Saturday, 23 February 2019

Dig In ~ Time to Truly Create some Miracles

Greetings dear lighted ones,
How many are feeling the subtle 'strangeness' and uniqueness of our recent few months?
New right?

We have been moving through an ascension offering that is very grounding; some call this 'rooting' some call this 'digging in' or 'grounding' to a vibration upon earth that many; if you are highly sensitive, galactic in nature, high crystalline energy, will feel as if you are disorientated. Not quite here, not quite there;

Can we take a new perspective on this energy and really work within it? YES!
This is a Heavenly gift and blessing and highly alchemic and can be your power to transform within anew to awaken the destiny of your Divine soul blueprint within Creation, Gaia, and our human Oneness collective.

I personally have been feeling like I have never felt before; over the past few months, I have felt as if I am energetically transient. Not here, there, or anywhere; and bringing forth the energy of 'ok now what?'

Building within what I thought was, now letting go and 'now what?' We are shifting within new dimensional 'time-space' ascension potentials, and bringing forth the earthly, human Akash to heal, to transcend, to begin anew, but it is subtle and not really talked about.

This 'digging in' is very KEY and very important; many light workers have been working on higher ethereal energies, space-time, if you will and now we are asked to truly GROUND and begin co-creating upon earth; this historically has felt very uncomfortable and truly very fearful. We 'hold off' on getting too close, or too involved, and end up experiencing the 'in-between' energy of not really creating too much because our energy is not fully grounded and honoured what we are being offered here upon earth with Gaia, with nature, and with one another. 

The first step is acknowledging that we won't feel the way we have always felt; we are ascending into new paradigms of absolute NEWNESS and this is GOOD! We are meant to feel the flux and movement of the Divine living through us as this is what we have waited for, earned, and been transcending to open and honour ourselves within. How we feel moving about our human world and co-creating with one another is NEW. There are subtle energies, subtle stories unfolding and you may begin to feel the intricacies of this; you are not going crazy, you are opening within the energetic world of vastness that is you. 

What has caused the worry and uncertainty is the sensations of 'releasing the old paradigms' how you knew everything to be, and now the gates are before you but you don't feel like your 'old human self.' That's ok! Be gentle, be soft, be still, be allowing and accepting. Love will gentle you within this new feeling of reality experience. You are experiencing your new soft, loving reality and it is entirely different than any reality we have walked through. The outside material world may appear the same; but you will feel the softening, the heart-felt urging to go deeper, feel deeper, dig in, honour Gaia, and honour yourself within any one moment of release.

This can be shifted in a big way to release the energies that block this rooting, and how to activate the destiny to move on and dig in! Daily and frequent soft still reflection will be key to gain mastery within your grounding, portal, empowerment within the sacred alter --> Divine Sacred Heart, and your inner space with Source, that will be your growing world that will expand within as you do. You can connect, pin-point your energy here, and then see and experience your world without change as you begin to work with your energy and presence in this way. This is really transformative and what the Heavens means as; As within, so without; but we will feel, ignite, honour, and live within this in a very surreal way.

We are being offered a very sacred initiation of being the Oneness with Gaia and work with her in very intimate and elegant ways to bring forth what is needed; this is a unique and special Heavenly offering and what was designed within your soulful expression with Source Creator, with your teams, families, and earth energies of all timelines to thread anew. This is big! This is transformative, and really validates we are NEW!

Join me in our weekly FRIDAY Global meditation to activate our innate Gaia portals and sacred soul tribe group energy to ignite the healing, release, and honouring of what was as we spiral within a new Divine Song of Heavenly Earthly, Human co-creativity as the Christic human that we truly are.

Our website is changing to honour the communion, sacred gathering, and portal intention we set as a family of light, love, and Christic exploration; we have a 'SACRED SOUL TRIBE COMMUNITY' in which you can register for this; 1 time, and have access to our newsletter, video's, and audio's, and any free resource we create. The ULWHC registrations are within the intention of 'gathering sacredly' and no information will be used or transferred in any way; we have taken much time, thought, and consideration into our design of our offerings so that we are in the pure alignment of our soulful purpose and excitement to explore, express, and experience our Christic potentials in the most high; so feel free to browse, download, and listen as often as you wish. These soulful Divine intentions are held within all that we create; a platform, a portal for sacred gathering, sacred communion, and express, exploration, and the ignition of our Divine Christic essence within.

Our classes, free meditations, and Sacred Temple Journeys will be offered on the main page to click and register;

We have a lovely small team; Jenn, Petra, Manish, and myself to bring you all the energetic Christic resources, and offerings in the highest way possible; we honour and take great pleasure and joy in all that we are co-creating and feel the blessings and excitement from the Universe, so please feel free to take a tour and know that as we get more comfortable with constant change, so too will our site change to honour our ever-expansive growth.

Here is the link to our class that introduces this concept and what it can feel like, or sense into;

Join our community - only a 1 time sign up and you have infinite access to our ascension video's and meditations;

We hope you feel the inspirations of these new galactic and Universal energies that are nourishing our cells, atoms, and thought patterns; honour it, open to it, nurture it, value you and all that you are stepping into and be prepared to 'DIG IN.' Taking in new perspectives, Divine perspectives, sacred perspectives of grounding and how powerful these subtleties are in our ascension to new ground, new life, new experiences. Time to CREATE!

Blessings and great joy,

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