Wednesday 17 April 2024

Daily Tips & the Obvious #5D is showing you the new earth

ASCENSION being sensed Every day ........

take heed from a prophet, healer, teacher that has been taken down many many many times to the paths that most travel but unknown of the smoothest navigation of what must be faced

Focus on facing the past, accepting, making peace, and moving on, through, and healing of it all You cannot control how, what others do in their unique path of ascension - but you can return to God, Source, light and knowing your truth of what is important for you to be for your healing, your lineage, and what is important for your family and next timelines and it will never be based on doing what was done in the past - We are here to break all boundaries and limitations and release constructs that kept us in boxes, in limitation, and darkness - we are here to break free and allow the higher knowing ..... * every person is and has a unique pacing, temperament for healing, and facing their own past, actions, beliefs * every person has a unique path and it will be filled with letting go of past, healing trauma and abuses, lies and old limitations * every person will be needing what they need for healing - time, space, respect, and honour of where they are at and not every 2 people are in the same place of facing darkness, or their shadow based on conditioning, consciousness level, and how adept they are in forgiving, and moving on - 

Be of good will and expect change Be of good will and expect detaching on all levels - there is no further dumping exceptions or role definitions on past models, or discriminations - Be of good will and know that you standing in your truth of abuses - you will be the light for those walking behind you to also stand for what is seemingly impossible to heal and transcend and them weave in someway to new potentials Healing eons of dogma and misunderstood aspects of self take time Healing eons of abuse and deceit and conjuring mental, spiritual manipulation takes time and multidimensional healing - trauma and abuses of energy, power, technology and systems is never easy to prove - our laws and courts will change with your story and your ability to never be 'ok' with conformed abuse and mistreatment of discrimination in any way - 

THE ABUSES of energy has been rampant on our planet - due to so much disconnection, superficiality and misguidance, misunderstanding of energy and Source, - God *** The acceleration of our omni-present bedding that Gaia and our consciousness sits in is what will return all thoughts, words, deeds and how we use to live in dense, dogmatic, uneducated, corrupt 3D systems and people leading them - will be hitting all quickly and immediately in #5D light and fewer willing to continue the abuse of humanity and the sacred life of Source - Evolution is facing all - CHANGE IS ALL THERE IS
One thing that I did not do, set up, is a supportive environment for healing and stating your needs - - my path was feeling more often than not running through land-mines of targeting, and many timelines of darkness and soul lessons and the refusal of those around me that chose not to awaken and did not care to awaken but having more fun surrendering deeply into their shadow - 

I offer a piece of advice .....
As you awaken - have mature and open conversations about what healing, consciousness and your path of reunification with Source, that is the most important thing that affects all creation - what you offer as a divine parent for your children, the planet, your DNA and all life 

* sit down and have the conversations about what the cycles of ascension are like and what kind of support can you receive and respect on the journey - it is not for the faint of heart - and if you have no one - it can be very difficult -
* classes and webinars and those you can talk to about your process, visions, and the Changes that unfold literally daily - it is key to have the support and expanded group of tribe that 'get' energy and ascension or consciousness - the more you are up front and never back down from what is the biggest and most profound choice of your soul - you will ever make

LOVE is Acknowledge Acceptance Allowance All that you go through is meant for your evolution - realign, love, forgive, heal, and make new choices and direction of your energy - 

© You create all before you - and the bedding will return all to you faster - understand the laws and heed spirited guidance who are you what do you exist within what exists within you this is ascension Human evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred; World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write

When the immature, petty, and unhealed turn 'dark group think' and discrimination crime and loss My family, my life, my work, was destroyed and ruined - the only reason why all are still standing is 100% of Gods protection 

**Secret Society, cult, coven, underground masonic corrupt 'hit- groups for the elite and gang agendas is affecting so many that due to the covert and subtle ways abuse, sacrificing, and conjuring takes place, the resources, and the numbers involved and at every social level - they are affecting all aspects of our reality and those that do practice and do such, thinking nothing will come to pass of their underground efforts to interfere and bring others harm - all is being accounted for in the heavens and the spiritual Courts have spoken  ** there is 0 integration of being spiritual and dogmatic, false, warped practices that have 0 to do with living in the grace of Spirit and using your gifts, skills talents in alignment with the heavens - or with the lower realms - all choose  **** there is few successful court proceedings due to the corruption and past practiced practitioners - that bring harm, death, and sway to whatever they are paid to force, manipulate - and most often all get off and few are charged - 

*** warped corrupt masons are within every systems and in old density of not seeing, not awake, not sensing - the only way any corruption of underground immense damage is when a victor practiced in light and navigating all levels of psyche and psychic energy and fields -  **** practiced and trained conduit, empath - are tuned in and aligned and practiced on many levels and why God will place those of us as decoys to help pierce the darkness and mess, conjunction of what messing with energy conjuring, demonic and entity work voodoo - all that is done creates and energetic bottleneck - and has to be cleared, cleansed and why cities at time will go through karma -  Energy is energy and must be cleared - recognize the corruption - it creates energy for the entire city and all suffer -  * What you refuse to bring judgment and correction to - will create karma for all and elders leaders, all must face to what they allowed and even took part in - 

None can count the depths of lies, defamation, and accusations, false claims, and yet none will take account for the forensic accounting and spell work, rituals, voodoo, spells and potions of danger all have done - malignant narcism and the crimes - When secret societies are taking on 8 yrs of spell work and why God Arch Angel Michael gave all 2 yrs + to alter course and I have the emails and dates that predicted what would occur if they continued to do rituals and spells, and conjuring - - all had years years of warnings and praying to stop - legally, and peronsally and it is not rocket science - 'laws of attraction' What you put out is returning - I do not do spell work - God is returning, and distributing karma - I am a multi-verse healer and teacher and guide - these were the defamations of my life that none had even met me - with the exception of 1 false client sent in to spy on me - all of these people
#calgarycult - were paid to stalk, spy, and spell cast me - do the forensic accounting and all others around them dropping and disappearing and getting ill - these are false satanic sex coven - all know what and how they are and what they have done -

I sought legally my divorce and move on with my life and since then my life went to hell due to my not wanting to be any part of their coven for them to harvest and do criminal acts of thieving - I called them out - and investigate each one and the 8 yrs of lies, thieving, stalking, taking of my monies, business and falsified ID - forensic accounting - I am not the only one - DF role models are the target for the feeding and harvesting, and manifesting Seek into any and every reader practitioner all over the world to attack me - God will lift that which is truth I am truth They have attacked me for 8 yrs and all will be known they create the tower and then blame you for not taking their burdens and back fire of 8 yrs of magic - lies, defamation - that is called karma 

- all were told 2 yrs ago - leave me be and alter course - they did not - they were relentless about taking me down - they stole, ruined my life

- I will not stand down to satan when all they did was lie, defame, attack, steal, and try to take me out with death magic - people that do death magic, sacrifices are not family nor friends - done and over - they owe me 8yrs of my life I will never get back

they are thieves - they only care about taking money inheritance and falsifying for their wounded false state of living off of others losses while they spell, conjure, voodoo selfishly and I will not stand down - I will call it
#calgarycults #calgarycrime #calgarytheft ---- I speak truth Talk to my lawyer I will sue all for wasting and stealing, and defaming my life while they party on my monies and my life
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Blessings and light Rising Sun ~ Joanna

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

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5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















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