Thursday, 28 February 2019

Parenting Paradigm Shift ~ Understanding Multi-Dimensional Imbalances with Crystalline Children

Greetings dear lighted ones,
As a crystalline child myself, going through my awakening I never really knew why, how, and what my experiences would offer in way of a healing story and vibration to the whole; oftentimes it is not that we fully understand how, but that more importantly we honour in ourselves, honour in our unique gifts and threading within Creation so that we are able to truly expand and love ourselves within the many journeys we are here to co-create within.

I have been throughout my life, imbalanced in numerous and varied ways; the teenage years, even for the most stable of calm children can be a testament of inner metal and we each walk in through the challenges and stages to be what and who we are today because of it.  I am able to uniquely offer a crystalline perspective; one that is able to sense, feel, and create within the world of the unseen and offer this perspective forth in order that we truly pause and ponder on how we can create anew, serve within the whole anew, and open our hearts in compassion to the millions and millions of children now walking their multi-dimensional path with little or no resources helping them truly understand their infinite vastness within them.

How may we open within our hearts, minds, souls, and remember our own youth, and then bring forth the shifts, ascension energies, and newness of what our new generations are moving through to truly honour the path that many of our youth, children, walk?
Are we truly sensing into how we may offer NEW understanding of their needs for expression, wider perspective of knowing, communion in their ability to cope, to feel through, to understand their heightened shifted world? We have the opportunity; all of us that are awakened, or seeking higher understanding, deeper and more loving platforms for our children, to truly create something unique that will shift, change, and develop over time as we have; but to do so with their heightened abilities, capabilities, and crystalline genetics, DNA cosmic ALLness as their blessing to also share, offer, and gift back to a world they innately signed on to help transition and rebuild.  

Children don't often have to know the depths of their souls plan and why they came forth to play in such dynamic frequencies and world shifts, but it is key we as parents and as guides can break it down to entangle with their innate need to explore, to know, to understand who they are within the whole and then listen, honour, care for, empower them to seek the appropriate path in which their fullest expression with Source can be ignited. 

We are entering within an entirely new paradigm shift; as parents, teachers, and guides; this is NEW. 
It is no longer our role to tell, to restrict, to dictate, to regurgitate our lifetime and woes, or hinder through old world limitations; but to truly go within and as we resolve our individual limitations so too will we open and peek within a moments perspective of what crystalline children walk within and face in their every moment here upon a transitioning earth. 

Crystalline children move through life feeling the intensities of EVERYTHING
The question is; how may we bring the uniqueness of what they experience, who they are, the world as we transform it, and bring it to a multi-dimensional level that can serve in a natural healing unfolding. If they are sensing into even the most subtlest of energies, thoughts, emotions, and energies of those around them; I mean they are able to know what you are thinking; feeling, and struggling over at the energetic level and you may even notice as you walk around your home living and being as you do, that they will even begin finishing and completing your sentences.  So how may we begin to communicate, honour, laugh, and feel within our own vulnerabilities so that we create that stable foundation in which we no longer walk on 'egg shells' and open to these gifts in open communicative ways to rebuild and recreate anew that will SERVE the ALL involved.

Children need social associations that can be an outlet, a portal for them to not necessarily communicate or express, but to simply feel their unity, their union; these are so very important; as this is the exact offering that allows them to feel into 'Oneness.' For example; youth art classes, painting classes in nature, where although work independently, they can talk, socialize, and feel into their communion as they express their innate gifts, feelings, emotions through art. 
Understanding their innate needs, desires, and sensing that is beyond what any generation of human has experienced thus far is vitally important to help care, honour, and heal, for them to walk and explore their innateness with Source and Gaia and their collective. 

So many walk with such repressed emotions and thus then create other coping, depressive, and emotional-mental imbalances when their inner world is being uncared for can unveil. 
These are such profound times of exploration and human transformation; how may we transcend and begin with fun, creative, Christic tools to open new platforms for our generations to come; so many children are struggling with lack of understanding within their multi-dimensional bodies, understanding their world transitioning, and how to move through such intensities that honour and heal their path?

