Monday, 13 August 2018

Vibrational Change ~ Begins within Intent, Intuiting, Words, Stories

We are being ushered and inspired to use, to create, to begin a higher, wider, more vast array of vibrational communication. 
How we communicate is one of our key foundations of collective evolutionary readiness; and this begins by shifting our thoughts, our words, and how we intend those words in our everyday, every moment choices. 
Words, intent, spiritually Christed entanglement begins with loving, harmonic, honouring intent. To awaken each morning and intend honouring and love of thyself, of all others, of all life, this alone shifts the communication impulses that radiate from the All that you are. This emanation of you through consciousness intention, begins a quantum play within Creation that converges to align vibrational grace to return through you the All that you breathe with loving intent.

All that you are entangled with, all that exists within-without is threading with you, and how you live through your heart can shift every experience if you desire. Muse about the vibration of the word 'honour' ~ to open within pure intent to see, hear, and experience All life as God, honour All paths, and bless the All as you thread within it. 

ShiftingYour Reality
What words, what vibration spirals in excitement to leave your lips as it flows through Creation?  Sounds of joy, sounds of love, sounds of Creational harmonics being birthed through a recent DNA or alchemic activation bringing forth new cosmic light-sound healing, sound creation gifts that you never knew you had, but always ached for your heart to offer tones of love? 
How are you intuiting the vibrations and communication with nature? Are you softly awakening to the lush and rich essence, a tapestry of Heavenly vibrations of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence that exist in all moments ready for your mindful listening, your compassionate and excited heart to take notice?  What words will you masterfully and consciously choose that align with Source; eternal, loving, compassion, forgiving, unconditional, and creatively empowering and inspiring? For these words, your soft and loving intent has purpose, has impact, has profound and dynamic Creational affect; make no mistake about this.
Allow yourself and your children to soften within a Divine and Universal truth; there are no mistakes, there are no failures; there will always be creative and dynamic paths to explore love, explore choice, explore Creation, and to explore the God Within. It is fear, it is our lack and separation that boxes us within using the same limited speech, limited mind-set, and limited false sense of self that keeps the same treadmill of experience playing.

We are each here as conscious creators to transcend any and all societal imprints of limitations and fear; and what old world society deems as 'normal or success,' for in all moments of self-love, self-honour, we shift normal, we shift success and the vibrational meaning held within. Intent, emotional entanglement and flow with God is the breath that gives life to all words, to all actions, to all movement through Creation. So how may the loving flow of words, of your daily life, of your daily interactions shift your reality experience?  
There are negative and limited vibrations in all that we have been brought up within; social structures and how verbiage is used, how imprints are engrained within ALL facets of our earthly experience that we are each here to choose higher vibrational flowing sounds, aligned with the eternal, the God Within, and inspire, to empower our children to know they are limitless, they are infinite and profound.

We are the change we seek, and there is never a moment you are not threaded with God. All is Well, you will always be with God, for you are, I am, we are, One. 

Soften to the Call of God ~ Our KCOR weekend live ascension show, Universal etheric and global sacred soul tribe gathering in which we explore the limitations of our words held in limitation and the power we have to transcend and create anew. We are the system busters, and there are new reality experiences that are just aching for our Divinity to tap into and explore the vibrations of love-light held within All things-for God is, for you are.
* The Divine Sacred Gift ~ 
We are the ambassadors and care-takers of ourselves, our planet, and future galactic travel, sharing, and honouring of a playground beyond what we know now. Are you opening, softening, and allowing the vibrational quantum stories between words to soothe your soul and awaken what you know to be true within?

There are always soulful moments that we thread ourselves synchronicities, images, glyphs, and nature to awaken what sings to us in a rich and deeply loving soulful way. How may we shift our intentions, our loving offerings of 'honour' and open-hearted play within the words and actions we create? See how quickly your reality will shift within this Divine surrender; you are a master and this what you have come forth to ignite anew.  

How may you feel into the stories between the words, the softening within the offerings; for God is within it All, and as you intend, acknowledge, as you claim this Divine birthright, so too will you sense It, experience It, and swim within It.
We are awakening to our own limitless mindfulness; as conscious co-creators, masterful co-creators; Christed Divine children of God; balanced, aware, peaceable, excited, Sacredly aligned, and creatively blissful;
And so it is.

Blessings upon your graceful path,

'Will you reveal your rainbow light dear child? You are a rainbow bridge of Heavenly awe.'

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