How profound you are!
Make a WISH!
Follow your innate genius through you excitement, that is why we are sparked to life with such Divine encodations of excitement, joy, love, and entanglement ~ Benevolent beings, consciousness, systems, orchestrations all aligning for you, supporting, empowering, and creating with you ~ how entangled and sewn you are within Creation. You are always supported, you are always heard, you are always loved.
Make no mistake about this dear ones, the question is; how deeply do you know this, as a truth, as an unwaivering knowingness in which you surrender with unconditional trust into the ALL?
Tune in and just see what unfolds!
We will be talking about this on our show this morning and we often forget how lush, how vibrant, how ready the Universe is to support, empower, and unlock the creative genius that we are to CREATE and bring to life ~ so exciting!!!
Join us at 11:00am MST every Saturday morning for our weekly ascension radio shows as we dive within the etheric chamber and light energy of the Divine.
Join us for these weekly high vibrational temple offerings ~
Blessings and great joy,
Saturday, 25 February 2017
Friday, 24 February 2017
Future Now Earths
We oftentimes forget that all that we do now for our planet, with our children, and our community paves the way for our future now incarnations. We have all unique purpose and reason for being here, right here, right now, and as we inspire our children to walk authentically, as we inspire them to own their uniqueness and walk within it, we allow them to also give this essence to their children and day after day we alter the grids, the energetic imprints of human society in need of a new way to behave and 'BE' with one another and Creation. All that you do to inspire Oneness, Unity, harmony, and peace and love is the path you walk forth upon in other parallel earthly incarnations. Every thought, word, deed truly matters.
Why it is so very key to entangle, soak within the love, the light, the aliveness within all things ~ this is our sacred play, our sacred awareness and light reflections to all that we are creating and co-creating.
Thank you Ashten and Jamie for sharing our light, and for creating love visual and audio for our offerings.
Blessings and great joy,
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Allowing your Good to Come to You
Good morning dear lighted ones,
This weekend in our shows we will be bringing for the power and profundity of self-appreciation, exaltation, and allowance. This is so very key to allow our children the ability and awareness to create centeredness and the skill to 'know thyself' so that they can walk with liberation and confidence in who they are. Allowing, worthiness, self-love; all sound so easy right? However there are few that practice this on a consistent basis and why our world has been soaked within limitation for so long.
This weekend in our shows we will be bringing for the power and profundity of self-appreciation, exaltation, and allowance. This is so very key to allow our children the ability and awareness to create centeredness and the skill to 'know thyself' so that they can walk with liberation and confidence in who they are. Allowing, worthiness, self-love; all sound so easy right? However there are few that practice this on a consistent basis and why our world has been soaked within limitation for so long.
Intent and focus, loving with unconditional judgement, or pressure, can begin to allow the greatness within your field to see the shift in energy and see changes coming your way. The ability we each have to open up at the heart level and allow appears to be simply said, however when we walk about our day we often feel shifted and shaken about by the multi-tudes of energy bombarding our energetic space. This is why Mastery is Mastery.
Creating the steady pacing of light, knowing how to imbue love, light, and project it into your field, the future events,the future gifts making their way to you, and how you are able to refine the futures skills and wisdoms to better align with all you desire; why you are align with your Mastery. Now more than ever, it is so very important to create the vibration to sustain your sacred core vibration, knowingness of your worthiness. You are worthy, and how you show self-appreciation, ripples these intentions for what earthly frequency you create and experience.
Connect in with our new Sacred Temple page that will offer weekly audio sharing of wisdom, insights, tonal offerings, and meditative and alignment for your alignment. Like a Sacred Temple room, we empower you to explore light encoding intended in every audio, and allow your heart to sync in with your highest and best path.
Scroll to the middle of the page and click 'play'
The Universe is limitless and abundant and you are worthy of receiving and experiencing the good that available for your accepting and allowing of it.
Blessings and great joy,
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Worry Not Dear One, You have the Power
Good morning dear lighted ones,
How often have we sat quietly in our seats and worried away the day? How have we toiled about how bills will be paid and what food shall we buy or how we can move about and do what is in our hearts while keeping commitments and obligations to others.
How often have we sat quietly in our seats and worried away the day? How have we toiled about how bills will be paid and what food shall we buy or how we can move about and do what is in our hearts while keeping commitments and obligations to others.
These are truly the fleeting energies of old world vs new world, and how one creates the truth of oneself that shifts the reality to unfold the yearning of the heart.
The golden particles that are yet to be experienced, the future us if you will, and all that we are able to create begin now. Release the blocks that you create through worry, for the field is lush and ready for your making. Follow your heart in all ways, for it is the path to peace, destined treasures of why you are here to serve, explore, and gift to Creation. True riches to any manifestation can only be experienced through the heart, and we are here to realign with this in all ways.
Know that you are cradled. Know that the Heavens know what you need before you ask. If you walk in this knowingness, without waivering, your miracles will unveil with simplicity and pure Divinely essence.