We can open our hearts, our minds, and view our ever changing world through the heart and know we are all worthy of higher vibrational resolve for generations, for our world; we are moving anew dear ones and for these conversations to even come forth; will assist in new ways to heal the heart of our human family. 
Some simple easy tips for opening the emotional portal for our children to begin their path of self-expression, self-understanding, and moving in new ways honouring and loving their uniqueness;
~ Sacred play and the use of essential oils; calming, joyful scents, soothing scents - our children are highly attuned; smell is a great easy way to soothe and bring joy to their environment - place an infuser in their room, or central place and have them pick an oil (some oils cannot be used on the skin, or can cause allergic reaction; simply read the bottle or box they come in) 
~ Essential oils affect the whole self - and why it is so very important we not only explore natural portals and Gaia offerings in our healing and rebalancing of our most prevalent illnesses mental and emotional strains that every person walks through
~ Herbs - what herbs are you intuitively drawn to when making smoothies; I use saffron and other herbs; (again, read and use as some herbs, good quality herbs are wonderful when used in appropriate dosage (saffron is a potent herb, so only use 5-7 strands p/drink)

~ Massage Oils - Massage their hands, feet with citrus oils, or lavender and playfully ask them to tune into what feelings, what stories come forth

~ This is also a great opening to explore our
Divine Goddess-Mother Gaia's gifts; Gaia is constantly speaking with us; we can, if we so desire, tune in and know that our healing is within her, all that she offers is done so out of Divine love and care for us;  plants, flowers, and herbs; getting their hyper sensitive sensing into the dirt, smell, play, create

Social Gatherings ~ kids can feel into their Oneness with others that are also moving through sensitive times, sensitive experiences; through play, through art, through song, how may we inspire these groups, councils, playful joining places for their exploration of Oneness; 

Transition Old World Food - there are alot of chemicals and additives in foods; when youth are moving through adolescent, hormones and other changes affect their behaviour and moods; it is key to bring awareness for their own awareness about their bodies; what is their body needing, wanting; roots and earth foods, leafy foods, nuts, berries, and really feel into the health quotient of even those foods labelled healthy - 'tofu' - my teams have showed me the visions of such dairy and non - dairy foods - the way, manner, and how such foods are processed and prepared may not be the healthiest and even can have a part in playing with hormones and challenge the body to digest and process.

All that unfolds allows us to shift within new heightened perspectives about mental, emotional, physical, and etheric wellness and balance; and how may we embrace such intimate and life-altering experiences and know these moments are ones that not only define and strengthen our character but also allow for the Heavenly healing of the heart of our entire human-Universal collective.
We cannot walk the emotional or earthly path for our children, but we can perceive and shift ourselves within about the profundity of what we are truly co-creating and begin with Heavenly hearts that are aligned purely and intentionally within Source Creator; this is the Christic element that sparks the light body, the healing, the transmutation to even the most traumatic personal journeys that we each walk.  

There is much we can open within dear ones, and our role is to empower, encourage, inspire new platforms to open and unfurl; so exciting! We are not redefining the entirety of psychiatry, or psychological ideologies, nor are we suggesting it is not needed. To truly tap into our most expansive potentials, we need to take the best of what was, and begin anew from a higher dimensional vibrational perspective. Honouring what was, blessing what was, appreciation of what was allows for the very highest potential to be placed before us in our seeking of anew. 

We are however suggesting that as we transition into new socio-economic systems of healing offerings and options, we combine what has always been within a new intuitive wholistic care potential that offers more natural resonance within-without as it was always intended and done for centuries within many sacred tribes and communities of higher vibrational sacred living.  
We are inspiring and igniting the need that we dig deeper, go wider, and move within higher resolve within Source for a more innately whole-self perspective so that we can bring a more creative and crystalline perspective to healing, to examining and We are beginning anew!

Our children, we, us, them, the ALL; we are worthy of these potentials and to truly perceive anew! For we are, the seed, the Divine essence of Source Creator and we are worthy of a new world perspective; In love, in health, in wellness, in balance;
And so it is,

Join our weekly FREE Global Light Anchoring and Meditation;
Saturday Afternoon ~ Monthly Sacred Toning Mastery Class
1:11pm MST
Blessings and graceful joy,

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Healing our Family ~ Light Within

Greetings dear lighted ones,
I have been practicing energy healing techniques in my home for a few years now; and I notice the difference within me, without in my home.

If we are seeking to make any adjustments in our world, it begins within; Holding thyself in the most high, and offer it forth to all others.

