Sunday, 28 April 2024

#5D Reading of Collective Consciousness Levels, Stories, Leaders, Healers, Teachers - READY NOW

 Connection of your spiritual teams, healing teams, celestial, alien, Systems of Light Teams, Galactic Federations

God ~ Source Mother Father, all animal guides and nature guides ~~~~ TUNE IN I offer classes, healing, activation sessions and help guide, inspire, empower & encourage your connection with your Highest Self, the veils dropping, and what your manifestations, are showing, telling, guiding you and helping you attune to a refined and purified connection with God, Creation

Understanding universal energies, beddings, and templates, and why your body, mind, heart, soul, fields, will feel the adjustments of higher refined light - 
* 90min Sessions $233USD  * 4x45min Sessions $533USD ---> * independent or work, business, systematic re-write for the harmonization of 3D - 5D vocation of your gifts, skills, talents, to be the fullest creative genius that you are and have always been - this is being soulfully evolved and designed  Activation, Enlightenment, Awakening and refinement of harmonization - through your own commandmentship of you and your life force, light and energy -  This is the new earth - Connection, Relationship - - > Source is ALL THAT IS - as are you  I look forward to our connection  Blessings and light Every change changes the all -  Ripple of Creation and the love of Source  #NewEarth  #ascension  #healinghumanity  Joanna 'the Rising Sun' ~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here;

COLLECTIVE ENERGY SYNERGIES - #5D Light is Showing all our challenges to adapt to grave imbalance

Our planet will show all daily of the misogynistic abuses of our systems infrastructures and the red alert that if not ‘course corrected’ will can move into extinction Daily yearly there are more youth DF being diagnosed with breast cancer Why? What is the energetic story? What is the adaptation young women children are being subjected challenged with? What are the balancing needs for us to be in healing awareness of? Our world is showing you ~ are you awake Consciousness awareness is everything #epstein imbalanced attacking erasing DF and DM focus on money greed lust underground trafficking and sexual abuse What wounding of 3000 yrs of DM power over others degrading disconnection and 0 relationships with as spirit ~ Source God ~ Manifestation of beliefs imprints human testing low vibrational abuses and low vibrational belief systems delusions that must be faced snd the consequences of such hate and discrimination and erasing Who are are ??? Gaia will respond 5D leaders are on it and I am not standing down - the damages can be irreparable ~ all leaders will carry their arrogance and damages done to every soul #israelikeadership #worldleadership All are responsible and your 3D arrogant irresponsible titles mean nothing to the multiverse - 

Support Protection, Re-Writing New Laws, FOR those that are Higher Vibrational & Helping Humanity Ascend and Heal

I will not stop exposing what God shows me and my story if survival and healing The ‘Alliance with Light’ is all you need

For the evolutionary honour, longevity, and assurance of the continuance of our species, it is key we get these very pivotal reality reflections and what it means for you, our generations to come, and your future timelines, and what your children have to navigate to maintain balance - look around - all is showing you the imbalance and how can you bring balance - Unity Consciousness - 
All play a part - there is no separation 
What do you exist within 
What exists within you

I went through hell many times Mostly due to the intentional malice impaling pre meditated murder and derailing of my life those from the past - governments and communities that ‘group think’ of hate discrimination and harassment and how many ways I was exploited while groups secret families and societies were paid to hurt break harm destroy me
#humantesting #secretsocieties #corruptioninCalgary #healinghumanity I will not stand down I will not bow to false elites snd covert bullying gang stalking simply due to the criminals not wanting their deeds known seen ~ perhaps you simply heal

There was targeting systematic attacking * slow dagger approach * government secret files on those they knew tracked spied tested me like a lab rat and targeted for decades in testing taunting in the most degrading inhumane ways The only contact goes through my lawyer A lot of people groups that owe me God and the heavens will continue delivering karma to every person until balance monies homes mail children are returned This offer to make right was up 2 yrs ago The more delays - better bet the foundations and reputations the theiving partying denying and targeting me to suffer while they steal stole my life I should have been living my best life 8 yrs ago - living off of monies that were mine all sling Doppelgänger false businesses AI fake pages * horrible dark witches that bring hell to any and all they touch / calling more ‘mean girls’ to the cult coven low vibrational group think I have my Rights

