When the light workers and healers, seers, will be what leads, is called upon in every aspect and facet of human co-creation - for the current leaders, 99% being imbalanced and misaligned, not even aligned elite men that focus on herding humanity and funnelling corrupt programs of enslavement - #epstein and all those that the collective have given power to, voice and vote to and see one by one they will be culled out of their false positions from leading humanity to entire destruction -We are the truth tellers for humanity to see, know, arise, live in great promise, of who all are within - and a reconnection with Spirit, not religion but spirit - we are able to transcend any and all illnesses and diseases and those that throw down such immediately miraculous healing, will be those that seek any outlet to heal when they manifest their own illness - disease
Stalkers, peepers, creepers that think their warped manipulated ethics, no ethics, and games played with the divine sacred life force - while all called me crazy and liar - now all that did what they did are seeing the diseases, mental knowing, functioning all going down the crapper in which their intentions were -
Sickly, mentally warped, and mentally sick and diseased - as you be, so it is! Welcome to your world in which underground sex rings and deceit, lies, manipulation and corruption the enslavement programs will make for you - how will your money and false sex ring leader title work for you in all sickness and disease - dirty dicks are dirty dicks - and until each 'get' that every intention, of lack of self, intention to get, take, feel something you refuse to admit, face, sort out, create a sense of self, and be fully you without any surrender to less than, not having talents or gifts that have nothing to do with selling your body or life force, or soul, unit you want to know that 'perhaps healing and feeling sacred is a thing I can now try - and heal all the false, fake, superficial 'stuff' that will only make you filled with mess, disease, and more repair work that your money one day will have nothing to do with 'enjoyment' of life - because you are simply too broke and warped to know up from down; and so too - shall it be - that was YOUR INTENTION! What do you think would occur? I have been here many many times; offering unconditionally and God has offered much mercy, grace, time, healing from your own guides to 'wake you up' to the image you are projecting of yourself to the world, the damage you do in harming, trafficking, selling yourself and others, and warping, deceiving, manipulating, and corrupting of your soul - spirit, body, mind - and all is far too much to ask that people do the inner work and sit down and pray for sight, inner knowing, inner healing - the targeting continues and the mess continues Who cleans up the mess? Who picks up the pieces of destroyed families? Women - so I ask you oh misogynistic false leaders of stuff and money - how will your world look when women have been berated enough, there is nothing left, and no healing, no nourishment, and you have sacrificed the animals, land, women, sacred womb, and sacred light, sacred
Let your world fall - it is your making, and perhaps you will see how 1 DF light worker, seer, healer, psychic solved crimes that exactly was offered is and how millions of voices on the other side never had justice because of the depths and gross negligence of such state of human disregard and lack of connection or care of who we are and where we all come from - Call yourself and official - God and your teams will place testing within and without and see how truthful and filled with integrity each are - this is a divine and sacred Divine feminine planet, daughter of the galaxy and I am Her voice, I am the voice of the children sold, and abused that HAD NO WAY TO SURVIVE AND BE HEARD nor taken seriously - but throw aside while many made a ton of money and still fight to this hour 'not to have me receive what is rightfully mine of made for me of me' You make me sick - how so very sad - one day you will hear the cries, screams of the children abused - and perhaps your money will suffice of what and who you were before your abuse - perhaps you will be courageous enough to sort it out rather than target 1 innocent DF ~ #calgary #corruption Ascension Karma & How Valuable this is DO YOU GET IT NOW?????????? Was the monies spent, spying, targeting, wasting - was it worth it? How is the body and mind now?
God offered so much mercy and grace - all that was done is entire spitting on me and the heavens, the innocent, the sacred land and soil - the ethical systems that support such corruption = it will fall as it should and the light workers, seers, and prophets will remake - we bend and we know - we see and we will be shown
WOMEN we are always arisen Women we are equal and balanced true and fair Never stand down, Our voices are divine Our hearts are the sacred element of all life And so too God is for all life is sacred, balanced, true, fair, equal. #5Dnewearth
And so it is This is my word, Blessings and light Joanna More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at JoannaCosmicAngel@yahoo.com DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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