Monday 11 March 2024


 #5D Companies, Career, Vocations ~ ALL is Shifting All will be SEEN

Companies that operate in darkness - in any way that is not aligned with Universal laws - will receive karma - 

Companies, and so called talent agencies, those that seek to take, copy, steal, and outright doppleganger on what they are not even aligned with and nor have any clue about 

- as beliefs to steal, copy, take, and speak as if they are merely reverberating all others and what is not their own

- all will be seen and known what is the core issues within the business, companies and those that share work 
space - companies can be ruined by those that play the underground and take advantage of the innocent 

- karma is played out in work environments by those that are not aligned with healing, honouring the push and pull of magnetics and how to work with in loving co-creation of the creational reality laws and wisdoms that all will be affected by light and what every persons team is awakening to new dimensions, realms, and universes 

* work, business, is shifting dynamically for all in life is threaded deeply with our consciousness and what is the expansion will be our future and how will all life be touched by this 

* how the person life, affects work life, all that has been done to the innocent by the activities and practices of those that have refused to heal, face, and honour the past and transcend what has been - - will play out and can play in jeopardy of all workings

**** Everything in our reality is CONNECTION & RELATIONSHIP ****
~ THOSE that play in pretend, fake, disingenuous and those that have no sense of self and no sense of direction
~ those that live and breathe in devil, opportunistic and underground thieving energy
~ all affects all - those that have used, abused energy, systems, spell work, masonic corruption that takes away from all that is simply the natural flow of all universal laws 

~ those that do such work, attack, dream up underground sacrifices and ways to take, steal, swap Destinys and make light workers go away - like they have their right to be corrupt but the light workers and healers do not have their rights - the world is corrupt and has to be healed and corrected -
KARMA is hitting all involved in my 10 yr tormenting case of unjust, imbalanced, corruption and pre-meditated death schemes by those that play with your money, and laws -

I will sue every person involved - every penny spent on spell work, voodoo, and every hour wasted of my life the past 10yrs struggling to survive daily hourly attacks - wasted and will not ever get back all because of the hate, lies, dominance that people had hate they had about me not being under their control and attacks from such cults, all returning and receiving the return - universal laws have 0 care nor bias of your ignorance and beliefs about who you think you are in 3D


~ there are infinite potentials for all to learn, grow, expand - it will be evident in all manners - companies, recruiters, talent agencies, and any level of social world, career world, vocational world that have operated in underground poison - are being seen, known

In my own personal discrimination case, all expected, all knew within their daily plotting, planning, schemes to take me out, steal, thieve, and own what is not in their vibration nor knowing, none would have a clue what I offer and teach and the worlds healing that is at every level in every home, business, and if the issues of such degradation of discrimination towards all DF elders, any person that is not the 5% elite 

Companies, leadership offices, any level of social becoming, if there Is not alignment to new grids and energies and consciousness of growth within the collective - the business, the home, the connections, corrupt relationships will be just that - break, fall, for it is corrupt, and nothing will stand if this is the case - it is everywhere 

From politics, that survive in competition of everything, businesses that focus on competition rather than the directing of all their energy and staff to their unique offering - - there is a paradigm shift and few can teach, offer, at the level of energy and inter-facing that is needed - as the underground and corrupt are weeded out, and seen in every home as the carpet is pulled out - karma is karma and misses none 
* The damages done to the DF abused, used, taken advantage of - will be put on the front force for all to clear karma and make right - every facet of our reality is changing now and very fast - who will be the forerunner of such change and shifting - 

* Corruption is being pulled - all will fall and fail

* there were many officials, many roles and people involved and they all bought into the same toxic lies, manipulations, stories and the damages done by a small group of thieves, conmen, false magicians, and those that will abuse energy to feed their narrative and wounding of insecurity, jealousy, envy, and all that is not unity, team-work and this being managed by those that tout themselves to be HR COO's and leaders of companies and run by warped, wounded, corrupt masons, magicians, and veils dropping for all to see, know and choose if they want to invest, live, or be involved in such corruption

Secret sects, secret cults covens - all have to understand - you will be on the earth you manifest; direct, intent, focus

So free will only is the double standard for the top 5% elite corrupt leaders, and their secret groups and watchers?
All else get erased - and ok, be in your world without DF and the abundance she is and nurtures all life into being

You are seeing every corner of our world being ruined by the distorted warped, unhealed DM and the DF that are so exhausted of having to fight 10times harder to be seen, known and showing all we know higher ways -

None at their core vibration will not be on your version, you cannot swap Destinys for it is a soul blueprint that is vibrational - and what most in secret sects, cults, gangs, they just are misinformed and will only experience the falling, failing, karma immediately and the spell work, the voodoo all will be facing thier intentions immediate and with deep fire - for

