Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Soak In Love

Welcome to the Divine Destiny of you....

Every moment you are offered the opportunity to claim your birthright to experience your own magnificence. You are MAGNIFICENT ~ 
Vast, light, loving, loved, expansive, intelligent, Heavenly, cosmic, compassionate, creative, and on and on, and .... Soak.
You are the embodiment of Source.
You carry the song of God within all words; in this knowing, how may you create? 
When words become truthful, soft & heartfelt & when actions meet & center with compassionate intent; the cells, wisdom, Godliness flow forth from the center of your being, and rainbow Christed light touches the ALL.
You are so Heavenly and Divine,
Awaken, inspire, soak, soften, invite, offer, open, and allow your vastness to truly play,
Blessings and graceful joy,

Gift yourself with Divine alignment ~ it is your mastery in love-light. ~ You are so dearly loved, Joanna

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