My Heart, My skin, My eyes, My song; You,your heart, your skin, your eyes, your song.
Uniquely offered, uniquely here, uniquely entwined from our awareness we are ONE. Diverse, unique, hearts 1.
How unique, how entangled, how similar, how profound our One Human Heart is as it pulses and creates within a new earthly home. We are healing the heart of family and how that feels, looks, and unveils is unique to you, through you, however know, dear brother, dear sister, we are ONE, and our thoughts, our words, our actions ripple in radiant joy throughout Creation as ONE!
Blessings and graceful joy,
* http://
Seeds of the same Creator
Saturday, 29 September 2018
Divine Templates of Love, Wisdom, Unity
Good morning dear lighted ones,
We go live this morning and if you are ready to step it up, open your heart, dive in, and begin anew; you have come to the right moment in time in which pure intent shift all things.
We go live this morning and if you are ready to step it up, open your heart, dive in, and begin anew; you have come to the right moment in time in which pure intent shift all things.
Can you feel the vibrations beneath your feet offering within a new human potential? The sands, the soils, the heartbeat of Gaia supporting you in your earthly desires for communion, joy, and loving entanglement. We will be spiralling within powerful number vibrations, encodings, and light language song and imaginings to usher in through our hearts the soul of All that we are birthing Gaia anew.
Surrender within the majesties of the Heavens we are co-creating right here, right now.
How very exciting!
Surrender within the majesties of the Heavens we are co-creating right here, right now.
How very exciting!
Here we go; join us live at 11:00am MST ~ First Contact, Healing the Heart of Family, Crystalline Children, Activating the Soul-OmniPresence alignment;
Blessings and great joy,
Blessings and great joy,
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Golden Potentials ~ Possibilities ENDLESS!
Good morning dear lighted ones,
The brilliance, the genius, the eternal potential, essence, the vastness within;
Are you ready to return to a deeper inner knowing?
Are you ready to relax, surrender, and let go of what was?
Sitting within a moment of 'pure intent' ~ a vibration in which at its core; KNOWS you are threaded with Source.
There is a core particle, a core essence, a core vibration that is ALIVE and ready for you to activate this 'purity' that IS the catalyst to your entwinement with the ALL.
Intent, invocation, prayer, and purity of this 'action' is the flow of this eternal indescribable truth ~ you are threaded with Source; the ALL. We will take this one step further; what if our children knew of this, offered this for playful musing, what if our children began to explore such profound truths and their place within this at the earliest of ages?
A seed, a spark, a Divine eternal essence of Source; YOU ARE.
What limitations are you ready to transmute, transform, and let go of?
How profound you are.
You are threaded within the genius of Source.
And so it is,
Blessings and great joy in this essence of loving truth,
In new beginnings, there are new stories and possibilities spiralling within a quantum field awaiting our co-creative intent and excitement to bring forth in manifestation.
Are you excited about the transformation upon our beloved Gaia? If you feel excited to be a part of this wave of light, wave of new crystalline potentials for our children, the sacred gathering of our soul family and peaceable life? We are joyfully musing, creating with light, intent, and grace in alignment with the Creator, Gaia, our future generations of cosmic birthing; if you feel the joy within to reach out, to donate, to be entangled within a new journey of co-creation, we are here and are so eternally grateful for our dancing within the Heavenly light of the greater good.
All resources, all video's, audio's, and healing wisdom centre materials are paid for, available because of our opening to the abundance of our hearts.
For those that feel the excitement and joy of sharing in our light and helping us share our light; ~ Donation Gifting *
~~> For those that so desire, here is our most recent KCOR archive when we dove deeply within the inspiration of cosmic, earthly, collective energetic story unfolding for humanity; And why we feel the way we feel, why we are moving through what we are moving through; 'Healing the Heart of Family'
This very important topic will be ongoing as it is the core foundation of our human healing, our human transcension, and a world through which light will be what all children hold within, dance upon;
* Healing the Heart of Family *
EQUINOX EVENT ~ THIS WEEKEND! SUNDAY 23September, 5:55pm MST ~~> Register here; Meditation, Channel, Activation, and Universal Soulful Entanglement.
Blessings dear ones, blessings.
Saturday, 15 September 2018
Healing the Heart of Family
Greetings dear lighted ones,
So excited to entangle and dance the dance of love & light with you all.
We go live at 11:00am MST
So excited to entangle and dance the dance of love & light with you all.
We go live at 11:00am MST
Join our Divine Sacred Soul Tribe of awakening humanity; a sacred space, energy, healing light of heart-felt family gathering in joy to co-create in harmony; your presence, your voice, your heart, your mind of joy and inner know of peace matter in every way.
The profundity of being an awakened human, we are so very blessed,
Here is our latest video from the 'Christ Consciousness Temple Teachings' episode #3
thank you to Jamie @ Awakening our Truth on all social platforms for sharing our light, our wisdom, and our passion to ignite love and peace, and unity throughout our Universal essence.
Blessings & graceful joy,
Thursday, 13 September 2018
The Blessing of Self-Honour
Why taking time and sacred space for self-love, self-honour opens and deepens the alignment to new grids, new Christ Consciousness, unity consciousness. We are here to explore ourselves AS love. And why our bodies feel what we feel, the multi-dimensional aspects aligning in love.
Gratitude on this Divine changing of the seasons, to Jamie @AwakeningourTruth, SoulsVortex on Twitter, YouTube, for helping share Divine Sacred Soul Tribe gatherings, meditations, and soulful entanglements.
Here is episode #2 - the Profundity of Self-Love, Self-Honour, and how this will open to our Christed vibrations within as God-Human Divine beings of light and love.
Blessings dear brother Jamie,
Join us for our Fall Equinox event and honouring of our new cosmic and galactic agreements,
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Soak In Love
Welcome to the Divine Destiny of you....
Every moment you are offered the opportunity to claim your birthright to experience your own magnificence. You are MAGNIFICENT ~
Vast, light, loving, loved, expansive, intelligent, Heavenly, cosmic, compassionate, creative, and on and on, and .... Soak.
You are the embodiment of Source.
You carry the song of God within all words; in this knowing, how may you create?
You carry the song of God within all words; in this knowing, how may you create?
When words become truthful, soft & heartfelt & when actions meet & center with compassionate intent; the cells, wisdom, Godliness flow forth from the center of your being, and rainbow Christed light touches the ALL.
You are so Heavenly and Divine,
Awaken, inspire, soak, soften, invite, offer, open, and allow your vastness to truly play,
Awaken, inspire, soak, soften, invite, offer, open, and allow your vastness to truly play,
Blessings and graceful joy,
Gift yourself with Divine alignment ~ it is your mastery in love-light. ~ You are so dearly loved, Joanna
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