I will not be human tested I barely made it ‘few would have survived’ and the only things these people care about is ‘not having my money to live off of’ while I suffers 3 yrs of being homeless and attacked defamed and blamed for the 100.% lies on my life I will sue every griot church coven dark ass witch warlock and mason group business government and my life story will be known through out the entire multi verse ~ I DESERVE MY Birthrights and to live without being attacked daily when all I do is bring light wisdoms healing for all earth ~ is that not a good thing I have been tested like a lab rat dirt and stupid as I am worthless ~ party live lavishly off of the exploitation and thieving of me ~ God WILL stop ✋ all clout title poverty ~

I will not invite any of the 50+
#calgary falsifying documents claims manipulations to get monies that don’t belong to any but me ~ o have been given not 1 penny from any I have given 0 signatures ever None had an ounce of right None would could go what I do These bully hate groups all will keep getting karma until balance and justice is restored My Voice is of all abused and discriminated human rights and basic human dignity has been utterly destroyed and ignored Go through my lawyer and I will not stop nor silence

All will be known. Interest distress 8 yrs of delaying my life Loss of business Isolation from my children Mental emotional spiritual targeting abuse I will sue all and I barely made it due to 100% interference ~ God will bring every business person cult group down until justice is done And so be it Anything in my name that I did not sign will be ripped from all as they stole raped ripped my Life apart ~ criminals thieves attackers satanic cult false people only care about their false ranking ~ hurting people has 0 ranking Get right I will keep exposing until all is brought 100% every penny and interest on all damages See all in court 

#5D leadership I will sue all

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©

Friday, 19 April 2024

TRUTH for Court #corrupt secret societies #CalgaryCrime Elite Crime Human Testing Karma is Hitting - RE-WRITE

 April 19, 2024

As of this date

* My 17yrs + of my spiritual work, books, videos, content, platforms, illustrations and all that I have created with Source, God, downloads and channelled work -
Truth ~~~~~

* there has never been signatures
* there has never been documents, discussions, nor partnerships ever drawn or created, nor agreed upon of my work in any way
* there has never been any agreement, or surrendering of any kind in any way - being an advocate of the divine feminine and human rights and divorcing from my ex, and his group of cult, selfish, dominating, spell conjuring activities - I would never ever ever in any way under any circumstances ever allow any that which are not aligned with any level of human laws, nor spirit to my life nor my work
* My consciousness, my life, my work, my ideas, and my books, and all related to any all work I have created on for the past 17yrs of my offering for humanity and human healing ~ there has never ever been any offering of my work to any for sale, for partnership - nor has any permissions being given ever
* I have never been given 1 penny for any of my work nor have I been given credit while this community #ERP #Calgary cults covens, have taken, harvested, and stolen my work, ideas, used copied - doppelgänger of my work and fooled many to think the misaligned demonic, devil-practices are, would never know what God offers in


What and how spells, conjuring is to stop, bring poverty to me, and so the false, misaligned to take my life, through whatever my work, videos and platforms make 

...............- which I have received NOTHING but constant hiding of the accountable, refusal to make right, and more attacks while they try to erase my memory and continued attacks to make me silence and go away or die -
* while years and years of evidence already destroyed - God will assure those will come forward and there will be whatever proof necessary to balance what damage has been done to millions meant to bring love, light and healing for all

* 0 growth on my #youtube platform nor my work in any way - not 1 penny and 0 credit
* I have had 0 growth and expansion on my work due to the group, gangs, cults, of up to 50+ to attack my work, my life, and my health without any reason at all -

* I have never met these people with exception of my ex and the person he sent as a fake client
* None have met me in person nor spoke with me
* I have only given unconditionally to heal and help transcend the dark conjuring they believe is how they manifest and their warped beliefs and spell casting, black magic, occult crime is bringing each and every one to their own demise 

