Sunday, 26 August 2018

Profundity of Inner Knowing ~ ALL IS WELL!

So Divinely pure with inner knowing God IS within.
We are remembering our Divine threading, and this means we are gifting ourselves every opportunity to 'let go' of all else that resides in resonance of limitation, fear, and control. Release, breathe, and know all is well within the unknown we are now stepping into.
In all dimensions, there is an aspect of Creator-God experience, reality experience through which one must move in utter Divine knowing 'All is Well'~this is the evolutionary thread that binds ALL One-present sacred service. Surrender & know all is well~JLR
Every master, every evolved being must walk through our beliefs, our perspectives about our 'eternal threading in unconditional love,' and this means we will present ourselves with all parts of the earthly cycle. Our awakening, our deepening in love will be present through each phase, each breath, as God is.
In all dimensions, there is an aspect of Creator-God experience, reality experience through which one must move in utter Divine knowing 'All is Well'~
This is the evolutionary thread that binds ALL One-present sacred service. Surrender & know all is well~JLR
Our live podcast from yesterday that mused and deepened our understanding on the 'Universal Destiny, Treasures of the Heart' and how threaded we are within the ALL, in all that we joyfully create NOW.
Hour II - Multi-Dimensional Parenting ~

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Going Farther, Wider, Deeper and joyfully with the Divine

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We go live this morning at 11:00am MST to explore the heart-felt joy in serving Creation through self-love, exploring the God Within, igniting new light fields to play within;
bring your notebooks and open within a Divine ready heart to swim and dance in new Universal ways that inspire love, unity, and harmony within the All. We will dive deeper within the treasures of the heart and commune with our celestial and Universal teams of light, angelics, and quantum families of love.
Hold thyself, Hold all others, All life, in the light and love of the Most High. For they are, For you are, Pure Divine Love. We are One.

#ascension #UniversalOneness #GodWithin

Friday, 24 August 2018

Hold Thyself in the Light of Most High

Hold thyself,
Hold all others, All life, in the light and love of the Most High.
For they are,
For you are,
Pure Divine Love.
We are One.
This is moment-for-moment unconditional love. Without condition, without any other reason than to hold the ALL in light. What you focus your thoughts, intent upon will manifest, and therefore how realities are created.

We are each living stories of Creational love.
We move through cycles of birth,ingathering,new thoughts, perspectives, behaviours, expanding within new, releasing, letting go, honouring death as an opening to prepare for birth. 
A Divine living story of love;
A Divine living story of light, exalting growth and joy in exploration of LOVE.
And so it is,
Blessings and graceful joy,
Join us for our weekly KCOR Live Ascension human potential global sacred living offering ~ we are, you are, I am, the All is; One.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

The Heart of Love ~ the All is CHANGED

For those that so desire,
Check out our new short inspiration on deepening your understanding about your own unique, innate light journey within the Christ consciousness and how this journey is the lightening, the creation of the light body.
We create a short video, audio of our core platform Divine offerings in all our sacred land events, sacred Universal explorations, and how we are awakening within the graciousness that is this Heavenly human ride.

Blessings with great joy and happiness,

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

God Beats Within

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We are tipping the scales of grasping the potential of human experience and it begins within understanding 'consciousness' ~ the eternal, infinite, ALL essence that is the God Within, the spirit of light-love spiralling within DNA, every bodily function, and brain mechanic.
Consciousness is. God is. Beyond dogma, beyond definition, beyond structure of structures. Omni-presence within.
How we perceive all that we are begins a new era of multi-dimensional awakening, thus bringing forth eons of ancient wisdoms, celestial mastery, and healing techniques that are not wrought in synthetic concoctions ~ WE ARE PROFOUND!
We are profound in our inner healing, Divine and Universal intelligence, and Cosmic Oneness. We are awakening to rebirth our world, our human family, and how may we step beyond the treadmill of social norm? 

Are you a maverick? Are you a way shower? Are you ready to begin anew and truly step beyond? Our highly intelligent new dynamic children need our stepping beyond 'what was' ~ for they are already far beyond 'what was.' Arise dear human, you are profound!

