Wednesday, 1 August 2018

You have Destined This Earthly Human Cosmic Experience

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We are entering into the most magnificent times of human Creation. 
In which our Divine inner light, our inner unique creative offerings are being blessed and accepted as we initiate a new human - cosmic paradigm. 
We are a rainbow tribe of cosmic destined collective. One human heart, one human-universal love, and we are here to manifest the Divine through All that we are. Expect the miracles and blessings that you ARE.
You have designed this magnificent unfolding.
You have a soulful blueprint that goes beyond and threaded within an eternal family of light fields, dimensions, and star planets of co-creators. 
You are a purposeful, you are a master.
Open to receive what already and always existing within,
Divinely radiant, gracefully joyful,
You are LOVE-Light.

Be gentle with your hearts and know you are worthy of the transformations that shift you into a realization that gives you the empowerment, free will, to choose the loving flow of the God Within. Surrender, Trust, Allow, Open Receive.

Blessings and graceful joy,
Join us in 1 week for our initiation of a new human paradigm; Divine Sacred Living * Lion's Gate * Diamond Heart Sanctuary 


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