Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Harmonization is You Loving You!

Understanding our ever-eternal and infinite movement within the All, Sacred Union;
The sacred relationship of you with you within the All;
Sacred Union is the bringing into synthesis, the merging of the infinite aspects of you; in some manner, into this now vibration with mastery in knowing self-love, forgiveness, compassion & gratitude heal & expand the ALL in doing so
In all moments we are creating potentials to harmonize within our Allness.

The coming together, the unification of 'what was' to a new higher, wider, inclusive 'what is' and all veils are dropped.
Harmonize within the All of Creation that is a vibrational story of our own consciousness story, a playing out of our desires, lessons, gifts, and loving service to the All.
As we love, forgive, offer in compassion, so too do we expand out into new cycles of love light so that we may ever know, ever live within an open heart, we are One.
Here is our weekly live ascension offering and sacred global, Universal soul tribe gathering for those who so desire;

Blessings and great goodness,
The true gift of being a parent, guardian, care-giver, is that the energy, the love, the wisdom you gift, share, and offer is what you are offering in benevolence to you. For you are all aspects of what you see, what you experience before you and in this, there will the heart ignition of inner knowing when you see, sense, feel, know, and hear the compassion you gift to you in all you offer. 
Creation and the Universe arranges and converges for a return in all that you are ~ why not walk forth in knowing that your children, your family circle, your neighbours, your country brothren, are all aspects of the Oneness, the Unity that we are each here to harmonize and bring in to remember unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion.  In doing so, the All is healed. 

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