Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Reality Shifts --> Perspective

Perceiving Yourself As Limitless

A shift in reality experience begins within the perspectives, intentions, and behaviours you have of thyself. 
As within, so without, as above, so below. The holographic truth of the ALL that we are truly are is the mystical path of loving exploration and experience with God, with Creation; and why these ancient truths have been taught and pass down within every tribe, ancient civilization, and mastery texts. 
You are made of the stars.
There is not one human that does not have Universal DNA that spans farther than the mind can comprehend.

We are Universal beings awakening to the profundity of how truly vast we are.
The stars are not outside of you, you are made of cosmic stardust and celestial-human light that is so ready to co-create!
This is evolution dear ones,
This is evolution.  We have all that we need to begin anew within. All tools, all gifts, all skills, and it is within Divine free will, empowerment for each, discernment, intelligence, and love to activate and use as the masters that we are to joyfully play and entangle in ways that allow for a new potential of galaxy, of planetary life to spawn and birth in ways that have never been birthed before. 

Blessings for your graceful and profound awakening,
Joanna L Ross


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