Within soft and loving moments of prayer, invocation, well wishes, and loving thoughts, our intentions, our compassionate action speaks volumes in the rippling affect we each have within Creation. Opening flow, potential, and loving possibilities for others to also feel into the light and love that they are.

When we can relax, release the worry, release the upset, and soak within 'ALL IS WELL' there is an alchemic Divine offering within the quantum 'Omni-present field' that truly opens through your own purity of intent to ride within love, allowance, and unconditional acceptance; love, light, potential, and all that is Divine designed for that being to be offered, felt, and known.

Visualize and honour all beings for their path that they are here to walk; as their path in all that it is, is ONE with Source, opening their own soul for its unique journey and destination of Divine choice and exploration. Our ego's concepts of what is right and wrong is what we are allowing spirit to heal through our own self-love, self-acceptance; to nurture and simply honour ourselves these gifts and inner peace first and foremost; opens the playing field for all others. In our presence of peace, offering of love, offer light, accepting the All as Divinely designed as you are; raising the vibration for potentials, possibilities, and new path ways to open for higher resolve and higher human honour.

Allowing, honouring, and accepting does not mean 'do nothing;' it means that we raise our understanding, our conscious awareness that knows there are souls destinies and lessons to unveil, to be walked, and to be nurtured as you nurture and walk within yours. This vibration of 'allowance' is the foundation of pure inner knowing and faith that we each, without exception, walk with Source Creator; God, and in this, we all have equal access and design to activate and ignite within our own unique timing and ways for the full potential of the souls needs and desires for mastery exploration. Allowance is the heart resonance, the heart centering that allows for a level playing field that is 'sacred and Divine' to be the foundation through which all self-love, self-acceptance can and will at some point be available for those ready and willing to seek within it and live it.

Empowering the Sacred Sanctuary for Our Children
As we guide and empower our special and unique children of light, as we empower, inspire, and remind them as often as we are able that they hold within them the answers, the guide, the resources of Source Creator, the life-affirming blessings that are held within breath and stillness; the more readily they will be able to tap into their inner sanctuary and work with their spiritual gifts as we have learned to do. Empowering this inner sanctuary and what this truly holds for each person to seek and explore, express and co-create within; IS the first step for activating an entirely new human paradigm that is based solely on Oneness, Union with the Creator, self-appreciation, and self-love.

With loving unconditional support, encouragement of the blessing that we each are, the unwaivering inner knowing that we are here to care, rekindle kindness, and unconditional acceptance for the evolution of who we are as an ascending human-Universal species worthy of such dimensional play and exploration. For know this dear lighted ones, in every moment that you choose with pure and soft intent to experience 'pure Source love' and how THIS experience of Creation is able to live through you; there will be the synchronistic Heavenly blessings that guide you into this deep and loving sanctuary to tend to, to sew within, to nurture, to heal within, and to commune within.

Hold the loving intention, allowance, that they will transcend, overcome, and see their own greatness and create a path of their own choosing and creative blessings. See the God, seek the God, know the God in all moments within all life and feel into the energies within relax, open, flow, and begin anew for a new Creational cycle.

We grow the most through each profound challenge; and we grow into the masters we are as we unveil our own inner courage to return to center and summon our light, summon our inner knowing, and what humanities reunion with Source is all about. We cannot stunt any path of this right to create their own mastery and reunion of higher resolve; we often take on ownership or responsibility that simply isn't ours to take on; and why we feel the anxiety and stress that we often feel as parents and caretakers.

Knowing when and how to set loving safe boundaries, so that all paths, all lives are respected, honoured, and allowed to live within the Divine Source blueprint that we each have painstakingly and so carefully designed.

Every hurdle that we each transcends allows for our own inner Divine character and mastery to build unto itself. This is a truly magical and special exciting path to carve; and how may we inspire and empower our children in this higher knowing of the infinite potentials that exist within them to transcend and know their inner path is worth taking?

There is Divine purpose. Release the upset and open a field of new quantum healing for yourself and all others. You are only responsible for your path; your happiness, your joy, and in doing so, this ripples the vibration of life and loving potential to all others.