Release the illusions dear ones, we are in new waters. There is abundance and joy in all things, for God is, light is, love is.
We are so excited to begin our Crystalline Children of All Ages ripple of light; join us to celebrate and bring forth a new beginning upon Gaia and our human family ~ how we may alter and shift and change the knowingness for our children to choose profound thought, reflection, creative genius, Oneness for the All. Worry not dear ones, for you are the All, the All of Abundance, health, wellness, and good. Worry not.
February 25th ~ Free Global TeleCast 60min.,
Blessings and great joy and celebration,
Come and entangle for private intuitive healing sessions, group sessions, group speaking and healing events, book signing, sacred tours, ascension global webinars ~ Arise golden ones, Arise!
Monday, 20 February 2017
Abundantly God Essence
Abundance is not something outside of you. Love is not something outside of you. Belonging is not something outside of you. Your value, your importance, your validity for being is a given, it is gifted within your DNA encoding. The Universe, Mother Father God are not superfluous in their Creation offerings, and this is the essence that we are remembering to awaken to, to own, to claim, and share the light that emanates when we atune to this Divine truth.
These are Universal truths and not to be triffled with, for it is why each and every one of us are here. Each child, each human, each aspect of life has Divine purpose, meaning, contribution, and importance. EVERY ONE! There is nothing left out of wholism, Oneness, Creation, the ALL. Nothing, and our ability to go within and allow this to come forth is why we are here upon this incredible path to reunification to Source. This innate transmutation of old to new, cell by cell, thought by thought, word by word allows a new template of grids, of potential to be born, in which new species, new future generations of earth humans are spiralling in new light because of the power and courage you have to walk within your light; even if you are the only one that appears to support you in your path.
You are incredibly entangled with so many beings, and at some point in your journey, you will love yourself enough to allow the veils to drop away and see, hear, sense, and feel the depth of love that Creation has for you and our unique path and lighted offering. You are needed, you are required, and you are so deeply loved.
May you always know within the depth of all that you are that you are a Divine golden essence of God. Always entangled with love, always sewn with love, always imbued with loving potential beyond your imagining. Go forth dear lighted one, dear required one; for you are the catalyst to so many beautiful unveilings within our galaxy and within Creation.
You are as abundantly rich in all things as you desire to align with it ~
How may you create?
How may you create?
Never underestimate your profundity to create, to align, to manifest. This is why you are here. To remember the innate wisdom, the innate toolkit, the Divine mastery that you hold within and begin anew
Create powerful new truths that align you with pure excitement to co-create, create with love, joy, and wisdom that takes you beyond all that you thought you knew and into the wisdom spiralling within.
We are integrating all lives, all skills, all wisdoms and a new Universal cycle is born.
Join us on the 25th for our FREE global telecast for the Crystalline Child of all Ages!
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Galactic Make Over
Good morning dear lighted ones,
Are you feeling the energetic shift of a new Universal bedding, galactic bedding, are you sensing a world much farther and wider than the global borders you have known yourself to exist within.
Are you feeling the energetic shift of a new Universal bedding, galactic bedding, are you sensing a world much farther and wider than the global borders you have known yourself to exist within.
Have you been sensing the incredible symptomology of this incredible light-body remake and the bedding that supports us to usher in new paradigms of human existence? That is what is truly happening.
Here is the link ~
Here is a new ascenion article ~ symptoms, love, grounding, symptoms! We are changing, and your vessel, your expanding intuitive skills will show you in every way ~ we are in NEW GALACTIC WATERS! CELEBRATE!
It is really key to remind your kids to have quiet reflection time, grounding time, and be aware of their connection to Gaia, and when they are connected and entangled, you will sense their hyperactivity slow down and be at the resonance of Gaia. Breath, grounding, and eating organic foods is so very key to balanced and centered inner systems and well being. Fun for everyone to practice and commune together in!
We are offering a 15% off coupon to all returning Private Session clients ~ Book now for your private intuitive healing session and invocate a new level of inner Divine love!
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Be Love
Good morning dear ones,
Oftentimes as a mother of three young kids I see and experience the growth phases with them as they move through their evolution. There is nothing that I don't miss in their feelings and emotions, and it truly is the most precious gift to experience. There is a Divine turning point in which every parent can step back and allow the life journey, the life path of their unfolding to occur without the constant tending and altering of their journey. It is the loving ability to empower and guide, support and inspire and then step back to allow them to knowingly walk forth and create within their own terms.
There is no one guidebook to be a great parent because we each have our unique and Divine way to explore, gift, and learn with the ones in which we contract with and with whom contract with us. We do so in a much higher state of knowing than that sitting here now, so why surrender and trust into the evolving contracts at the Divine level. I often tell my kids, 'you chose our family, you chose our connection and entanglement and you have ultimate control and creative genius to massage a life you want to experience.' Children crave the ability to know they are their own master and they are creators, and they can empower a profound life in the way they desire, not what would please their parents, but truly walk in their own light. It is what they can know they have within and can unveil, unleash, play, create, and walk in truth with. Uniquely their own and with their parents as loving unconditional guides to be a sounding board, a friend, an embracing parent in which love will always be found.