- UNIVERSAL LAW is universal law - God offered warning and heeding over 2yrs ago for those that have done over 8yrs of thieving from me and taking, copying to make right and return all property and monies and clear my platforms and return secret files #governmenttesting #humantesting

All to go through my lawyer due to the abuses, lies, the number of people that my ex and who ever they are corrupting, and skimming, scamming, scheming, crime rings lies, manipulations and corrupt signatures, false officials and corrupt masons that have been involved in the many abusive schemes to stop and silence light workers and healers all sent for healing of humanity

* False claims against me when none even know me, nor ever spoke to me
* False signatures of any kind with abuses of power, systems and information using my ID or monies, or name, is illegal and never given an ounce of permissions of any kind - and all the while I have received literally nothing from any

* there has been 0 due diligence 
* there has been 0 accountability in 50+ years of abuse with 50+ people involved or more and $1.3M to keep me suppressed, silent, hid, and unknown and as depressed as possible to never move into my fullest potential nor serve in the height that is meant to acheive and help all humanity that chooses also reach such heights - it is 100% utter human abuse #illegalhumanexperiments 
#governmentsecretprograms #abuseofhumanrights #ultrahuman #celestialOneness 

We are meant to support, uplift, and honour higher vibrational beings not abuse, target and set them up for utter fairly and intenti0ns for suicide and death - it is utterly enslavement and derangement of sociopathy designed and impaled with harsh, cruel, intentions.

All that do not come forward to make right, the monies, the property and files with my name on it will all experience karma and God and your own guides will distribute as they see fit - for all has affected my life beyond what any can imagine - why they said 'few would have survived' and you all call this to yourself and family for what you chose as inhumane and with 0 integrity morals, or values to Gods sacred life and offering - 

There is no rights to study on sacred life be it a landed lightship or UFO or an ultra human - none have any right - while they hide behind their outdated gross negligence of 'ensuring our safety' while they have done nothing but attack, abuse, impale, stalked, spied on, and treated as if we are clones in test tubes to control and use and manipulate how the elites wish for the kicks and giggles - none have any right and God is allowing me to be here for the writing of new laws for protection of the hybrid children, autistic, and indigo children - it was utter disgusting abuse and there was not 1 ounce of any help, support, safety or protection, or offer made to make any of the abuses right.  

Therefore - there is karma now and it will continue to every person and that was in 1969 or touching my file - will be touched - if they are no longer here it will be on their family and so on - universal law is this way - the only way through is truth, make it right and imagine you were me - an innocent creative highly intelligent little girl that believes in miracles and unicorns that loves all parts of life - and then impaled with hate and misogyny and attacks, sexual abuse, and corrupt black magic daily - and never get out of this enslaved corrupt cage of hell - 

e diligence by any official business, or group official government legal - none - when in all of my videos and communications - MY LAWYER has been listed - as there is technology fraud, hacking, stealing my mail -
all must go through my lawyer

Not 1 person has given an ounce, or feather of recognition to the 8yrs of torment to my life my health, the ripping apart of my family, isolation, PTSD and losses to my life, business, and all that has been done to due others insecurities and wounding that have nothing to do with me

- my story has been unchanged - my ex, and all that he is connected with are corrupt and attacked me for years with covert attacks and those used in the various systems to take, hide, withhold, and scheme, plot, plan my downfall as well as any other in the secret societies games that were all involved - be it ring leader that is involved with government human testing programs or the elites involved to silence me as I predict and show what God Source asks me to bring forth for healing and clearing 

- I answer to God and not false leaders and corrupt leaders that want to maintain corruption for their pockets and ill health and degradation to the innocent

* blackmail, corruption, extortion, exploitation - crimes that are too many to count - are all involved in what occured to me and I am 1 DF healer of many in every city that get abused and covertly derailed due to wounded misogyny and groups, cults, churches, ex husbands that anger and seek revenge because of their rejection, or inner wounding - that has nothing to do with the human rights of DF to live in safe and liberated ways
* We have our rights to not be abused, used, and harvested while being lied to and while the double standards of the income earners get whatever and live however they wish while we are limited to never leaving or growing