These are simple and powerful ways in which we are able to shift the paradigm of our homes, our reality;
Purity and intent to hold the energy, the space, the intention of healing, love, harmony, and offer those in struggle, those in our circle, nature, Gaia, in the most high;
And so it is;

It takes but a moment to share your light, offer it forth, and in doing so offers such potentials and change to Creation. We are the light;  if we only set aside a few minutes every day, twice a day, before our feet even hit the floor, we set the vibration of loving Divine care, compassionate living, sacred living, and creating the golden field of higher dimensional play for the All within the All.  Raising the vibration of humanity and our value and self-worth is within us each. Only moments can change so much.  'Small shifts create grand change.' I often say this to my children when they feel stuck, flustered, or out of control of what is unfolding; 'Small shifts create grand change.' 

Never underestimate your power to create positive loving change. It is within you to seek, open within, allow, and invite the light and love to flow through you. This is human mastery in the making.
Blessings and graceful joy,


Ascension Inspiration ~ Big Shifts, Big Story, BE BOLD!

Ascension Inspiration ~ Knowing of Your Eternal Vastness
Take moments, minutes, higher choice every day, throughout your day to bring stillness, peace, and inner reflection of your own Divine Source truth of who you are, what you are here to carve and offer forth; regardless of what spirals around you, mastery is the Divine inner strength, inner will to transcend and ground, center, and know with unwavering commitment that there is a higher plan, a unique blessing that is YOU and how you unveil this, nurture, honour, and embrace this is each our path to walk, remember, rediscover for a new world that is in need of you.
You are the Creative blessing, the gift, the intention of joyful love that has been birthed by the Creator; within your DNA, within your cells, you are made of all worlds and Creation; there is nothing that you are not; how may this dance begin anew?
You are purposeful, you are needed.
There is rich and deep wisdom, intelligence, joy, and abundance within you;
There are infinite possibilities for you, that is you.
You are the awakening of joy within breath.
You are the inspiration of life within a footstep, 
Creation feels you,
Gaia knows you,
You are profound and dearly loved,
This I know to be true; 
And so it is,
~~~ Join us this coming Saturday for our Monthly Sacred Toning Ascension Mastery Class *

Tap into the God Consciousness fields within-without and begin to feel the refinement of your reality desires, and manifestations in the presence of your 'I AM' light body coming to life through you. Using sounds, tones, and our higher intelligence to move within ever-heightening global-galactic energies. 
We have some magical shifts coming up in March; our 5th and final 0 degrees moon energies, spring equinox, Uranus moving into Taurus, and the Creational ushering for our own unique soul song to be honoured and treasured as the gift that we each are. We are in highly creative energies; Taurus is an earthly energy, grounding, deeply rich and sensual within the senses; feeling the magnification of love, being loved, and seeking love and beauty in all things, in all beings; and with Uranus now moving into Taurus for 7 years, we can see the number uniqueness, amplifications, unexpected shifts, big energy supporting our entanglement with Gaia, with one another in all ways.

New beginnings dear ones, new beginnings, and how may we each take pause, take honour, feel into our sacredness and truly allow the Divine Source to live within our every word, our every action, our centred desires to live the authentic bold life we deserve and are worthy of?  This is our time to shine dear ones, you have prepared many lifetimes for this! Be bold, your story is about to get a boost of Divine, earthly, and Heavenly gold dust to share and delight you in new ways; are you open, are you ready for the unexpected, are you feeling the deserving and worthiness of receipt of Source perfection?  This is your story; how may you begin?

Open your hearts, dream big, stretch out and way up, this is your time to shine!
And so it is,

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Dig In ~ Time to Truly Create some Miracles

Greetings dear lighted ones,
How many are feeling the subtle 'strangeness' and uniqueness of our recent few months?
New right?

We have been moving through an ascension offering that is very grounding; some call this 'rooting' some call this 'digging in' or 'grounding' to a vibration upon earth that many; if you are highly sensitive, galactic in nature, high crystalline energy, will feel as if you are disorientated. Not quite here, not quite there;

Can we take a new perspective on this energy and really work within it? YES!
This is a Heavenly gift and blessing and highly alchemic and can be your power to transform within anew to awaken the destiny of your Divine soul blueprint within Creation, Gaia, and our human Oneness collective.

I personally have been feeling like I have never felt before; over the past few months, I have felt as if I am energetically transient. Not here, there, or anywhere; and bringing forth the energy of 'ok now what?'

Building within what I thought was, now letting go and 'now what?' We are shifting within new dimensional 'time-space' ascension potentials, and bringing forth the earthly, human Akash to heal, to transcend, to begin anew, but it is subtle and not really talked about.

