Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Look Up ~ Look Down, Look Out, You are there!

Oh Heavenly Human Cosmic Family of Light, of Divine Potential, and of Profound Universal Wisdom,
Are you excited yet.....
Empowering our children to explore, to expand within an earthly climate of light encoding like no other lifetime is unfolding as we speak. This morning on the way to my children's '1 day a week school' we mused about this very epiphany. Crystalline children awakening, parents awakening, families and wildlife awakening and all of Gaia's gifts all tuning in to this Divine dance of quantum unconditional love for the wonderment of the God within arising in prolific synchronicity. 
This unique, this incredible unveiling, may be felt in the most subtle of ways, the waves of shifting, the waves of delight, the waves of love and healing, all that an evolutionary cycle may offer, we are the forbearers of generations and hybrid communities that are celebrating and cheering as we place the letters upon this paper/portal now. All aspects, our childlike, our cosmic form, our angelic presence, our Heavenly essence; in any form, in any vibrational offering, we are the children of Source and we are sending the threadings to ignite anew now, now, now. 
You are awake, you are enlivened by what you sense within you, the potentiality, the desire, the innate yearning to be the fully exposed in spirit that you are able to. This is yearning of Divine discontent, in which you embrace the unveiling of light, love, and Heavenly encoding within all that you desire by free will, free choice, and all that you exist within.
Are you feeling great excitement dear ones? You are being ushered ever-closer to the God within; this Divine and Sacred Relationship that is YOU with you. You are the Greater, grander, Omni-presence essence drawing you near within the song of unconditional love of the All.
How so very Divine.
As are you; A Heavenly flower of Creation in full bloom! 

Look Up dear ones, look down, look out, and know you are within the stars, within the soil, within thy brothers and neighbours, sisters and brothers, you are there, you are here. Celebrate your Divine and Heavenly evolution and create something 'outside the box' ~ this is the catalyst to a new human paradigm and you are the usher of this. 

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