Friday, 10 February 2017

Are YOU Ready? Big Energy Weekend!

Good morning dear golden ones,
What a profound week and weekend for co-creating with the Divine! Are you ready? 
Some profound energies spiralling in the Universal offering for us to entangle with and as many lightworkers and teachers are inspiring; create your own intuitive initiation and invocation of inner soul healing, self-love, and manifestation intentions for this weekend is going to be huge!

We have not only a full moon, eclipse, and the planets involved align in a sort of pyramid and once again, the Divine Yod is involved, not 1 but 2 Yods in this celestial alignment. This will explain the intensities that many have been moving through this week, especially the kids.  A perfect moment to practice Gaia grounding and beginning creative art projects with them to assist and inspire them to create in these big energies time, or even better; get them outside upon GAIA!

We will go live tomorrow after taking a week off for family events, but also the monthly ascension classes ~ we will tune in with our Universal Families as we rebirth into a loving energy for this unity frequency being offered. 

I will share a recording of a song that the Sirian children sang through to my field; and many other incredible unvielings.

Here is our link for these classes and will of course have a healing, alignment, meditation for these big energies ~

Blessings and great joy dear ones,
Celebrate, Embrace, Love, Explore, LOVE

Our weekly Ascension live radio show and link here;
KCOR Radio ~ New Earth Consciousness

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