MULTI-DIMENSIONAL Light Body Activations ~ #5D Enhancements
Greetings dear lighted ones
There are more and more light body activations the more that we accelerate into deeper refined bedding galactically
There are a few activations that don't feel that comfortable and you can be triggered to 'rush' to the hospital and think you are dying - but simply cleansing deep trauma from your enmeshed multi-dimensional fields, existing within your axionial lines, touch points everywhere in your body organs, tissues, cells,
* as you enter into the 5D - you will activate the higher chakra's in the light body
- activations occurs from lower to higher for obvious and not so obvious reasons
* all activations, I encourage you to truly tune in and be a master as to what is going on within - we have been preconditioned to be disconnected from our body and any person studying naturopathy understand the power of connection of the conscious knowing, higher knowing, higher mind to healing and transmuting disease -
* when you become aware of what is going on within you - you bring higher consciousness to your health and wellness, balance, peace, harmony of all energy that is Source, God Gaia and all that is coming to you
* Light-body activations assist in the harmonization of Merkabah for all of your realms that operate within your light body - your light body is what communicates to all other aspects of you - how your teams, ancient ancestors locate, find, refine, attune, and work with you - all is sound, colour, honour of your matter realm
- it carries histories all in the now and your power to alter your matter
* You will not ascend without inner harmonization with your light body - transmuting all dark, deep, akashic wounding and trauma's in the causal body - ie; all of your spiritual attacks affect the light body - why the light body is activated first - thus flowing to the matter form - and when this does occur especially in the higher chakras - it will feel 'triggering' it is meant to - you are '''''reconnecting''''.
* YOU WILL FEEL SUCH ACTIVATIONS ESPECIALLY IN THE HEART - empaths, sensitives, healers, and conduits, crystal children are the most vulnerable and take on all of the hurts, pain, and suffering at the heart chakra, and the light body activations here are not fun and are not comfortable and truly does hurt
* it is a 'heart-attack' feeling
- I have never had a heart attack but it feels this way except it is at the high heart level
* I have been feeling such over the past month - and it culminated last night - I asked my teams again what was 'going on' and they informed me they were further enhancing my light body - activations at the heart chakra level
* they, as we talked about in our classes - these are advanced classes on healing, navigating, leadership
* the heart chakra is painful and this activation sits in the high heart - the high heart is what connects your Christ Consciousness to all chakra's to higher realms and the oversoul light body and so on
* - it is the mother board if you will - I will go over the beauty of such in our next class March 20, see our PayPal link to connect with this class
* How to work with such activations is merely soften into the activations and breathe into each set of enhancements
* your teams are so very gentle and offer you all activations in series so that you are not overwhelmed and take yourself out of the experience - you are meant to enjoy the process - although what I experienced was not enjoyable - but understand the depths of damages I experienced was unlike most and multi-dimensional on levels that most would not move through
- as I work on behalf of the collective and have been impaled my life on such spiritual warfare - by groups, gangs
The high heart in this light body high heart activation is feels like 'labour contractions' and is simply re-birthing your true self - it is not fun and not comfortable - but you will move through it - the density must break up, the depths of pains, and traumas once emotionally worked through, by expression, crying, releasing, all will then leave way for the light to adjust the remainder of your fields, and bodies,
* The mind has to be adjusted first - my teams said 'the mental space was ready for this activation'
* The mind has to align first - God mind, lower mind, higher mind - all follows,
* The emotional body, light activates and purges the density in the emotional bodies, fields, causal wounding of spiritual attacks due to domination and control energies -
* Every phase of activation bumps the other multi-dimensional aspects
* due to the infrastructures of all that you are - all affects all
Ascension is the inner work of all you are in the spirit realm to matter
You are creating inner mastery over all that you are -
* TIPS for High Heart - Heart Chakra Activations in the Chakra Systems and Light Body
These are the most profound and most painful - for all woundings begin here
- the hurting of your heart as you have offered it purely and then taken advantage of and raped, torn, laughed at, ignored, rejected, dominated, and so on - you close down, squash, and once this activation occurs - you allow love to flow to all
- not just the easy to love but the most difficult to love - those that have harmed you the most - raped you the most
- you can still seek love within and will offer them an opportunity to alter their life and connect with their own godliness -
All that Jesus offered was the light of his higher self, the Godliness of who He was
* What you offer in healings is this - you do not offer your matter body as the healing tool - it is the light that runs through it
* these activations are pivotal and will not ascend without these activations -
* ascending in your body - a rare and dynamic experience for all humanoid beings and consciousness of God, is a profound experience and it will not be comfortable - but breathe through what you are experiencing
