* the programs still within the collective that many sensitives are now experiencing of being targeted to stop, silence, and be thrown off - and much is a natural part of simply discerning and navigation of all energies as we all will have to learn and level up in 5D of what is the ALL beings, consciousness, and why the inner pillar of light and your own sense of self is so key
* not only was I the only one to survive such constant attacks
* I was the only one, the healer, to affect others that were not as lucky in the program and affected their warped mental mind scraping that had been done by such demonic cult like activity, practices, and mental projections
* I through the consciousness and codes I offer
- I was the only one to heal those that were targeting me
none will ever have an ounce of my life energy and path - the more targeting the more you will end up on Epstein earth and more karma to you and your lineage -
BEFORE - I HEALED THE ONES you turned against me - THAT IS GOD assholes - STAND BEFORE ME!!!
You don't think I know who I am???????
your file means nothing -
I sat homeless with nothing and healed those you turned demonic
* the lineages that have been known since the beginning of time, and I was one of the original seed, from the Pleiades, and all linages of earth timelines, I have been watched, sent constant monitoring spirits - some of my own teams and most of the so called 'enemies' that wanted and will do anything for the destruction - remaining in the not healing and what their part is to separation and discrimination
* I am the 'Rising Sun' and this is my Spiritual Name - take it up with God
I am of RA
I am of Source, God and I will sue, I will ensure, that every person and group, elite, government that will touch, have touched my life to silence the truth, the gentle sacredness of Gaia and the heavenly teachings of humanity as spirit - for spirit and all celestials - why my ancestors, and lightships are and will always be with me -

I will not conform to abuse and inhumane double standard treatments - the elite false, corrupt do and behave as utter criminals and the innocent, light, crystalline beings - all innocent and truth tellers - are abused and attacked - the earth energies will shift
- I will never conform to the egregious abuses - and this is not ok, never has been ok and as the world awakens
- I speak for the ones passed, and the ones abused and used - and tormented by governments that had 0 rights on any level and may all souls feel the equal equations of their actions and deeds
- there is not more ages for humanity to ascend and enter light timelines and evolve beyond conformity and being herded and lied to - controlled and destroyed for the benefit of the few - this is it
CONFORMITY - abuse of human expansion, human expression, spirited expression and the liberties of who we truly are is not of any sect to dominate and dismantle to their will and whim -
All upon earth is being called judgment - the false leaders - you called this unto yourself by treating the average person as your slave and the innocent light beings as your competition and threat -
I was the last messenger and all knew this - why the target and abuse was so horrendous and all will be held accountable -
Humanity is awakening - whistleblowers will continue, light workers will walk, and continue - I will not silence - my story is only 1 of billions of the abused and stories kept in secret files that none have any legal rights to have done, and keep doing
#epstein abuses - #eliteabuseprograms
#falseleaders - fewer daily will be ok with keeping lies for those that have spent 8 yrs targeting me for no reason - none of these people met me with exception of 1 fake client sent to siphon information and wisdom for the selling to the dark ass false witches and wounded souls that are ever so envious - jealous they cannot be light in their darkness - try healing......
I am of all aspects of creation as I have earned the harmonizing of the soul fragments -
My lineage - being taken from homes in the early 1800's and forced to be white, and white ways, the DF being erased and silent and unseen, unheard and not honoured in most of the modern world

* my linage is sacred royal and divine - and none will ever test, taunt, spell, voodoo, jar nor ever make me sway from the Divine Source Creator - of what I have chosen and my free will and have alchemized what is all that is me - the ascension path is earned - the shadow and the light for the grandeur of all-ness and gifts held herein
That is why those that choose to remain in unhealed and separated states will never have the power, spiritual prowess to be what a whole harmonized being is - it is all energetic equations - do the inner work
God blesses all with all that is imaginable and not imaginable -
All we have to do is love ourselves to be the alchemist of all that we are -
* No government and no agency, no person, no being with money has any right to be a part of any persons life forcibly or otherwise -
* I was told - that my parents did not understand and were manipulated into what they had agreed - and such their rights persuaded from them without the higher knowing -
* these groups, governments and agencies know how to say and offer to work and do what they do - as someone reaches 18 - whatever a parent has signed over - is nil and void and yet all were continually watching, spying, stalking, sending in hate, spell casting, voodoo, and the feeding the devil unhealed ones with hate, and mental mind scraping to make even more damaging targeting -
* systematic targeting derailing, diminishing, and psychological mess that is the intention to see how much, what will, weaponizing, dismantling, or rage, sexual confusions - whatever they wanted to test, taunt, and display and then pay groups, sects to watch, recruit others to target, stalk, keep an eye on and so on