My kids often ask in their confusion of the world they experience, the world they see, and the world in which they exist, 'what is wrong with me momma?' When they move through their day and notice, sense, see, feel, and experience a reality that appears to be so different from what they are taught, shown, and feel within, causes this variance in perception and feeling of the self. They do not know that they are here to 'figure themselves out' just as we are as parents. They are not supposed to act and be like any other child, and / or be like us. The more they act truly who they are, the more normal they are, for normal is unique to each soul. Do you see how our worldly definitions have blocked us in a state of stagnancy and limitation. For a child to think they are merely 'normal' and have even normal be whatever is 'popular or current' at the moment. Review, reflect, and amend what words you use and carry about your conversations for all words carry vibration and to know what feels right for your current energy state is so very key. As we alter and shift, know, that we are creating higher vibrating words, musings, and expansive beginnings that have never been tested in human form. Have this be 'ok.'
We are here to create. We are here to create new words and new ways of being and this is our task at hand, make no mistake about it. Allow your children, allow yourself dear crystalline child of God to know you are unique, special, required, needed, and valued and if 'normal' means highly shiny, vibrant and here to make waves of light and newness, then so be it. You are the essence of God in every way, now how may you be you?
Allowing them the truth that is endless, infinite, and of their own creation is empowering. It can be a profound release within their hearts to simply get on with 'being.' They look to us as parents to set their hearts at ease about how normal and belonging they are. They look to us to show them what exists within, and to emulate this so that they too can know, regardless of what life situation they create for themselves, they are loved, whole, and belong to a Universal family far grander than any one person can know or see.
In all that your children ask of you, in all that you as a child ask of yourself, know you are here to create love for you. You are here to explore, expand, and experience love for you in such a way that allows you to open and integrate all worlds, all star systems, and all ancient earthly wisdom into this new now reality. Your children need to see your vulnerability, your humanness, your sensible way in which you love, and your infinite way in which you love, for this is what they take from you and walk forward with. They learn in greater ways from how you act, behave, and love thyself than any other teaching you gift, so be love.
You are here to create love,
You are here to experience and be love,
There is nothing that you are not, and in this Oneness you are within the center point of the All just as you are the heart beat, the pulse of love that is the center of you. Deep within is this centerpoint of profundity and Divine potential. You are this resonance and it is light, it is love.
Why the gateway of 11Feb that we just walked through was so ready to align us to return to what we know exists ~
Make no mistake about it ~ we are projecting into the fields the reality we desire and it is the golden bubbles of potentials and light,
Join us for our ascension global webinars, live ascension events, and personal and group healings, discussions, books, and public speaking, weekly love bursts of communion into the new.
We are a unique Universal blend of colors and potentials.
The new human paradigm unfolds…….
How may you create?
Blessings and great joy,
Sunday, 12 February 2017
Elixir of Oneness ~ Balance
Good morning dear lighted ones,
WOW ~ What an incredible day yesterday and feel as if I personally have moved through a new potential and the lucidity of a multi-dimensional new life. My personal intention last night in my full moon offering was one of unity, Universal Oneness and an earth potential in which our Universal families can live in open union and communal light.
WOW ~ What an incredible day yesterday and feel as if I personally have moved through a new potential and the lucidity of a multi-dimensional new life. My personal intention last night in my full moon offering was one of unity, Universal Oneness and an earth potential in which our Universal families can live in open union and communal light.
I woke after a very deep sleep and feel as if the Heavens are just upon the new meetings, the new synchronicities and graciousness that flows forth. So grateful!
The Elixir of Love
Enjoy the loving offering ~
Full Moon, Eclipse, 2 Finger Yod, 11, ~Symbolisms of the energy within this etheric communion.
Full Moon, Eclipse, 2 Finger Yod, 11, ~Symbolisms of the energy within this etheric communion.
Blessings and joy,
Stay tuned! We will be posting the details about our first 2017 Ascension Live Event ~ Tampa, with the brother of light ~ Jamie Hendon! We will spiral in love, light, and enlightenment musings in a fun way! Join us in Tampa ~
Saturday, 11 February 2017
Full Moon Eclipse ~ Mastery in ACTION! Celebrate
Create, Explore, Express, Embrace
This is the big energy of allowance & more self love as we soak within these profound full moon eclipse energy. The gateways and portals from the Divine for the love light offering to open within the true nature of your infinite potentials that reside within.
Allow your inner Goddess, your inner wisdom healer and shaman to come to life and bring forth the activations in your own unique and Divine way ~ your path is yours for the making and you can create blessings in any way you desire.
Join us tonight at 8:08pm MTN if you so desire for a 'in your home' remote FREE Divinity Celebration with Universal Unity and our teams.
Tune in to our live radio show this morning for more info;
Create, explore, have fun and be in joy within ALL that you are and celebrate this incredible journey, for it has brought you right here, right now!
Blessings in your Divine CreatorHood as an ascending human,
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