Greetings dear lighted ones,
As a crystalline child myself, going through my awakening I never really knew why, how, and what my experiences would offer in way of a healing story and vibration to the whole; oftentimes it is not that we fully understand how, but that more importantly we honour in ourselves, honour in our unique gifts and threading within Creation so that we are able to truly expand and love ourselves within the many journeys we are here to co-create within.
I have been throughout my life, imbalanced in numerous and varied ways; the teenage years, even for the most stable of calm children can be a testament of inner metal and we each walk in through the challenges and stages to be what and who we are today because of it. I am able to uniquely offer a crystalline perspective; one that is able to sense, feel, and create within the world of the unseen and offer this perspective forth in order that we truly pause and ponder on how we can create anew, serve within the whole anew, and open our hearts in compassion to the millions and millions of children now walking their multi-dimensional path with little or no resources helping them truly understand their infinite vastness within them.
How may we open within our hearts, minds, souls, and remember our own youth, and then bring forth the shifts, ascension energies, and newness of what our new generations are moving through to truly honour the path that many of our youth, children, walk?
I have been throughout my life, imbalanced in numerous and varied ways; the teenage years, even for the most stable of calm children can be a testament of inner metal and we each walk in through the challenges and stages to be what and who we are today because of it. I am able to uniquely offer a crystalline perspective; one that is able to sense, feel, and create within the world of the unseen and offer this perspective forth in order that we truly pause and ponder on how we can create anew, serve within the whole anew, and open our hearts in compassion to the millions and millions of children now walking their multi-dimensional path with little or no resources helping them truly understand their infinite vastness within them.
How may we open within our hearts, minds, souls, and remember our own youth, and then bring forth the shifts, ascension energies, and newness of what our new generations are moving through to truly honour the path that many of our youth, children, walk?
Are we truly sensing into how we may offer NEW understanding of their needs for expression, wider perspective of knowing, communion in their ability to cope, to feel through, to understand their heightened shifted world? We have the opportunity; all of us that are awakened, or seeking higher understanding, deeper and more loving platforms for our children, to truly create something unique that will shift, change, and develop over time as we have; but to do so with their heightened abilities, capabilities, and crystalline genetics, DNA cosmic ALLness as their blessing to also share, offer, and gift back to a world they innately signed on to help transition and rebuild.
Children don't often have to know the depths of their souls plan and why they came forth to play in such dynamic frequencies and world shifts, but it is key we as parents and as guides can break it down to entangle with their innate need to explore, to know, to understand who they are within the whole and then listen, honour, care for, empower them to seek the appropriate path in which their fullest expression with Source can be ignited.
We are entering within an entirely new paradigm shift; as parents, teachers, and guides; this is NEW.
It is no longer our role to tell, to restrict, to dictate, to regurgitate our lifetime and woes, or hinder through old world limitations; but to truly go within and as we resolve our individual limitations so too will we open and peek within a moments perspective of what crystalline children walk within and face in their every moment here upon a transitioning earth.
Crystalline children move through life feeling the intensities of EVERYTHING
The question is; how may we bring the uniqueness of what they experience, who they are, the world as we transform it, and bring it to a multi-dimensional level that can serve in a natural healing unfolding. If they are sensing into even the most subtlest of energies, thoughts, emotions, and energies of those around them; I mean they are able to know what you are thinking; feeling, and struggling over at the energetic level and you may even notice as you walk around your home living and being as you do, that they will even begin finishing and completing your sentences. So how may we begin to communicate, honour, laugh, and feel within our own vulnerabilities so that we create that stable foundation in which we no longer walk on 'egg shells' and open to these gifts in open communicative ways to rebuild and recreate anew that will SERVE the ALL involved.
Children need social associations that can be an outlet, a portal for them to not necessarily communicate or express, but to simply feel their unity, their union; these are so very important; as this is the exact offering that allows them to feel into 'Oneness.' For example; youth art classes, painting classes in nature, where although work independently, they can talk, socialize, and feel into their communion as they express their innate gifts, feelings, emotions through art.
Understanding their innate needs, desires, and sensing that is beyond what any generation of human has experienced thus far is vitally important to help care, honour, and heal, for them to walk and explore their innateness with Source and Gaia and their collective.
So many walk with such repressed emotions and thus then create other coping, depressive, and emotional-mental imbalances when their inner world is being uncared for can unveil.