* they used me for my life, light, energy and harvesting, they used my name, spiritual ranking for underground cult, secret societies bidding pyramid, and attacks to see how much I could take, test me on every level - when all were told through my videos and blogs and private emails to stop warning on what would occur on the abuses and back fire of the 8yrs of spell work to dominate and control me mentally, emotionally physically and in my 'suppression' for them to take, steal, and sign my life over to them - while they create more cycles of schemes, plots, lies and crimes falsely using my energy name and ranking -

Nothing escapes the spiritual courts and guides -

These abuses occur to most light workers and children -
Harvesting, bidding, betting, pyramid on the light and energy while the innocent are merely given nothing, not 1 penny nor credit - while they rape, buy, party, go on trips, and have events and Christmas's of $10k worth
* My teams showed me they have been stealing from me for many many years -
* they falsified everything - none of their stories or statements are true on any level
* no due diligence by any was ever done, I have had 0 conversation with any nor signed anything for of, to any
* none can account, equate what I lost, how much my life was damaged and the healing to my soul, cells, body, mind, and memory due to the lifetime of illegal testing, attacks and disregard for human and spirited life

I am a teacher of the divine and none of what was done was done on any human and divine level of respect - it was illegal hatred, illegal human testing, and experiments to determine my strength and knowing of telepathic and empathic predictable knowledge - I healed what could not be healed and I transcended and moved through and survived what none have ever done

* I have been left homeless for close to 3 yrs - and struggling weekly to make ends meet and often do not eat for 4-5 days at a time - while all of these people gather, recruit, and create more lies and schemes to keep me stuck for them to use, abuse, and traffic my light, name to the underground for their selfish, hedonistic, demonic lifestyle of necromancy, spell casting conjuring, and satanic sacrificing -

I am not the only one affected -
#calgaryfalseleaders -

There has been immense damage, loss, wasting of my life, messing with timelines, and all those that did not get to see, know, heal due to all my platforms being spell casted and veiled and blocked - by 50+ or more and I will sue every person, every so called official for any files, programs, agenda's and there are - since my birth - the abuses and inhumane testing, and targeting to test my abilities and simply to take me out through mental, emotional and spiritual warfare -

* My parents would have never agreed to ever have my life testing, studied like a test tube for my life and put me under the utter deranged experiences that as my guides said 'few would have survived' and none of these people have offered not even an apology nor returning of anything to me - of which all know is rightfully owed to me by inheritance spiritually and through all my linages - all will be known by God and one by one - all will be taken down
#Karma misses none - every person touched my life will be equally affected and stopped, blocked and God will not stop until I receive 100% return

- I have been a devoted healer, mother, leader, and teacher for most of my life - holding private, public, and government, banking jobs, in leadership and service -

I have been celibate for 15yrs and estranged from my ex for 8yrs and this is why it has been so very hard to swallow the depths of abuse, bullying, attacking me on every level simply because I chose to grow and ascend and fulfill my contract with humanity and God, for my children and for my future timelines of good will and good karma -

* Why would my life go to hell from all the attacking I had to survive - over 17 death spells and trials, rituals for sacrificing me included in the 180 group tactics, be that the government

This is truth
I will see all in court
Blessings and light
All records on every person will show the enormous amounts of money spent to take me out and ruin my life
All records and phone records on all will show the chat groups and contact of 'hit and abuse hate' to me of me

All of what has been done is 100% criminal activity and agendas by those that have elite status, and education, and authority for the safety and assisting humanity in various ways and they have done nothing but agree to be paid to abuse, and misuse the laws, systems and recruiting more vulnerable -

* I will sue and press criminal charges

Financial audit and forensic audit - who pays, how much and why?
What elite group, person, and company - all will be known 

- None will keep such lies and schemes and give up a heavenly spirit -
Heaven or hell - all choose -

And so be it
You choose your karma and that for your children - this is spiritual shifting to new earth - this is not a game
Universal laws and spiritual court is

All is One

For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here; Human - omni- evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred; World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write ~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here;

Rising Sun ~ Joanna

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©