Thursday, 14 June 2018

Vibrationally Creating ~ New World Leaders, Ambassadors

The intentions, the thought forms, inner knowing and beliefs set the stage for the exact reality you experience. 
As guides, as empowerment specialists, masters of light, teachers, and ambassadors of a new earth harmonic sacred experience; we do not only know the energy we speak, but we also experience it. Creating the infinite, living within a state of being that IS limitless begins within a quantum interaction ~ FREE WILL to create through choice, self-loving entanglement, and behaving within the inter-weaving of Creational Source love.  Purity of will, purity of intent, purity inner faith that you are God within and all that you are able to excitedly explore, express, and create is the adventure and journey of love that IS our Divine birthright. 

Quantum mavericks are those, way-showers are those that clear the way through their own unique experience of living in new lighted ways of moving about and with Gaia, within one another, and within themselves. We are each Divine system-busters; living within an open Divine and sacred heart of inner faith, inner light, inner compassion that allows Creation to flow in such a way, miracles, majesty, and the light speaks for itself. This is the quantum catalyst that opens and releases, transmutes, loves any blocks, any density to a neutralized higher vibration and a grander field of play to open up.

To know, to behave, to entangle as the God-self, the infinite human self, and to offer such examples in living for all those around them.
Know of your Divine eternal state to always bring all moments to a higher capacity of experience and grand unfolding,
Blessings and joy,

Join us for our Gaia entangled Global-Universal Sacred Communion event in which we create and anchor new world light energies, potentials, and paradigms within our crystalline grids. Ceremony, celebration, toning, movement, group sacred sharing, meditation, and Gaia consciousness entanglement. **

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