All that you are requires you to 'tune in' and nourish, nurture, bless, honour, and celebrate all that you are.  Offering an unconditional vast potential to our children, means that we must begin to perceive ourselves as our planet, our cosmos, and our Universe. Limitation begets limitation, vast dynamic Godly essence begets --> vast dynamic Godly essence! Free will honouring the path of the all and know there are no 'wrong choices,' or 'wrong paths.' You are always threaded with God. 

Your heart beats the joy of God. 
And so it is.

Blessings & Heavenly grace,


Saturday, 18 August 2018

Treasures of the Heart

Greetings dear lighted ones,
As promised, here is the channelled wisdoms, offerings from our etheric chamber
'Sacred Communion' ~ 18August2018

Title & Topics ~ Treasures of the Heart ~ A Resurrection of Joy

Treasures of the Heart,
Living from the Heart,
Softening within the Heart,
All affect, all shift, all are quantum experiences that shift you, shift your reality experience, and, therefore shifting the words, stories, and behaviours through which you live your life.

All mastery is achieved, experienced, through the softening of the heart.
The experiences of a master are truly held within the treasures of the heart.
For all portals, all blessings, all wisdoms, all Divine entanglement and gifts are breathed threaded through the heart.

When you live from the heart, with grace, with joy, with soft and truthful authentic measure,
you thread the Christ consciousness vibration within the words that you speak.
Softly intending to live in this way, will absolutely affect you, and affect your reality.
This is also why it is so very important to breathe and center within a soft and loving heart before you send forth the words that leave your lips.

Children will sense the intentional story before the words are spoken. Children will feel into the intentions, the imbalances, the wisdoms, the vibrational offering in your words, in your stories, and in your emulation. The All; All else feels, senses, and radiates in kind what you are now resonant of.  You set the vibration, and your reality follows suit. Whatever densities you are creating through limiting beliefs will show itself to you in your daily experiences and unfolding. This is how we are able to sense into a new perspective, a new moment to evolve, a new moment to soften, forgive, love, and create wholeness within.

Living from within a softness, A soft and loving heart is Christed in Its vibration.
The Christed vibration is Godly. How are you able to softly open and live sacredly? How may you create Divine Sacred balance within your physical temple, within the multi-dimensional bodies, or the familial temple of your home?

Living sacredly means that we love, live, and breathe within soft and gracious intent to own ourselves as SACRED.  In doing so, we open our Divine Sacred Hearts to the God Within and in all moments therein, we allow, we acknowledge God to live through us; not only in meditation moments, but in all moments. These are the multi-dimensional stories that we each send out, that we each manifest through, and it begins in our awareness of; who we are, what we exist within, and what exists within us. Living Sacredly, living within the intention of feeling 'treasured' will allow the portal of awakening to further you upon a sacred joyful path; for these are vibrational perspectives and will be felt. We alter the core of all that we are by creating a vibrational intention, potential, ushering in through our hearts that we are worthy, desiring of, already existing as love. Love is our core resonance harmonic. Love is eternal, infinite, multi-dimensional, and in this holographic perspective, is a multi-layered understanding; A Universal, an omni-present resonance, a song, a tone, a threading, an entanglement at many levels, and even when in a state of allowance and surrender, we are vibrationally a quantum story and movement of joyful potential, breathed straight from the Heart of God.  I am, we are, you are, a moving song of evolving love-light.

Through our awareness, we can begin to awaken sacredness within. Loving ourselves softly, with compassion, with honour, with forgiveness and patience, and in doing so, we emulate and emanate this to the All.

Grateful & Appreciative.
Filled with soulful integrity.

How may we live within new awakening moments to soften? How may I, me, softly love all that I am in this moment to feel, to hear, to intuit the vibration of God within, through the sacred practice and soft intentions I set forth from my heart? These are simple and profound ways to shift the core vibration of your beingness.

You are a quantum being of light, love, and potential, and how masterful you are at living within ITS grace, is the level to which you will explore the infinite blessings and gifts of the treasures of the heart. You further soften your heart through loving in all moments. Dropping softly to know love within, to feel love within, to speak love within, to vibrate and resonate in loving joy of purely being you. This is softening. These are masterful transformations of a new human-cosmic way of entanglement and behaving.  This is the awakening within a new level of spiritual human maturity, of new quantum and dynamic potentials, and all reality potentials sparked from the purity of loving intent, soft loving sacred play, and breathing with the inner knowing that God IS within.

