Thursday, 9 February 2017

Family Breath of Life

Good morning everyone,
What wonderful energy we are entangling with and how our lightships and teams are with us every step of the way. With each new moon and full moon cycle, I can sense the change in energy around my house. The kids just seem to act with greater intensity and fervor and have to really focus their energy on breath and 'big picture' view, which in some respect is what we are all being called to do right now.
Breath is so very key and will be publishing an article today about the 'river of life' and how it is key and necessary for our survival and higher dimensional learning. 

We have our ascension classes this weekend and would love to entangle and commune for high energy learning, activations, alignments, and breath work. We will review more about the Divine Male and Female threading, inner temple and breath to inspire daily Oneness in all movement, for we are at the stage in which the master can now walk about life in an aligned and meditative state of awareness and state of being. It takes commitment and practice but can be done.  

This weekend is the ignition into new energy as we bring for the energy of the moon, Valentines day, and balance in the energy month of 2, with 10 of the year, and brings us into a very spiritual 12 = 3 which means that we are inspired and supported in every way to ignite new love, spirituality, inner knowing, self-clarity, confidence as you walk your authentic path.  And really, as a parent, isn't this all we truly want for our children?  Walk in peace, happiness of thyself, and explore your creative genius. When the inner spirit and soul is served, so too is the All. 
Join us for our class on Saturday, right after our live ascension radio show. Blessings and great joy for your magical unfolding.

Our first Family Ascension Crystalline Children global webinar is February 25th! YEAH! 
Join us for this Universal entanglement for 60min of enlightened discussion, practical ways to create unity and harmony within the home, and begin the Divine engagement with your celestial teams, conversation and dialogue with your kids and community for greater fluidity and flow in Oneness and peace and Universal love.  


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