Friday 7 June 2024

The Bigger Pit to the Collective Shadow - Higher Intelligence is Needed to Heal it #5D healing humanity

 WE are spiritual beings

When you disregard spiritual laws, universal laws in which support all life - you will know it is returning and why would it not?

How is it ok that you lie, deceive, manipulate and force narratives daily for your own personal gain and think that the spiritual courts are not the highest ranking - especially of those that are here to take humanity to new levels - and who is it on any 3D level they play God on Gods plan?

When you think of God, Source, - do you think of vibration - all is vibration
Your acts
Your deeds
Your thoughts
All actions that you do, affects all in creation and affects the vibration and why we have universal laws

It is to each for all to speak the truth of their own personal story and stand in healing ways that stands up for your souls missions, passions, and how to bring balance, honour, higher ethics and codes of ethics and heavenly order and all beyond matter, physical things we use to go to for guidance - no 3D guidance will give you what you need in the ascension process - period

There is NOTHING that Is ever missed - my goodness - galaxies by the billions and God knows every spec of life
When we are set to ascend for an entire collective, the Akash, and good deeds, and energy any one person is naturally and of good will, that spec of life needs to be balanced and given to - that 1 light being affects so much life and none have any right to play - 'siphon' vampire that derails, delays, sacrifices and feeds an entire underground of sick and malicious exploiting - going against so many spiritual laws - so many laws were broken in my 1 case - and the imbalances of the entire children collective and DF collective - all must face what they have done

* so I get attacked, brought back to life only by Source 4 times due to the relentless attacks and BS to 1 DF -

* To this day - I have received nothing from any
* there has been much intention, money's wasting, holding back, trying to hide who I am and why
* there has been so much hatred and abuse by those that so wounded impaled me due to me refusing to be sold, bid, traded and be ok with sex rings of crime and debauchery to selfish feed them and have DF bow to the sickness of disrespect

* I have been attacked, derailed on every level - people in the 'Truman show' manner to through me off, attack, lie, scheme, plot, plan, and due to my blessings that God has offered, through my linage - the vultures, vampires, snakes, and harvesters will refuse to give and return - ITS NONE but mine and karma will keep impaled all - the vibration of that blessing is not for them - it is for me - and thus - all will be met with the ancestors and the daily mess they try to get out of their facing of their crimes, deeds of attacking 1 innocent DF healer -

A little insect animal healer -
All any had to do is heal and return what is legally and spiritually VIBRATIONALLY not theirs and why all, any images, any thing with my vibration that has not had any permissions, copyright approval - will be and recieve karma - all were told

Human rights,
Spiritual Rights
Universal Laws - that is our guiding force
All communication must go through my lawyer

So many human rights abuses and you cannot even count -
I am a psychic seer, multi-dimensional healer, creator, grid worker, healer and I see all energy and the story of what is energy and who, what, anything before me and what God shows me - I unpack, I pierce what is in 3D those conmen, master liars, thieves and master shapeshifers - thier tactics mean nothing to what energy story is plain and blatant - I read this - why I have been able to offer much for the crime and downloads that God simply channels to me and for those that watch my platform and need the info -

* I do not do any google research on any case or details or history - I only look, see, what God, Spirit shows me
My gifts are enhancing and I read more and more before me and I am learning how to expand in the expanding very complex vibrational threads one needs for healing - in templates and in collective planetary formats - I am a creator God and therefore I need such gifts and skills for creating - healing

IT is like threads of stories and no matter the practiced liar - I know truth
That is my role
I offer what GOD SAYS - 'bring these people that have hurt and harmed into their karma' it is time
None play God and the innocent will no longer be harmed -

God is my compass
I walk with the legions and they are my guides and protectors - why I have survived their mess and attacks

GOD IS the writer - I will speak what God offers
The past - #calgarycrimerings - all need to be psychologically assessed and there is far more global crimes connected with these people if the investigations were truly done thoroughly

All those that were paid to do voodoo, spells, and however ranked they think they are - all are seeing they are not and will be placed on their asses - losses, karma - none write on behalf of GOD - GET THE UNIVERSAL LAWS

I will call the corruption - none will get a free pass - all have to face thier karma

I am an animal healer, author, teacher, I am a seer for God, the last messenger - I do not play nor do spell work
I am master and have been here close to 900 lifetimes - I work within the multi-verse on behalf of all species -

I know who I am - they took me for an easy target and God allowed for enough time for as many to be pulled as possible - every city should have a covert task force that operate outside of the 'partially corrupt' systems and not tainted by such -

There were many so called officials, police, legal, bankers, and photoshopped, video - all such 100% lies and deceit and falsification on what they wanted to portray for thier deeds -

