Dear lighted ones,
All are familiar with many of the worlds unfoldings and which vibrational thread we sit, what soul lessons of knowing ourselves as love and being love in new expressive ways and what God will show us in the manifestations,
I asked yesterday from a sign from God to show me of my affect to creation, and what if any has this very challenging life time has offered to my equally undying devotion - a passion that many would simply never understand or not need to, but in the decade long struggle away from a very toxic underground experience and doing everything in my power to bring voice to worldly issues, worldly resolve and worldly healing, with whatever I can offer in being homeless, isolated from my children and continuing to know there is divinity within this expeirence and even though I see the outer social world slowly waking up to the bedding of corruption that is every system we sit within -
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* how it began and originated - what and how to heal it
* how and what in the psyche is attributes to further research and develop non-synthetic drugs and healing modalities for cure and healing
* the greater mental imbalances, misdiagnosis and potential human re-write,
* our videos offering weekly offerings and ponderings of channelled wisdoms that we are consciousness affecting all life - we alter physics itself, and how all that we are as multi-dimensional beings is our divine birthright to explore, express, experience and thus reverberating new life into cosmos we have no idea about - God is this inner = outer
* the insidious representation of 'world leaders' and the fear-based controlled programs that will eventuate in nothing being left but a sex ravaged world owned by the elite and their #epstein like agenda's has been our greatest work with my teams and Gods spark to 'never give up'
We have been normalized to leave out 95% of our existence ~ and yet we think nothing of it
We have allowed for the erased aspects of children, women, nature, wildlife, and all that is sacred and equal - our offerings from day one, 'we are divine, we are sacred and deserve to be heard the first time'
We have to prove nothing, we will never again experience human testing to prove our unique divinity and sacred becoming nor be held at the sick hands of those that would swallow you whole if it were not for your angelic and ancestors keeping them at bay ~
God will never allow you to be swallowed by that which is not of your divine acceptance to give such power and light away - reclaim your voice, your light, energy and life - this is a sacred life and how may we go into 2024 in divine celebration of what we have all added to creation?
We all know that there is much going on spiritually than we see unfolding in the physical and in 3D it has been like watching mud when transformation of such global importance, and again, the spiritual lessons of patience, and service, and tolerance are key in every journey and why we are choosing the paths we do.

I cannot tell you in human words what my connection in being married with God is like, for it never belonged in human words; why I cry in attempts to express and explain, and how utterly key it is to know this is the joy juice of why I am here and what my true mission has always been, but in the infinite and exhaustive efforts to bring higher awareness, awakening and wisdoms to a planet in need and still for the much part, turned off to the eruption and purging that is around the corner, there is still 'nothing' before me but 'blocked accounts, continual derailment in court final stages of an undeniably excruciating process that proved itself as corrupt as the wrong-doers and unattended to mentally ill that know how to con-systems and people to continue their underground corruption'

Yesterday as I sat at the beach in meditation, I asked God and my teams; 'the ache and swell I was birthed with, when every moment I was teased for being me, in every rolling of the eyes when I present what is coming, not yet, or use to be, and the facts of dimensional reality many will be some day intrigued by, please show me that feeling within me is that which I know to be true; oh God this is you that I am and feel? Show me how I have affected in this knowing and speaking, and getting up every day, regardless of the groups targetting and attacking me, suppressing, and derailing your words of love and wonder......'
As I cried and allowed so many memories of the deep psychological abuse, intentions of murder, and car crashes, and isolating me of that which I love the most, and to have my life be barren to earn bidding money of such underground elite masons, false prophets and those that are lineage deep of the same ones that crucified Jesus,
I knew this coming in, and I faced it all.