* just as we move through contractions at birth, natural birth
- I had 2 natural births and it was painful and every contraction you don't think you can get through it - but you do - even when labour can last up to 20 hrs, you move through and you transcend and would do it all over again
* your teams will direct in a series and will take hours
- usually at bedtime when you are open to rest and surrender your physical mental exhaustion is at its lowest
* we have been conditioned to disconnect and be in state of resistance, fight or flight mode, making most ascension activations feel the way it does and all physical will be tempered by your multi-dimensionality mastery and intentions, breath and focus of light on what you are experiencing
* breath
* focus in the place of stretching, pain, density breaking and imagine light bathing in this space as you bathing through the light body contraction
* breathe deeply into the movement of the density and wounding from the light body and imagine the refinement of your Christic essence, your colour, your vibrations of your Christic vibrations - whatever brings you excitement to reharmonizes as the Christ consciousness
The harm of spell work, voodoo, root work and so on - why understanding the dangers, damages, secret sect practices - will only suppress, depress, and harm all involved, and make all of your life be held back, have to put in more effort to clear, harmonize and bring in your highest teams in doing so to repair
* the more damage, trauma you have been through, the high heart light body activation will not be comfortable and in knowing this, you can help soothe your bodies, fields, move through this - prepare yourself for such shifts
* when you are ready for unions, harmonize to new dimensions, or global service, you will have this activated and only when the above has been done first
* one will not have this if there is not higher self, higher mind, connection nor relationship - it will be forced and will may cause various backfire due to resistance and blockages and futile mind disconnect
Faith, trust in your teams - I utterly surrender - no matter how painful my path has been, I trust my teams - they have brought me to life 4 times in this lifetime, they have arrived out of no where when I passed out, they healed me in ways that I truly wanted out - God will not allow me to leave until my destiny is fulfilled -
No matter what you are going through - we are eternal beings and we are eternal in our matter - you guide it, and you infuse it
God is, your life is, your light is
Surrender and breathe through it
Tune in, connect, build that relationship with your teams, and higher self, Godself
Your teams will not bring any union in if your mind is not right
Your teams will not bring any higher role if your mind is not right
Your teams will not bring any realm, dimensional advancement if your mind is not right -
Your mind is the tool that says 'ok lets do it' in surity that all other multi-dimensional enmeshment will take order from and your love of you, your love of your ancestors, your lineage, your teams, and God will allow all other alignments

I have been calling this out for 6yrs
What makes this so ridiculous -
I have been estranged, tossed out, bullied for who I am and what I offer,
Smile to your face and create cults, sex covens behidn your back to target and take and punish you for following your spirit, and your destiny and rights to not want to be around liars, fakes, thieves -
DF has to work, do, create 10 X harder to be seen, heard, and realized as capable while the crooks, thieves, and misogynistic abusers of power run rampant over everyone and all knowing how to speak to all levels of public and lie through their teeth to bring, take, get - with 0 integrity -
This has been my story - for 8 yrs I have been fighting for my justice and while I got stepped on, attacked by an obsessive corrupt so called false elite - there was rings, groups, by the 50+ scheming to keep my legal rights and property from me, while defaming, blaming, and corrupting all in their path with lies and utter degrading blaspheme on every level -
They have 0 clue about energy and God, creational reality - created a criminal ring - brought every level of so called official and those that are meant to keep the public safe, - they all knew who I was, what spiritual ranking I held and make targeting my life a game-
Tormenting me for my whole life - with secret files and human testing - treating me a like a test rabbit for all thier spells siphoning and binding so they would not have to face their deeds and these are people that have so called guided you with false information, false deeds and dirty unhealed wounding that they all knew and told over 5yrs ago - I have the papers to prove it
All were told what they were doing and the damages and the pain, suffering,
They all knew - they cannot lie and pretend now that the towers are falling - they did not know or they think they are some kind of healer while behind closed doors they are gay for pay and pimps trying everything in their power to pimp me into their sick coven and ring of criminals to live the high life while the innocent are enslaved by lies and 'never go beyond less than conformity and being used'
These people actually believe in their minds they are 'entitled to me' for some weird, delusional reason -
like I was born for them to vibrationally rape, psychologically torment, and steal from and when God, the officials that won't get bribed, but actually care about their city being the most corrupt city in canada - they will do what is right -
#financialaudit #insurancepolicies all will show - the secret human government testing #humantesting and who was paying for the sick disgusting treatment of me that I barely survived - and how many did not?
