Wednesday 13 June 2018

It is Required, It is Needed. Unique, Diverse, Soul Paths! Evolutionary.

The greatest impact we have upon our world, upon our collective is to truly be our most authentic, pure self.

It is our differences, it is our unique path, it is our unique and creative twist that we each have the birthright to create, express, explore, and profoundly offer forth and in doing so, evolution continues. 
We are so happy and excited to open our Divine Sacred Diamond Heart Sanctuary to all those who so desire to inspire & empower Sacred Living, new earth paradigms, and higher richer learning in the essence of the God-self, Christed self, and atonement to 5th dimensional light fields of play. 
Join us for our 08/08 Initiations, Sacred Play, Global Soul Gathering, and Universal Oneness retreat. Channels, light language, activities, soul sharing, and Gaia sacred exploration.
Never underestimate the power of being you.
Divine wisdom, Divine light, Divine love,
Love is.

Blessings and great joy,

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