* I will call out every ounce of deceit, manipulation, spell work, falseness to the collective of and harming the innocent and how much alignment, connection, relationship is needed to correct every ounce of corruption
* I will sue all from #calgary #youtubepilfering, #fraud and #theft of what occurred over a 10 yr process of slowly covertly corrupting my life, my family and my work life by those that spoke 100% of lies, deceit, and manipulated to take credit, seem as if they were prophets but only operators of human testing, corrupt underground rings of exploitation -

I was discriminated, exploited, stolen, relentlessly vibrationally raped my life - called harvesting, and these shady shapeshifters, are the best at it - for they were brought up as the 5% elite and corrupt souls of being taught how to lie and get what they want in it and all are harmed and hurt and all have to pick up the pieces of the towers their devil lifestyles leave behind while they blame, shame, and defame to make themselves look good - they refuse to take accountability

None have survived what I did - I barely made it out -

None have been able to not only survive - but teach and offer daily regardless of being homeless
* their intentions at a group, collective, coven, church, official level ---- > was to have me erased, silenced, their intention daily to have me go insane and bow to the devil and be submitting to enslavement and corrupt trafficking of my energy and life, ideas, and work to be less than those that live from lies, fake masks, and paid others to buy into the hate bullying, targeting of me and spell casting on a daily basis -

* psychologically tormenting was their systematic approach to take me down in the most painful and suffering way - they wanted to see me crawl, and have nothing and never to receive anything

You simply will not be abundant if you are in lack of self - envy is lack, jealousy is lack, insecurity is lack, and so on - this is seen in every company and community and home 

- HEAL THY WOUNDS so they do not become another's

* all because I sought divorce, to be my full spirited self - AND Every time I choose me, walk away, block, and rebuke, I get more punishing - like my choice is not my choice unless it is theirs 
* #1 Universal Law is FREE WILL - I get to choose not to be a part of corrupt people, low vibrational false fake hateful discriminatory people that simply want to target you, get joy of targeting you and creating false lies and making your life hell because they have 0 clue who they are, they are wounded and refuse to do the inner work - 

Community of narcissistic attackers - and thier spell work, their deeds are known by all 
* their deeds to write me off, erase me and have me claimed as insane, so they could steal, rape and pretend to be spiritual leaders - 

So sad, 
So sick
and is and will be seen in every company - those that live from envy, jealousy, greed, competitiveness and is the cancer of any group, city, and work environment 

I was taken advantage of, lied, defamed and these groups, false community leaders, and false spiritualists with such degrading, vile, corrupt criminal ring tactics and it went on for over 8yrs -

* false marriages, false business, falsifying ID, business copy=right, harvesting, occult crimes beyond what any would imagine the underground, secret coven places they dance and try to manifest hate, disease, poverty, and so on - daily attacks of hate - and they played innocent, righteous and nothing to be blamed and these are business officials and roles and titles
#calgarycourts #calgaryjustice #calgarybusinesses #blackmagic #healingfromabuse #healingfromtrauma
#healingfromdiscrimination #healinddiscrimination

#5D new earth - we have to face what is obvious and blatant -
#ERPerez and all that he, they belong with, and who pays them, how they got their monies to do so over a 10 yr period - who is the ring leader, who pays the ring leader, the systematic deconstruction approach was insanely sociopathic, psychopathic, saddistic underground corruption - and this was being pilfered of the only healing wisdoms, and energy wisdoms on our planet that are only offered through me and these corrupt people pretend to be what they are so very not -

#calgarypolice were involved, bank officials, court officials, ID photoshopped and falsification rings = they sold my financial information and hours after receiving the banking deposit in my final divorce phase - I receive bait and click text on my phone and that only 4 people touched the 'privacy of financial information act'

These are #calgary lawyers and #calgary officials and if you look them up on their resume online - their resumes look very impressive and all state their expertise in leading and HR professional and I will call out their corruption and dirty deeds - the under the carpet is no more - all have to face the damage and destruction and I will not ever rebuild with such masonic warped, misguided disasters waiting to suck the life out of those that are balanced and aligned -

2 yrs too late - All of the past - sit in your karma - #youtubecorruption #youtubepilfering #corruptcalgarybusinesses

As COMMANDER ASHTAR HAS OFFERED ------- From here on out - the universal laws are in effect
None will be missed, every company, every person, every agendas - course correct or see what your actions, choices in greed, gluttony, wounding and falseness will bring to you equally and God will spare none - it is time up for abuse and the corrupt the light workers here to lead his world into new divine realms of play

And so be It
#5D leaders are
Blessings and light

More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at DONATIONs; PayPal link here;

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery

#hybridchildren  ©

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