Psychological abuse and doing all, everything and even those in the system supporting such
Where is the monies coming and going?
How many know your homes are being broken now for the lies, deception, and secret groups your husbands belong to and what truly goes on behind these so called fucking elite misogynistic warped societies that know nothing of creational reality and the backfire occurring as we type these words
How dare you over and over again abuse a master and divine royal leader
I am sickened by this utterly unnecessary toxic experience that is in every city that is 100%unnecessary and how are the monies, governments all leaders of world helping to heal and call in truly honouring integrity based true #5Dleaders that will not sell out and get paid to make paperwork go away or file utterly 100% false claims for the ignorant selfish liars and manipulators monies that was intended to heal humanity
I am so so so disappointed in humanity
The depths of how warped DM has become and how cowardly this world, systems and disrespect of the Sacred Source, God, our innate spiritual eternal life that none seem to care about and how gifted our children are for our species evolution and they are treated like nothing but battery sources and dick hole placers - FACE YOUR WOUNDING AND HEAL BE THE LEADER AND EVOLVED BEING YOU HAVE BEEN RUNNING FROM
ADULTS OF WOUNDING and corrupt king pins, handleRs
- you will handle none
Grow up and get healed - one by one - all are being called out - ALL HAVE HAD THE MONEY ACCESS TO HEALING - AND YET CHOSE NOT TO BE CONTINUE THE CYCLES OF ABUSE
We will ascend and we will heal through this sickness of no sense of self - reconnect -
how acceptable is such?
There is nothing, has been nothing in my life of any other -
from Calgary - they simply did spell work, to use, abuse, take, and keep in an exploitation ring of using my videos and content pretending they are the spiritual person and leader - there is noting and has been nothing there
- they are liars, cons, thieves and doppleganmgers
- it was all a sick game of them to take, harvest, siphon and make entire rings of hurting and bringing financial loss - #financialabuse #insuranceschemes #corruptioninfamilies
#calgarycrime #undergroundrings #falsifyingdocuments #insurancescams #inheritancescams
* criminal intent
* criminal malice
* criminal schemes - they all knew for 6yrs I called them out
- I have emails, dates, information to prove and legal documents that they stated the opposite of what will be coming out -
* shadow and wounding work will be the only way - obsession, corrupt, thieves, that relentlessly attack for those they study, romance schemes, trying to do anything to get, take, rape and bring to their beehive of corruption and those officials that have already taken -
* financial audit will show the payments $50K plus of 'hitman' schemes scams, and abusing systems of information and privacy acts
* they sold my financial information
* they took my information in any way - falsifying my signature and content
- whatever they will do to take some more and never be accountable for their deeds
- there is no counting the number of betrayals, lies, deceit and manipulations while they relentlessly attacked me daily to get back into my life, my business and my energy to take, siphon and then have underground tactics to continue their crime rings - they are falsification and false prophets -
I am truth
There is no cycle
It left and was taken out for a reason - they are not aligned and all need and know what they stole, what they took, and bought and made their own - selfish selfish selfish corrupt unhealed - and all was 100% unnecessary -
All need psychological assessment -
Blessings and light
God said what God Said -
I was never your meal ticket
I was never your battery
I was never and never did give you any level of permission or authority on my life in any way - discrimination and double standards and so very illegal
Every human has their rights to be exactly who they are and if they choose to walk away - they have that right
without being punished and taken, raped from
I know my rights
I will help write new laws for the protection of empaths, pscyhics and seers and healers that are the only ones speaking truth
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
Your God mind is your tool that says 'all is possible' that knowing is soul deep
Your God knowing is what shifts disease to healing
Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
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My work resides with me only and taught through me only
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