Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Golden Potentials ~ Possibilities ENDLESS!

Good morning dear lighted ones,
The brilliance, the genius, the eternal potential, essence, the vastness within;
Are you ready to return to a deeper inner knowing?
Are you ready to relax, surrender, and let go of what was?
Sitting within a moment of 'pure intent' ~ a vibration in which at its core; KNOWS you are threaded with Source.

There is a core particle, a core essence, a core vibration that is ALIVE and ready for you to activate this 'purity' that IS the catalyst to your entwinement with the ALL.

Intent, invocation, prayer, and purity of this 'action' is the flow of this eternal indescribable truth ~ you are threaded with Source; the ALL. We will take this one step further; what if our children knew of this, offered this for playful musing, what if our children began to explore such profound truths and their place within this at the earliest of ages? 

A seed, a spark, a Divine eternal essence of Source; YOU ARE.
What limitations are you ready to transmute, transform, and let go of?

How profound you are.
You are threaded within the genius of Source.
And so it is,
Blessings and great joy in this essence of loving truth,

In new beginnings, there are new stories and possibilities spiralling within a quantum field awaiting our co-creative intent and excitement to bring forth in manifestation.
Are you excited about the transformation upon our beloved Gaia? If you feel excited to be a part of this wave of light, wave of new crystalline potentials for our children, the sacred gathering of our soul family and peaceable life? We are joyfully musing, creating with light, intent, and grace in alignment with the Creator, Gaia, our future generations of cosmic birthing; if you feel the joy within to reach out, to donate, to be entangled within a new journey of co-creation, we are here and are so eternally grateful for our dancing within the Heavenly light of the greater good.

All resources, all video's, audio's, and healing wisdom centre materials are paid for, available because of our opening to the abundance of our hearts.

For those that feel the excitement and joy of sharing in our light and helping us share our light;

http://ULWHC.com ~ Donation Gifting * https://www.paypal.me/JoannaLRoss

~~> For those that so desire, here is our most recent KCOR archive when we dove deeply within the inspiration of cosmic, earthly, collective energetic story unfolding for humanity; And why we feel the way we feel, why we are moving through what we are moving through; 'Healing the Heart of Family'
This very important topic will be ongoing as it is the core foundation of our human healing, our human transcension, and a world through which light will be what all children hold within, dance upon;

EQUINOX EVENT ~ THIS WEEKEND! SUNDAY 23September, 5:55pm MST ~~> Register here; Meditation, Channel, Activation, and Universal Soulful Entanglement. http://ulwhc.com/fall-equinox-2018/

Blessings dear ones, blessings.


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