* the lengths that these sick degrading beings sects, people that have 0 human rights -
* as a fully grown, integrated human - have 0 discussions with any that have ever had my rights, authority and permissions or agreement to every touch my life in any way
* every day I get up and I still send light, prayers and opportunity into the collective for hope, promise and power to the inner realm -
* the path of ascension is a challenging path in which one has to face 51% of ones shadow, harms, abuses, torments - and not only did I achieve this many years ago - I carried an entire city of density and transmuted it - the darkness that could have brought earth quakes and disease -
- I transmute the darkness and hate every day sent to me that can create violent storms and I sit with 0 and peace of what and how we are able to be peace - God the real God of behind and beyond all 3D notions and ideals -
- all within humanity has been corrupted - through the unhealed soul - soul fragments aching for your healing - I carry my soul - my soul carries me and we have been abused and tormented beyond reasoning - not only did I take on the burdens and trauma and darkness and heal it all - I was further tested and tormented by those that had known about me since birth - the sick psychological abuse, mental, emotional, spiritual attacking that does not let up - which no other human has survived -
NONE have any clue of what I have carried and I am treated like a lab rat - with 0 respect, grace and value while the deceit and manipulation of my ex and their poly sex coven seemed to be able to falsify and further torment me for the past 8 yrs while they pretend, hide, lie their secret underground satanic conjuring and play like they are community leaders -
#falseleaders - that was the plan - to have the #epstein like cloning of the idiots that are trained to defile and degrade a soul out of source - because all knew this was the only lifetime left to awaken humanity to Source
- let alone treat me like a caged idiot for the kicks and sick ass demonic control, domination of those utterly misaligned and on their way to hell for the lives, spirits, souls, and families, heritage and damages caused -
Not only does DF have the natural misogynistic abuses from 3000yrs of suppression and erasing - we have the additional ascension karma to clear like everyone else and then on top of that sick elite false degrading inhumane programs that have done the egregious with 0 rights on any level
* All will be sued and all will touched - Spirit, the Heavens, all ancestors are reclaiming what has been tormented, degraded, stolen, raped, - the first will be last, and last will be first
* Any records that have been touched on my name and my life and my soul - be it one thinks they destroy and cover up and dismantle what has been done so they think they are not accountable nor have to answer - GOD WILL and has seen known - and will pull all out and down -
All know for a very long time who I was - and the abuses continued for selfish corrupt immoral inhumane gain and diabolical mess of what all were called to take oaths and to serve and protect
* The rights the passageways of our spirit is to all to know when we are abused, call it - regardless of how powerful or titled any one person may appear - and once we do - IT can no longer stand in our way and continue the toxic inhumane abuses of discrimination
* my teams had to repair, rebuild and bring me back 4 times due to the sociopathic saddistic attacks - relentless and cruel beyond reasoning - 0 care, 0 rights, 0 due diligence on the utter falsifying of claims, stolen monies, access to my life and inheritances, insurances and others that were involved
THE RAPING of the sacred is done -
All underground trafficking and tunnels - will be lifted - this is my word!
Every corrupt coven, cult, group and sect that degrades and attacks, practicing sacrifices and voodoo on others - all will seen, known; alter course - return, repay, and make right!
the earth is the return to the rising sun and sacred - watch it unfold!

Laws will change
Rulership will change and it begins with the voice of every human against the unethical misuse of sacred life and the abuses of DF and the divine sacred seed that are here to uplift heal all of humanity and Gaia and we have been exploited to the elite underground and bid against, bet against, and sent demonic soulless devils to target us with schemes of stealing, falsifying our lives, for darker prophets, corrupting our names and offering through doppelgänger seemingly interference and fooling of the public that is not awake
* stories, files, secret groups with resources and people - against the few that fight for the rights of the all
* I am shown there are also studies going on now with austistic children - discern and ask questions
* stand up for your life and light, and lineage and never stand down to the corrupt soulless asses that will be followed and tracked through all timelines until all is made right and returned -
* ALL OF MY PERSONAL FILES, DOCUMENTS, FALSIFYING AND SENDING CORRUPT SECTS CULTS OF DEMONIC MISALIGNED MISOGYNISTS AND THE 8 LIVES AFFECTED BEFORE ME AND how many globally affected by the suppression and repressions of my light, energy to the all - for the all -
The intention was to kill me in the covert ways and every step, every spell, every intention was studied and watched for outcome -
* human testing - #humantesting #governmentcrimestohumanrights
* #sataniccults
#epsteinlikeearth #epstein

