Our reality is based solely upon collective agreements, timelines continuing in similar vibrational perspectives and beliefs, and the unique soul-personality awareness and potentiation that we each come with free will to design, masterfully create and co-create or not. There are the galactic-cosmic assistance for our entire Universe that is moving, shifting, and awakening to new levels of Creator Source potential, and thus then, our entire galaxy is affected. All aspects upon our planet will feel, sense, awaken, to such vibratory offerings from a galactic shift in space and cosmic ushering in of our Divinity, and thus then, so too will each of us have an opportunity to release the phases of behaviour that keep limitation and fear playing out in all the ways that we have experienced for eons.
Doors, portals, vortexes, and seemingly windows of opportunity are offered in a way to allow the 'hand of fate' and cross-roads to be seen so clearly that one chooses with profound inner knowing what path one desires to walk upon and co-create within; such are these times that we are feeling throughout this summer. To see, to know, to sense the phases and cycles that keep recycling the same density in unfolding and experiences so that we choose with great clarity what behaviour aligns with the open-unconditional Christed gridlines. These are the choices that in all moments, we are all being offered to serve and express and co-create within that align in loving hearts, compassionate action, and unity consciousness.
In all moments dear lighted ones, know that you are a master and you are showing yourself what is needed to step up into the 'unknown' and 'outside of the box' to allow for a Christed timeline experience that will no longer offer the density that has been recycled over and over and over making it appear as if 'nothing has changed.' Change begins within. Our global systems, our socio-economic structures, politics, and how we operate within an newly awakened world; every one of them, will be showered with the love and devotion that each one of us has felt transform our every cell to a new level of awareness, awakening and within action and compassionate sacred living that not only serves Gaia and Creation, but also serves our ascending human family ready to embark upon cosmic and galactic introductions.
How may you co-create?
I am also offering forth; Our weekly podcast of our global, Universal ascension show, and how Divinely inspired we were to entangle and co-create with the various Universal teams, and beings with us.
Here are the topic highlights;
* Manifestation of Miracles ~ Weekly Ascension Offerings
~ A higher expansive perspective of what miracles truly are and how we are the crucible within the center of it. miracles are the ever-flowing love-light of all that we are, and our sign-post of the energy vibration, Divine worthiness, and potentials that we each, ALL, are in our birthright of acknowledgement and awareness in Christed Creator-hood.
~ Our weekly entanglement and engagement with Gaia, nature, wildlife imagery to awaken the crystalline grids and energy quantum webbing that we exist within, thus then activating the cellular, molecular, multi-dimensional ways in which we are able to entangle, weave, and thread ourselves within the All, and the ongoing conversation of love-light that is constantly taking place.
~ A surprise channel entanglement from a Pleiadian collective of children with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and how we expand our perspective that as we gather every week and sit to engage within an etheric remote quantum temple, so too do many other collectives in their meeting, gathering, and engaging to channel us.
June 9th - 2018 ~ Manifestation of Miracles ~ Entanglement with Gaia Consciousness
How Divine this incredible journey is and may we each walk and own our own unique light to step into a new phase that is completely and entirely 'outside the box' and into the unknown of a Christed light field of dynamic harmonic sacred play.** http://kcorradio.com/KCOR/Podcasts/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousness/2018/June/June-9-2018-Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousness-Joanna-L-Ross-KCOR-Digital-Radio-Network.mp3
Thank you for all that you are and in all that you know yourself to be, for this delightful, soft, and loving self-acceptance is the beginning through which portals of potential show you and mirror the miracles that exist within all moments; and so it is.
Blessings and great joy,
How Divine this incredible journey is and may we each walk and own our own unique light to step into a new phase that is completely and entirely 'outside the box' and into the unknown of a Christed light field of dynamic harmonic sacred play.** http://kcorradio.com/KCOR/Podcasts/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousness/2018/June/June-9-2018-Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousness-Joanna-L-Ross-KCOR-Digital-Radio-Network.mp3
Thank you for all that you are and in all that you know yourself to be, for this delightful, soft, and loving self-acceptance is the beginning through which portals of potential show you and mirror the miracles that exist within all moments; and so it is.
Blessings and great joy,
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