Saturday, 29 September 2018

Divine Templates of Love, Wisdom, Unity

Good morning dear lighted ones,
We go live this morning and if you are ready to step it up, open your heart, dive in, and begin anew; you have come to the right moment in time in which pure intent shift all things.
Can you feel the vibrations beneath your feet offering within a new human potential? The sands, the soils, the heartbeat of Gaia supporting you in your earthly desires for communion, joy, and loving entanglement. We will be spiralling within powerful number vibrations, encodings, and light language song and imaginings to usher in through our hearts the soul of All that we are birthing Gaia anew. 

Surrender within the majesties of the Heavens we are co-creating right here, right now.
How very exciting!
Here we go; join us live at 11:00am MST ~ First Contact, Healing the Heart of Family, Crystalline Children, Activating the Soul-OmniPresence alignment;
Blessings and great joy,

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