These are such profound times of exploration and human transformation; how may we transcend and begin with fun, creative, Christic tools to open new platforms for our generations to come; so many children are struggling with lack of understanding within their multi-dimensional bodies, understanding their world transitioning, and how to move through such intensities that honour and heal their path?
We can open our hearts, our minds, and view our ever changing world through the heart and know we are all worthy of higher vibrational resolve for generations, for our world; we are moving anew dear ones and for these conversations to even come forth; will assist in new ways to heal the heart of our human family.
Some simple easy tips for opening the emotional portal for our children to begin their path of self-expression, self-understanding, and moving in new ways honouring and loving their uniqueness;
~ Sacred play and the use of essential oils; calming, joyful scents, soothing scents - our children are highly attuned; smell is a great easy way to soothe and bring joy to their environment - place an infuser in their room, or central place and have them pick an oil (some oils cannot be used on the skin, or can cause allergic reaction; simply read the bottle or box they come in)
~ Essential oils affect the whole self - and why it is so very important we not only explore natural portals and Gaia offerings in our healing and rebalancing of our most prevalent illnesses mental and emotional strains that every person walks through
~ Herbs - what herbs are you intuitively drawn to when making smoothies; I use saffron and other herbs; (again, read and use as some herbs, good quality herbs are wonderful when used in appropriate dosage (saffron is a potent herb, so only use 5-7 strands p/drink)
~ Massage Oils - Massage their hands, feet with citrus oils, or lavender and playfully ask them to tune into what feelings, what stories come forth
~ This is also a great opening to explore our Divine Goddess-Mother Gaia's gifts; Gaia is constantly speaking with us; we can, if we so desire, tune in and know that our healing is within her, all that she offers is done so out of Divine love and care for us; plants, flowers, and herbs; getting their hyper sensitive sensing into the dirt, smell, play, create
~ Social Gatherings ~ kids can feel into their Oneness with others that are also moving through sensitive times, sensitive experiences; through play, through art, through song, how may we inspire these groups, councils, playful joining places for their exploration of Oneness;
~ Transition Old World Food - there are alot of chemicals and additives in foods; when youth are moving through adolescent, hormones and other changes affect their behaviour and moods; it is key to bring awareness for their own awareness about their bodies; what is their body needing, wanting; roots and earth foods, leafy foods, nuts, berries, and really feel into the health quotient of even those foods labelled healthy - 'tofu' - my teams have showed me the visions of such dairy and non - dairy foods - the way, manner, and how such foods are processed and prepared may not be the healthiest and even can have a part in playing with hormones and challenge the body to digest and process.
All that unfolds allows us to shift within new heightened perspectives about mental, emotional, physical, and etheric wellness and balance; and how may we embrace such intimate and life-altering experiences and know these moments are ones that not only define and strengthen our character but also allow for the Heavenly healing of the heart of our entire human-Universal collective.
We cannot walk the emotional or earthly path for our children, but we can perceive and shift ourselves within about the profundity of what we are truly co-creating and begin with Heavenly hearts that are aligned purely and intentionally within Source Creator; this is the Christic element that sparks the light body, the healing, the transmutation to even the most traumatic personal journeys that we each walk.
There is much we can open within dear ones, and our role is to empower, encourage, inspire new platforms to open and unfurl; so exciting! We are not redefining the entirety of psychiatry, or psychological ideologies, nor are we suggesting it is not needed. To truly tap into our most expansive potentials, we need to take the best of what was, and begin anew from a higher dimensional vibrational perspective. Honouring what was, blessing what was, appreciation of what was allows for the very highest potential to be placed before us in our seeking of anew.
We are however suggesting that as we transition into new socio-economic systems of healing offerings and options, we combine what has always been within a new intuitive wholistic care potential that offers more natural resonance within-without as it was always intended and done for centuries within many sacred tribes and communities of higher vibrational sacred living.
We are inspiring and igniting the need that we dig deeper, go wider, and move within higher resolve within Source for a more innately whole-self perspective so that we can bring a more creative and crystalline perspective to healing, to examining and We are beginning anew!
Our children, we, us, them, the ALL; we are worthy of these potentials and to truly perceive anew! For we are, the seed, the Divine essence of Source Creator and we are worthy of a new world perspective; In love, in health, in wellness, in balance;
And so it is,
And so it is,
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1:11pm MST
1:11pm MST