Ascension path work is the only way through Clearing your karma is the only way through Is it obvious now we are ascending and shifting ~ false prophets are being culled out ~ spell casting thieving secret societies ~ stand before me oh elite corrupt and false prophets ~ you will not get through the light without facing the wounding and face your own hate and discrimination
I do not have a boss
I do not have a partner
I do not go to spell workers nor do spells
I work with energy and transmute - I am an alchemist and healer - conduit and teacher of the divine
I am an ultra-human - of such that God is
I will grow and be as I choose and none will control and dominate me nor will
I look after any of the past - all are receiving what they have created - I am a world teacher, healer, and leader - of the divine for healing, enhancing, uplifting humanity for integration of the celestial, all realms of all universes - we are vast souls - this is not a game and this is not fake - ascension is real - look it up -
Ancient wisdoms of 'self actualization'
Time to grow up humanity - get your head out of superficiality
covens, masonic warped behaviours and bullying, sacrificing - your life is your proof and all will be tasting every harm they have ever done - I am not the dumping ground for false fake masonic, misogynistic wounding DM that refuse to take pure accountability of the damage they have done in their sick narcissistic war path they have carved and intended for humanity - I will not be the private healer of any - I serve CREATION
I will not be signed on to any one company nor person and have no agents - GOD IS MY Agent
I am a private creative development consultant - and I am paid in such only with those God will send to me in alignment of healing, transcending 3D corruption and misogynistic behaviours - all will change and shift - light and Gods design will not stop and cease for the interplay of negative controlling unhealed souls - we will ascend and I am a leader for humanity and the heavens in this
* I have been paid 0 for all the abuses done to my life, my work suppression, my monies and life stolen, raped from me - none have returned anything they stole to manifest and take, and do root work on my property and life energy - harvesting off of my work while I sat homeless for 3 yrs -
* Criminal intent = Criminal consequences - done is done and all will receive what they have impaled on my life for over 8 yrs and messing with every fibre of my life when not 1 had 1 ounce to do so
* 50+ people will get karma equal - keep messing and see what unfolds - God said enough!
* systematic take down of my life - all are getting karma 10 fold right now -
* all that was done is being returned and we offered this 2 yrs ago - stop and keep your hands off of my life - my platforms, and my wisdoms - I am and all I create belongs to me
* I do not have a partner, I do not have a counterpart - none are healed and none are at my level - so leave me be and carry on with your own healing - that was always the message - #ascensionpathwork Healing humanity All is being called out And our ascension into a he 5th is just getting going
There is only 1 way through Truth Healing Accountability
So why have my platforms have been at 0 growth for over 7yrs
Why have all my work, why and who has made the decision, as if they are God to not have any of my work as viewable as equal as all other channels - Darryll Anka, Daniel Scranton, Micheala Sheldon, Lee Carroll - why are all my work, client subscribers, why has the so called powers that be chosen to target me and silence and veil me - my life - while getting paid off of me, benefiting from truth and wisdoms - so you can push me out of the equation when I am the equation -
Why God will simply show all of you
I deserve to be seen equally and viewed equally
Earth vampires, and spiritual bullies will be seen and known - underground romance schemes, scams, and forcing, spell work, coven mess - warped masonic abuse of power, abuse of systems and resources to pay gangs and groups to bully 1 DF - aligned to be as Gods creation for the greater good - I will not be dominated - I will not allow the past to return - #freewill
I do not love nor will allow, nor will accept such dark low vibrational games, mess, arrogance, stupidity of taking me into domination - when I have said no - #calgary you are not healed, you ruined my life and now the tables are turned so that all learn their lessons -
* Return all monies, property stolen, withheld
* Clear and Cleanse and return all my platforms - you do not own me nor will ever claim my work, nor my ability to be seen, known
* Stop the spell work, voodoo, jar work, root work - and know every spell it is returned - 10 fold - you choose - either way - I will continue
* Go within and Seek your highest self for guidance - the devil, sick corrupt masons, and false spiritualists will lead you to ruin - all is being seen, known - there are laws - so get with the new programs - it is not about control - it is about healing and unity
And how do the corrupt cults, covens and messed warped misogynistic masons 'get you' and want to re-pattern you to serve them - lesser lower so called rulers and Gods - patterning of the dark side is palpable
You will not succeed for you have 0 humility with Source, life and sacredness- thus then sit where you sit - I do not plan for others - I plan for me
I do not compete
Competition is Satans game
Please Go Heal
