what has been in fully, whole-self caring and nurturing?  If we truly desire a collective that resonates in unity, peace, harmony, balance, and joy of self, we must look within, we must fully release the old paradigms and begin to explore the whole multi-dimensional self and begin to ignite the value, the honour, the unconditional love and acceptance through which we were each birthed.  In our hearts, as parents, we know when care feels stiffled, old, out-dated, and when we become our best advocates for a higher resolve. 
We are stepping from the 'old' and now we must begin to openly discuss, bring to the table, honour, allow, and muse about how we can authentically and with higher integrity merge our own higher wisdom, higher intellect, medicinal appropriateness, wellness, balance, and perspectives of our potentials in a holistic Universal and Divinely multi-dimensional manner.  Serving the greater good means for the good of the All, and in this, we stir the Divine excitement to ever stretch and search within for higher order, higher enlightenment and expansive ways in which we behave and offer all that we are forth within our collective. We must break free of old paradigms and begin anew with the best of what was, re-ordering, re-examining, re-discovering, and opening our hearts where all higher knowledge exists and allowing the Divine to live through us as we begin to resolve our worlds most potent social wellness issues.

Thus, we have a ways to go, but we can begin. This is our Divine birthright and our much needed higher ignition to a more compassionate resolve in realigning to our most truthful Universal whole soulself.  How may we begin within the earliest of ages, within all moments of the remembrance of Source Creator within, our dynamic threading of the infinite, of our quantum and multi-dimensional array of gifts and talents that our children come here innately knowing but struggle to use the words and social practices that limit their expansiveness. 
May we begin now dear ones? May we begin to soften and open within our hearts and begin a global activation of higher Divine Christic resolve that honours the essence of Source Creator within us each and how within this unique quantum design is the element of Creational evolution that we each carry to explore, expand within, express uniquely and diversely, and most of all; experience with Source in our remembrance of our Divinehood.  This is our 'now' moment collective task of healing. How may we heal these imbalances within ourselves, and offering the blessings forth for all generations to come. Our children are in need of such empowerment of their Divinehood; at the earliest of ages, how may we begin to offer higher encouragement of their Creatorhood so that when challenges and even loss occur, they breathe, centre within Source, and honour their path with confidence and grace?

This is our new earthly task in bringing forth greater awareness, greater care, and kindness to our children and the paths they each walk and help us in our plaentary re-alignment. They are a tangible force of Divine love, and how may we offer them this grace in their capacity for light, wisdom, and Divine Creatorhood for healing and creating within them? This is our task dear ones, this is our task. 
A planetary journey of such magnitude cannot move through an entire array of ascension without every socio-economic structure being revisited and realigned to a higher benevolent resolve. We simply must begin with open hearts, compassionate hearts, and the purity of resolve that is for the greatest good of ALL; thus then, we align within our Christed and highest quantum potential and be offered Universal majesties of Oneness, support, Divine elegance, movement and fluidity of love to match. For we are fully aware and awake now; living sacredly is living purely within a soft and loving heart honouring and valuing all life and what this life offers to Creation. We are ONE. 

Here are 3 Simple & Natural ways to shift into your Divine & Heavenly quantum Christed essence-thus then aligning within our Christed Crystalline grids and Gaia's, humanities ascension plans and phases;
* Breathe ~ Your body, your cells, your multi-dimensional profundity requires sacred encoded breath to be lifted and directed by you - through breath-ALL is WELL
* Call In Divine Source Light ~ Light is alive. Light is love, light is moving, magnetized to that which calls unto It; Source within, Source without & we activate & entangle within It
* Affirm in your Centering; 'I am the path of stillness, I am the path of loving joy, I am the path of loving peace, and I Ground, I Anchor loving light.'
~ Affirmations affect us to our very core; at a multi-dimensional level; they are powerful and they work if one is pure with soft, loving intent, releasing all expectation of what the outcome may look like;
~~ For remember, the Universe, Creation, your Higher Self, Source Creator are the ultimate elegant designers of grace, miracles, and majesty; Any one desire of alchemic shifting when asked, intended through Source within, lived in pure knowingness of this entwinement; ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE 

These simple activities can shift your perspective, your reality within moments, and is our practice to open within our own unique and creative mastery;
Through all that you are, in your heart, in your center, in all timelines, in all moments, you are Source embodied.

You are, we are, the ALL is love, light, a Divine seed blessing of Source Creator, and therefore our potential resides within what this is in all of Its glory and exploration; as was always intended. We are doing more than re-centering ourselves when we are moving through an emotional release or healing, we are preparing our fields of play, our planetary experience for generations to come and we simply must begin. Simple, easy, and natural ways to shift the energetic vibration of your words, thoughts, dreams, wishes, and offering the same to all others.

How may we begin? How may we begin to gather sacredly and allow 'what was' to be disassembled and thoughtfully with great compassion, with great inner higher wisdom, to be organically threaded anew? We get to choose how our reality will be experienced; so how may we begin with love, care, compassion and our innate Oneness to be primary for the re-ignition to balance, harmony, wellness, peace, and self-love for all children henceforth? This is our human task and we are worthy and highly capable to bring forth anew!

Should not all of our future re-structuring begin within love, Oneness, and respect within the ALL that we are?
Our children are in need of this knowing. To know they are each unique, Divine, Heavenly, inspired and highly capable and unconditionally loved and accepted just as they are. Set the vibration for perfection of God, set the vibration for unconditional acceptance and love of self, and this will open the quantum fields around you to all others, and emanate the love of Source within. Begin with perfection, for in the eyes and heart of Source, we we each birthed and breathed in this way. This I know to be true.
How may we begin?

Feel into your Divine presence as you anchor to Gaia, with your human Oneness, with your Universal Oneness, in your Oneness and reunification with Source Creator; Inhale - as above, exhale - as below;
Join us for weekly FREE Global Oneness & Celebration Meditations, Monthly Ascension Classes, Ascension video's, resources, and books for the rebalancing and healing of the heart of family; aligning within the Christed Consciousness, potentials within the human Universal family.
And so it is,
Blessings and happy co-creations,


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