All treasures are felt, found, experienced through the softening through love. A resurrection of joy through love, through softening within, and the releasing all that no longer serves in its separation, judgment, or fear. These are the infinite cycles of mastery dear ones, and we are ever reaching, ever sacred, and always evolving within higher, more expansive rungs within the vibrational eternal offerings of Creation.

How may you reveal and awaken to thyself how truly treasured and sacred you are?
How may you softly and lovingly intend stories of joy and Oneness within your daily unfolding?
How may you breathe within this glorious and infinite potential?  You are so dearly loved, and in this, you are offered the ALL that you need to truly know your sacredness and share it forth.  Divinely created, Divinely designed, and Divinely supported. And so it is.

May you enjoy our etheric chamber channels below.

Blessings and graceful joy dear ones,
Join us weekly for our loving entanglement within the ALL
KCOR Ascension Radio *

Treasures of the Heart
The Resurrection of Joy

Councils of Light
You are each held as sacred.
You are Divinely human sacred co-creators,
this is the treasure that you are in offering through love;
through your excitement, to explore, to serve, to experience yourself as 'treasured.'
We are in honour of you.

Shine forth your heart-felt treasures within,
You are creating light as we breathe this forth in doing so.
You are dearly loved and celebrated.
And so it is,

Source Creator
Heavenly Mother Father God

Dear Children,
How may we dance? 
All moments, 
held are you.
A treasure so unique within my heart,
You are the pulsation of Creation.
Treasured and true. 
I am held softly within.
So dearly loved are you,
My children of light and song.

The heart is where all treasures reside, and where all resurrection of joy will be found, felt, experienced, and released for the All to savour. 

May you all go in love, light, peace, joy, and know you are Divine treasures of the Heart of God.
And so it is.
Blessed be the softened sacred heart. 


Graceful Gatherings

Greetings everyone,

Join us at 11:00am MST for our weekly 'good news' gathering! As we align within the Heavens, our Divine Higher Selves, our celestial teams, and the ever-graceful Gaia for another week of igniting human potential to new lighted vibrations, we bring forth Divine wisdom and begin anew

Our etheric chamber & global sacred soul tribe gathering in the ethers, our hearts, and Creational waves of love;

We each are the spark that creates a new ripple of human reality experience, We are the change we seek.
Blessings and graceful joy,

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Reality Shifts --> Perspective

Perceiving Yourself As Limitless

A shift in reality experience begins within the perspectives, intentions, and behaviours you have of thyself. 
As within, so without, as above, so below. The holographic truth of the ALL that we are truly are is the mystical path of loving exploration and experience with God, with Creation; and why these ancient truths have been taught and pass down within every tribe, ancient civilization, and mastery texts. 
You are made of the stars.
There is not one human that does not have Universal DNA that spans farther than the mind can comprehend.

We are Universal beings awakening to the profundity of how truly vast we are.
The stars are not outside of you, you are made of cosmic stardust and celestial-human light that is so ready to co-create!
This is evolution dear ones,
This is evolution.  We have all that we need to begin anew within. All tools, all gifts, all skills, and it is within Divine free will, empowerment for each, discernment, intelligence, and love to activate and use as the masters that we are to joyfully play and entangle in ways that allow for a new potential of galaxy, of planetary life to spawn and birth in ways that have never been birthed before. 

Blessings for your graceful and profound awakening,
Joanna L Ross


Tuesday, 14 August 2018

You Neutralize All Darkness with Your Inner Love-Light

Greetings dear lighted ones,

Your inner love, light, pure intent is powerful.
Your presence alone can neutralize any darkness, any negativity.
Are you feeling true self-empowerment?
God is within.
Our awakening is that which we explore, we express this blissful journey of joy.
Fear is that which beckons love.
There is nothing to fear, for you are the God of all moments to shift the reality experience of ALL you create.  
You are truly and profoundly creative in love-light.
And so it is.
Blessings and graceful joy as you shine forth as the champion of your own light,