This 'digging in' is very KEY and very important; many light workers have been working on higher ethereal energies, space-time, if you will and now we are asked to truly GROUND and begin co-creating upon earth; this historically has felt very uncomfortable and truly very fearful. We 'hold off' on getting too close, or too involved, and end up experiencing the 'in-between' energy of not really creating too much because our energy is not fully grounded and honoured what we are being offered here upon earth with Gaia, with nature, and with one another. 

The first step is acknowledging that we won't feel the way we have always felt; we are ascending into new paradigms of absolute NEWNESS and this is GOOD! We are meant to feel the flux and movement of the Divine living through us as this is what we have waited for, earned, and been transcending to open and honour ourselves within. How we feel moving about our human world and co-creating with one another is NEW. There are subtle energies, subtle stories unfolding and you may begin to feel the intricacies of this; you are not going crazy, you are opening within the energetic world of vastness that is you. 

What has caused the worry and uncertainty is the sensations of 'releasing the old paradigms' how you knew everything to be, and now the gates are before you but you don't feel like your 'old human self.' That's ok! Be gentle, be soft, be still, be allowing and accepting. Love will gentle you within this new feeling of reality experience. You are experiencing your new soft, loving reality and it is entirely different than any reality we have walked through. The outside material world may appear the same; but you will feel the softening, the heart-felt urging to go deeper, feel deeper, dig in, honour Gaia, and honour yourself within any one moment of release.

This can be shifted in a big way to release the energies that block this rooting, and how to activate the destiny to move on and dig in! Daily and frequent soft still reflection will be key to gain mastery within your grounding, portal, empowerment within the sacred alter --> Divine Sacred Heart, and your inner space with Source, that will be your growing world that will expand within as you do. You can connect, pin-point your energy here, and then see and experience your world without change as you begin to work with your energy and presence in this way. This is really transformative and what the Heavens means as; As within, so without; but we will feel, ignite, honour, and live within this in a very surreal way.

We are being offered a very sacred initiation of being the Oneness with Gaia and work with her in very intimate and elegant ways to bring forth what is needed; this is a unique and special Heavenly offering and what was designed within your soulful expression with Source Creator, with your teams, families, and earth energies of all timelines to thread anew. This is big! This is transformative, and really validates we are NEW!

Join me in our weekly FRIDAY Global meditation to activate our innate Gaia portals and sacred soul tribe group energy to ignite the healing, release, and honouring of what was as we spiral within a new Divine Song of Heavenly Earthly, Human co-creativity as the Christic human that we truly are.

Our website is changing to honour the communion, sacred gathering, and portal intention we set as a family of light, love, and Christic exploration; we have a 'SACRED SOUL TRIBE COMMUNITY' in which you can register for this; 1 time, and have access to our newsletter, video's, and audio's, and any free resource we create. The ULWHC registrations are within the intention of 'gathering sacredly' and no information will be used or transferred in any way; we have taken much time, thought, and consideration into our design of our offerings so that we are in the pure alignment of our soulful purpose and excitement to explore, express, and experience our Christic potentials in the most high; so feel free to browse, download, and listen as often as you wish. These soulful Divine intentions are held within all that we create; a platform, a portal for sacred gathering, sacred communion, and express, exploration, and the ignition of our Divine Christic essence within.

Our classes, free meditations, and Sacred Temple Journeys will be offered on the main page to click and register;

We have a lovely small team; Jenn, Petra, Manish, and myself to bring you all the energetic Christic resources, and offerings in the highest way possible; we honour and take great pleasure and joy in all that we are co-creating and feel the blessings and excitement from the Universe, so please feel free to take a tour and know that as we get more comfortable with constant change, so too will our site change to honour our ever-expansive growth.

Here is the link to our class that introduces this concept and what it can feel like, or sense into;

Join our community - only a 1 time sign up and you have infinite access to our ascension video's and meditations;

We hope you feel the inspirations of these new galactic and Universal energies that are nourishing our cells, atoms, and thought patterns; honour it, open to it, nurture it, value you and all that you are stepping into and be prepared to 'DIG IN.' Taking in new perspectives, Divine perspectives, sacred perspectives of grounding and how powerful these subtleties are in our ascension to new ground, new life, new experiences. Time to CREATE!

Blessings and great joy,