Friday, 10 February 2017

Sirian Song ~ We Are One!

Greetings dear ones,
Here is a short ascension channel of a tuning song from the Sirian Children I interpretted ~ enjoy and as we entangle we create greater unity and love with our Universal families. 
In listening to any high energy vibration, ensure you ground and balance in love and light ~ allowing the tones and sounds to soothe and soften the light within ~ 
Blessings and joy,

This is new for me to interpret song however I am sensing that because I sing with my kids at our 'lightship gazing window' they are sending us the love in our familial manner this way.  So lovely ~ 
I am practicing with greater tone, sound, and will be incorporated in our classes.  We are also going to prepare 'a beginner ascension' class for Crystalline Children of all ages, those that are newly awakened, or merely want to get their feet wet and begin Divine entanglement and discussion about light, balance of the human species, understanding male & female energy, and positive inclusion with all life and our Celestial family, Oneness and unity.  
This class will be geared for all children, and I am almost sure that all beings of light will also entangle within the etheric chamber to celebrate our unified ascension offering.  This class will be 45min., and packed with love, light, and a crucial beginning in allowing children to awaken & be included within this incredible evolutionary journey.

Stay tuned for this new class that will run regularly and geared for beginners, children, and family light exploration.  

Blessings and great joy,

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