Deflection, projection is key on their - 'getting away wiht their dirty deeds'
* they veil themselves through spell work, and various energy tactics to cloak or veil their energy
* many of these beings hang around have children around them - for them to use and cloak such for their misdeeds
* some are very practiced liars - dogmatic abuses and shapeshifters - conmen, they pay other groups, people for their systematic abuse and targeting
* I was told that they recruit, have a recruiting systems, for their 'mind-scraping' and underground such activities that such are lured in like 'gay for pay' and begin their systematic deconsctruction of moral choices and begin the process of their derailment of the sacred
* they incorporate so called spiritual labelled people - and due to the lack of understanding on our planet about spirituality and gifts of spiritually inclined, and the biases of religions discriminations, 0 knowledge and what God, Source is and our energy to work with or abuses of -

* there are those high ranked witches paid by abusive warped masonic groups that are paid to assist in their targeting process and the warped masonic, satanic groups assisting in the 'sacrificing' for those bringing in the money, people, light workers, platforms, and so on for their 'hits' siphoning, harvesting
* the false talent agencies and entertainment type of 'talent' yet are darker portals for trafficking, expoitation for darker selfish gain -
The corruption goes very deep and wide - I simply read what is - for that is my role - it must be broken up to be healed - this is ascension and our evolution will not stop due to an underground disgusting mess of selling humans and sacred life - throwing off the entire balance of our galaxy

WE all must get this -

There are much, many made a lot of money exploiting me and my spiritual ranking, and power and light - while I sat homeless - they were ruthless in their thieving and were given years to make right and alter course - they spit on me and god and kept attacking - satan is their loyalty -

IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE --- > doing the right thing - truth and make it right - what you have done must be brought into balance of what intention you did it in -
I HAVE been given not a penny - while suffering daily in the darkness of attacks, memories, and PTSD I still have to heal from due to 100% selfish corrupt, arrogant, and misogynistic means

ALCHEMY and doing right, freeing your soul, spirit of the dark deeds - you choose to alchemize

It is not ok that I ration $20 a week and sit homeless while these selfish corrupt, cruel, mean, horrible cult people party and waste my money to keep me bullied and sick

MY WORK and have been blocked, veiled, and given made 0

Why you have a higher self
Your highest self is the only guides and will relentlessly in love guide you to return within and work on your inner vibration ~ your vibration dictates your reality -

You are 100% in control and can improve enhancements to your vibration by seeking what your personal ascension cycle offers, understanding the grace and wisdoms within your shadow, and healing your psyche wounding that all carry -

THANK YOU for donations - - - -

All are responsible for their 51% of their own 3D-5D karma and none will help, do, clear anything besides what is yours to clear - the wisdoms, the depths of Gods love for you is held within your moving through all karma - you would never want to rush, hurry, jump over - your karmic lessons and souls lessons - 

There is only the juice meat and potatoes to all that Source is in all of your experiences and why moving through your ascension process with grace, honour, presence, patience, and building with compassion intention to build expand your relationship and connection with your grander Source, God self - always offering you new codes, light, harmonizing and opportunities to bring you into higher light 

We are in a constant eternal spiral of growth and expansion 
WE are in constant in the self design, self nourishing, self blessing of you to you for you of you 

Spiritual expansion is our journey - we are meant to break through all limitations boundaries -
Blessings and light
Sessions available -

NONE HAVE TO STALK AND WATCH spy, - simply book a session
Show spirit respect and you will be equally respected - stop treating Gods sacred life and masters like we are meat and placed on a watchlist while the true criminals are walking around raping children and ripping apart healers lives -

Truth is truth #GOD is

Oneness is our destiny and beingness 
Creational reality And so be it Joanna © I am the 'Rising Sun' #ascension #healinghumanity May 24, 2024 As by the Systems of Light and Heavenly Councils for Orders of light, love, and eternal life Donations and offerings --->

After 6+ long unnecessary years of delays derailing and expenses ~ $50k + in legal fees that I did not have ~ Fighting for my voice rights ~ as of May 24, I am officially legally mentally spiritually everything - ally divorced liberated free and divinely independent Self reliant Self made Courts stamp Done ✅ Never again! The worst most horrible experiences with those that refuse to let you go ~ play with your life and pretend to ‘want the best’ for all ~ a load of crap 💩

I pray for the highest healing of all that went through this with me - - and deep gratitude for the handful that that were there ~~~  Now it’s finally done ✅ Never ever again! If anyone would love to donate in celebration of this incredible challenging barely Survivable experience ~~~ I would be so grateful ~ my New life finally begins Live and learn Officially alive again! I reclaim my power light voice life So be it I am that I am Thank you 🙏 God Amen amen 🙏 amen

The reconnection in love and blessedness of your breath with all matter is your Godliness and your free will What manifested is your own proof of the Source Creator Your own health and otherwise This is the blessing of movement of Source in all life of all life And so be it

None will make money off of my unique and coded work - I am the maker and channel of my work and all will be blocked and so - honour the system of BEING spiritual -

Donations and return of all monies and property stolen and taken, withheld - 
There will not be any possibility of redo, or recycling - Source, God is moving me and there will no longer be access to use and abuse

May 17, 2024 copyright © New Earth Laws of New Health, Growth, Higher Order Alignments for expansion of all life These are of sacred offering for the greater good on behalf of Systems of Light, Councils of Light, Galactic Federations And so be it Speak the voice of the innocent for the innocent All futures Now

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself

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