They sneak, the hide, they are in secret and they systematically squash your financing - and why they will only get away with their #hitler #epstein like tactics for so long - until now when all that abuse humanity, and universal laws - all are being called out --- oh false control freaks = * why do you want so bad for a 1 DF healer to be under your thumb - it is self hatred - I will not bow idiots - I pray for your healing and god will have all of you bow to the feet of the divine - and all will see their own damage of their own hate and what control, domination, fear will do to your own reality - I am not touched by you and I will not be touched by your controlling domination ignorance - you know nothing beyond low vibrational 3D tactics that place fear, bullying, intimidation, #corruptgovernment mind control #humantesting, #masoniccorruption HUMANITY will be liberated Competition is in your house - not mine I am that I am You can HEAL You can feel self love and self acceptance - that is all I offered Competition lives In the land of satan - not godNOT EVERY ONE WANTS TO BE CONTROLLED AND TAKEN FOR EVERYTHING AND LEFT FOR DEAD GOD IS AND I AM THE MESSENGER OF CORRUPTION THAT HAS CUT OUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD WE WILL ARISE FACE ME SATAN BUT YOU DON;T - YOU HIDE - AND DO SPELL WORK YOUR KARMA WILL BE SUCH AS YOU CHOSE
God will bless you with your own return of all your facing that must be done #calgarycorruption #falsespiritualists #universallaws All that ignore and deny with arrogance the rights of sacred life will receive thier exact ignorance in ten fold for you to face your shadow, and your ego - the soul is grander and all will have, be, all that is when they do the inner work - same message and how boring it is to sit and say the same thing day after day while the same dark patterns try to cycle more and more hate with domination to the DF - I will not bow to your ignorance and lesser gods * you are triggered because you live in hiding not facing who you are, and being mad and having big boy tantrums because you cannot control a divine feminine that says 'no' * you can no longer 'handle' nor treat life like you are a pimp -= life Is sacred and your financing of hate and corrupting Gods earth, children, and gardens is over - you were all told - take up your issues with God * these are universal truths and the control, mess, harm, war-like hearts you have created on this earth have damaged so much - your rulership is done - you will be moved * IF YOU CHOOSE TO NOT HEAL AND DO THE INNER WORK, AND LEAVE ALL OTHERS ALONE TO EVOLVE AND ASCEND IN THEIR FREE WILL ---> YOU WILL MANIFEST IN THIS 5D LIGHT YOUR OWN WAY OUT - THAT IS LAW * Corrupt covens, groups, gangs, masons, governments - tactics of hate, domination, control - your wave of taking over humanity is a game only unto you
Masons all over our world - oh unhealed arrogant domination freaks - if you choose to not heal your wounding of DF / DM wounding, and you continue to treat sacred life like your gambling game and robed rituals of death - you will face it 10 fold - and be very careful to think that the legions by the trillions does not know every child, every flower, ever animal and every breath you have wasted to hurt and maime innocent life - All were told 2 yrs ago - I have my rights to be me - I speak truth You are triggered because this is truth and God will show you How intelligent is it to hide? You can heal if you wish and see how your life changes =
I am my divine destiny and no arrogant disconnected unhealed, greedy, warped, wounded DM or any other that thinks their magic is beyond God will see what they manifest- and the same message every day will be offered in unconditional truth and love
All is being called snd as I said 6 years ago - none will be missed ~ all must learn the universal laws and unity consciousness * nNone have any right and will get karma and rebuke to do anything on me * there will be returned and all must be seen known known - 5D leadership are chosen for a reason ~ get RIGHT #ascension #falsespiritualists #covens and cults Masonic mess and corruption We ascending and none will be missed We are here to evolve - corruption and human attacking and human testing is not ok I have never done spell work any I do not do rituals or necromancy - I respect all spirit I honour all realms and why it all walks with me * I told all who I was in Gods breath and all did all they could to play neither me like a half dead r mouse with a group of ravaged cats - tossing me about like a game I told all See my videos I devote my life to healing of humanity and the secret underground now being levelled up and to be seen how corrupt humanity has dropped to ~ evolve I will never join no secret groups so called false elites and coven All must be understood Know thyself Healing is the only way through your gifts Truth ya the only way through I am a seer I am a conduit I am a high functioning being Block and rebuke all those thinking they want power over my life platforms energy all will receive karma x 10 Return. Rebuked And you cannot blame any for the interference of your ignorance God will show all when all were told All voodoo root work and sick ass mess #calgary #corruption #falsespiritualists Corrupt false leaders When you do death magic behind closed doors | all will keep getting karma until stolen monies those stop messing with my life - I have my rights and all attacks will be returned x10 god said what god said Occult abuses False Calgary spiritualists False light workers All were told I know who I am Universal laws are Return what you stole Stop playing with my platforms and leave me be ~ stay in your own lane God chosen are in the peace of Gaia At peace and focus 24/7 in healing We are not in the churches We are with the people and all are changing around us in living and transmuting the darkness all live in through patterning God is and transcend 3D versions of god God is all. We are ascending all work sent back x 19 Get ready God said what god said The past is closed All spiritual contracts are rebuked. Return what was taken and stop messing in my energy - otherwise the hate from your own work ignorance will return God chooses Do the inner work Heal
#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships