Wednesday, 2 May 2018

In Case You Needed A Reminder....

You are the essence of the Divine in human form.
You are the epitome of joy of Source Creator,
You are the elegance of thought, wish, dream, and colour, sent forth in a song from the heart of the Divine.
You are the intelligence of councils, of tribes, of cosmic brethren, sisterhood, and Divinehood in One,
There is dear ones, nothing that you are not.
In soft and loving hearts may these eternal gifts and blessings and joys of the elegance of you be present;

Breathe within your vastness and light of the Creator, for it is time that we lead with our hearts,
Create with our love-light,
Create in Heavenly jubilation for light fields of joyful exploration in ascending excitement to thread with our families far and wide,
We are ONE. 
Lend a hand, offer a smile, gift love-light in breath and in thoughtful heart-felt wishes, for it is all you.
Blessings for your majestic unfolding

Here is our most recent youtube alignment to soak within your grandness and as we prepare the earthly richness for our crystalline children, we open new paradigms of creative exploration and human-Heavenly joy. **
Join us every Saturday for our Universal Soul Tribe gathering as we dive deeper within activating our Divine Sacred Relationship and preparing the way for generations of crystalline children, crystalline You's, and a Universal evolution to cycle anew. *** #KCOR KCOR Digital Radio Network #UniversalUnityNewEArthConsciousness(11:00am - 1:00pm MST)…/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousn…

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