Wrongful stealing, thieving, and manipulation of what was taken, falsified and wrongfully given to those that 0 due diligence was done to reclaim making ever receiving from any impossible - literally impossible - the only reason why I am here is due to Source God and my guides
#cloning is not ok, and inhumane, I will sue and I will sue every government and person, being, group until there is nothing of discrimination of any kind on any timeline - my ancestors are trillions deep and they do not sleep - and it will hit every timeline you ever incarnate to, the families and whatever bank accounts any think they have power over innocent children they test without authority nor due transparency of all what is done - to the minds, spirit, soul, of the innocent - JUDGEMENT
Sit down Satan - you are on my ground now - and all will be dealt with by God directly -
Life is sacred - the sacredness of all life -
The destiny of all souls is worthy of the love that was always intended and not to be raped, taken, spell casted and targeted to make us insane or suicidal - see all in court and I will sue to the maximum for all doing utterly nothing to make right - God will show no mercy
Come for me and see what occurs oh false elites
I am the new leadership
I am the new courts
What I have been given authority on my planet is what goes -
GOD gave such to me and all legions are standing above your beds at night
God does not lie - people do
Vibration does not lie - people do
Spirit is eternal and ever living for the greater good and this planet will be returned to all the peoples of sacred life and light - - until all is returned - the towers are being called every second - make it right
My lawyer JNelson@speclaw.ca
50+ years of abuse, lies, targeting, being treated like a test tube -
8 yrs + of tormenting my life and devotional work - suppression of my channel, work, and videos while the corrupt asses pilfer and take -
All were given 2yrs + to make right -= all any had to do is correct and clear your karma -
* Return all files, and documents - that do not belong to you - I told all - any piece of paper with my name on it and others thinking they benefit from - ID, papers, documents, signatures of the falsifying my parents and others all will be feeling the karma until all is returned and to all lineages that is was done to abuse, suppress and depress the sacred out of us
Light beings, hybrids, crystalline children, indigo, and high functioning will have a voice - I AM IT!
Get ready -
my ancestors have had enough
falsifying someones life to serve selfish gain, withholding, lying, falsifying for corrupt false claims, attacked relentlessly and torn apart on all ends to serve their toxic inhumane agendas - discrimination law suits and I will not sit down until every child is liberated - LIGHT CANNOT BE KILLED
Understand creational reality - your programs to 'off' me will never work - JUDGMENT!
karma x 10
Corrupt masons and the what use to be serving humanity - has turned into social secret societies running humanity and the depths, damages and ills committed against the innocent on every level
- religion is not spirituality - wake up and do the inner work - reunion and reconnection with God is not religion - it is not - hide behind what you want - you are being fooled, taken from, and raped of your souls evolution - see it for yourself and spirit will show you what you need to
- Social systems that silence, target, suppress and withhold monies, family, Love, justice, and all possible to ever survived and receive justice -
The heavens will revolt - all were given 2 yrs to alter course and do what is right -
The all is being put on judgement - all were given gentleness, tolerance and patience beyond all reason and we are still to this day targeted with magic and obstacles, lies, and falsification -
Pharma, to dogma - the corrupt and misleading, misguidance on those that have no idea about spirituality and why they will loose in this game - stand before me - you will loose if you think spell work is your behind the scenes covert ways to get your next title, money, and saviour - your souls will live and experience hell- sacrificing will not work but self implosion -
The lies and the discriminations will come forth - all will see and know what is needed to wake up
The corruption and damages done to the most profound healer ever sent here and I was treated like a lab rat - suppressed and targeted on every level - #healingdivinefeminine
#God #CorruptMasons #corruptcults
DF will be raised
DF will be heard and honoured
The children will be protected -
We are the sacred children of earth
NONe have power over any soul and spirit -
JUDGEMENT is called
God is the proof all need
Watch it unfold
Truth spells on all involved - your soul will never want to carry that debt - why?
...........BECAUSE I AM YOU
I call truth
And so be it
Blessings and light
Rising Sun ~ Joanna
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