I know who I am and in every presentation I met with little regard or equal presence of sacredness and this makes my journey so very sad....for all I want as Jesus did is for the grace, sweetness of God to be known for all to seek within and see, know of such,
I was the sweetness brought forth, and we all need our catalysts to be what God wills us, and the Heavens apologize daily for what and will perhaps never be known for what I have truly survived and moved through, but there were none fit for this experience ~
From what I have been shown,
In this earthly incarnation there were 3 of us placed here like me,
I saw 3 children sent away on a piece of wood, no bigger than 3 ft wide 5 ft long in a place resembling the Nile River, these children were between 3-5 years old dressed in jammies, and wobbling as we tread down this river in its choppy reply to world consciousness and misunderstandings;
I am the only one of the 3 that is and have made it this far and thus I celebrate and know it was what they showed me in the thick of the black magic, mind-scraping attacks the journey of 'David and Goliath' but never stories of the DF surviving eons of daily David and Goliath subjugation and absue of power for us to have equal pay, say, and honour.
I cannot tell you in human words how profound closing out this year will be and in every moment you spend even 5mins of pure intention to liberate all life, children, and release all corruption from your own soul and spirit - offers such light to the world and cosmos.
We have made tremendous honour through time and why God will only unveil what is needed to each soul for inner peace and resonance to 'keep moving' which is all they keep offering - my thread is key and I matter. I offer this to you; 'you matter'
Pay no attention to the outer showing you less than, aching to do anything to keep you in the pull of disorientation of who you are, those that thieve you and your life, light in any way they can. Bow never to lesser Gods' the 'trumps' gates, Epsteins, Clintons and however many more, of the elite that 'run the world and people' of the worlds and their private jets and agendas to sex islands of where the 'accounting of life takes place and the degrading of it'
I am the one speaking of my journey through all time and what the alliance with light is and all we need ~
We were born with interfacing that few have nor will understand, and allow for the sacred triad that if all came together ......well that is Gods design ........but this is where we are at in our creational story
My teams tell me often when I bellow to understand the confusion of being on new timelines daily in which there is never truth, closure to any past trauma's or events, I must just keep moving for the multi-verse is threading at enormous new speeds of purity and it is my role to weave and sew things in a manner of unity and reminding all realms of the ancients of times our many lessons of old Gods, lesser Gods and where have gone array and how to return to God, and continue that which is the story of love that is God -
I have truly done my best and feel so very guilty and sad for the decade in which I was strapped down to the gang-vibrational raping that was a game to those that chose what they chose - and to forgive enough to thread anew and uplift the many children that feel this way in our belly of wounding that must be resurrected for healing and making new;
Here is what I woke up to .......
| | High-energy 'sun goddess' particle opens possibilities for new physics, ..."I am personally excited to have found a new mystery in science to solve." |
As prophets, seers, conduits as Jesus was, we are not here to colour and outline every magnitude of Gods design of creation, it is meant to be a delicious pondering and all go within and seek their adding, their loving navigation and add to........but we have been very turned off, and like screaming from a mountain top, with none in sight has been this journey for me ~ God will unveil in timing and God will assure the word of new life is upon us in each ones time - this is mine.
God is showing us each who we are and what our loves alters in creation and why your teams cannot give you too much information because it would too grand and misunderstood and that the most crucial part of this story - 'there is none like you, and to do, shine, offer, what you do is the crucial turning point that the world needs, ' why there must be veiling and the truths not unfolding until 'divine timing'
For God wants to assure when blessings occur, you have seen exactly those that were lifting you when you needed, and when the loyalty needed to be shown, was it? God will clear the way to assure that you are and will be with those that will lift you to the highest place that you have discovered you deserve to be.
I have brought remembrance and recognition to and of the Divine Feminine and our sacred breath, birthing, womb and knowing of life within life, and what earth would be without DF
I have brought the sewing of seeds from ancient of times to the new in the ways in which spirit inspires and why we never really know most often until 'after the fact' but trust what God is showing you to call out and present even if it is uncomfortable and will bring down your own foundation;
This is an incredible ride, and I am happy to help uplift my fellow DF that have been so very devoted to the love of god in our journey's
Science and what God is, the creation of all life helping us take God beyond the bible and out-dated systems but new realms of what has been simply allowing us now opportunities to heal -
As I have mentioned prior - 2024 'I am sure it will bode more information of our divinity held in all creation; science, nature, wisdoms, communication, medicine, and more'
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