2024 ~ Manifesting CHANGE - Begins with Facing what was hidden
Then Choosing anew
The variance of energy and life in all energy
All get to choose
Purity is felt
Standards of the soul, spirit, self, is felt and known, seen
We are aligning to universal laws period.
The elite, the runners of the world, false leaders are just that - false.
The wisest act they could do is go within and get healed, and get connected ~ re-alignments are occurring all over our planet, the underground, secrets, stories hidden, the ways in which our tax-paying monies, the elite monies and how much abuse goes on while the innocent sit hungry, homeless, estranged due to mafia-like tactics and none of which has an ounce of 'sacred' any where in IT
All connection to pure, honouring, sacred, connective ~ that is shifting and 2024 will be our biggest year yet in which the over-indulged superficial will be faced with losses, bankruptcy and siphoning of their own. It must
All must be humbled for there has been 0 respect for humanity, our gifts, our DF, and children or the animals and sacred earth or waters, even air;
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
We have ignored it all and thus, the facing must be, and it will be harsh, hard, challenging for those that pimp women, gold houses around their necks to place false sense of title and importance when those behind closed doors that use people and information, practices of oaths of people's privacy, peoples human rights, and how all is abused for people to 'get take, steal, theive what is not theirs to own'
All want to OWN.
They want to own people, the essence of
God, the essence of Gaia, #gates and #musk, #epstein and the sick programs all will see blatantly for all to face and then process ~ what do you value?
What would a world look like without DF -
The waters will all dry up within a matter of years
The lakes, rivers, oceans, all dry up
All lands barren, and MARS would be planet to look to for life, when we have disregarded and degraded so much so it is unrecognizable; while the false leaders, liars, elites that abuse their power, title, and get information on an innocent light worker so they can 'research' her like she is a lab rat and then send people to her to test, to see how much she knows, how much she can't take or take, how much she will compete for a false looser that uses and abuses to make themselves feel good and important - while all along they simply could have used their money to go within and get healed - than abusing the innocent.
In a minute your life can change, and it is based on what you vibrate within, deeds, past, your souls themes to experience for you are not here to gather 'stuff' and run people with your ignorance, you are here for the musing, humbling, honouring of all life you are - is you - and to reconnect and harmonize it all - this is soul ascension - the spiritual realms care not for your earthly title and false bank accounts - it matters what you do with your life - how you touch offer and honour life - for it is all God - In a minute - it can change and will - this is judgement time - for those that have not heeded spirit, their inner calling to do right, make right, all will be known - all must face their beliefs and their inner realm - none escape this - period.

While my human rights were completely - I stand before all naked, Gaia dirty and raw for what has become of what those feel of the DF - raped, pillaged, pulled and degraded for her light, energy, knowing, wisdoms, and while my channels are blocked, subscribers pilfered, mail and personal property messed with, false claims, rituals and sacrifices weekly, voodoo, groups, gangs, chanting my name while they fuck or masterbate thinking they have the right to manifest me for their greater good while they do nothing to be self important but by falseness ~
You want an angel but you treat her like dirt
You want a goddess but you abuse every boundary, law, and human rights while abusing every spiritual law that she has her own voice, choice, and body of her own and would never give an ounce of her rare light to any that do such; simply all, most do NOT GET - that is not arrogance it is facts of my life story
- I told all who I was from day 1 - as I would walk, I was unique, rare and I was blocked, raped, molested and called crazy, defamed, abused on every human ugly level simply because God offers me the voice and eyes and all timelines I have earned;
How much money spent trying to 'get' something from me?
How much wasting of time, energy, gangs, groups, systems you want to seek into to try and find fault, a breaking point when all any had to do is heal their own wounding rather than trying everything to create more wounding in me; as if the rejection of being a woman and high functioning, sensitive and conduits of God was not enough of a slander for all that sit in their golden toilets wanting something they cannot get for there is a difference dear ones, and those that read energy will know......
There are 2 types of dirty.......
* elites that abuse everyone and everything with what they want, or to get, have, and hide, so they can continue feeling falsely important because they are not connected with their higher self and god - they are empty and thus the inner is dirty - they treat people and the world as their stopping, stomping sucking fucking ground
* then there is the Gaia dirty; when I went to Peru, they were the loveliest people for they made their existence and living out of and off of the land, and were in harmony and honour of it, and they were dirty with earth - I am dirty with earth - I walk bare feet and I wash my hair in the salt water, and roll on the grass, and bathe in the trees, and I would rather walk with dirt in my toes and nails, than be the dirty that has abused every ounce of abundance and grace, and gift that God has so sweetly wished for all ~
All get to choose and know this,
This is judgment time and bit by bit, one by one, all will be facing their 3D lifetimes, all must, and there is no way around this and I will shine through all my Gaia dirt and my knowing that none can buy, bid, trade, sell, or sacrifice me for; NONE WILL EVER have rights to sell me or bid on me regardless of their sick thoughts and beliefs they own me for none ever will - and why none of the sick rituals have worked - because I OWN ME, and I walk with God in my breath and song!
All have ignored every word of what I have prophesied and now they sit where they sit - elite false, superficial mess still not having any clue about sacred energy and sacred living ~ you cannot buy this, you must earn it with your love of self, and never compromising the shiny penny for another's whim, or seeking of 'trying to get close to' while they abuse all laws, boundaries and human rights in doing so - that is not a vibrational match and I will say no and block you!!!!
And regardless of the intentions, focus and games, stalking, spying, wrecking havoc over my life - I will still pray and love the ocean and the all life above all that is Gods grace of our visions of importance - I will speak such and I will walk and I will be seen, by exactly those God places and wishes before me - that is the universal design -
I don't need your money -
I will be on offer with clean money - come as you are - for if you cannot stand before me in transparency and truth and raw honouring then do not step forth.
There are standards NOW.
#GOD is and this planet will remember divine feminine and our rich essence that is the only healing agent for returning Gaia to her healable balance and rich eternal waters; will you hear thy word now?
How many towers and blocks must God send you #calgary and
#falseelites #onesbehindcloseddoors
Respect, if you respect yourself to show yourself and stand in courage of your purity, simply being then step forth, if you have to use people, make fake pages, and accounts and BS of wasting everyones time when I see through the fake ness - step back and stop wasting my time, energy, light - for there are those that can be raw and real - who are you hiding from?
Are you truly that important of the world for such and if so - let that be your first spiritual lesson; sit and discern whether that is the role you wish to run from and be in? Mistreating basic human rights of the innocent and the divine, when we did not ask, invite, nor give permissions; so it is ok to abuse my rights while all others make money and make head way on me; while I sit homeless - ask yourself dear ones, the abhorrent way you treat exactly what you need and what will only bring humanity through divine shifts in galactic unity.
That is my word
Elite money and gross negligence means nothing to me; I know who I am and what I offer, I am raw -
I will not do business with those that abuse people, sell people, trade people and abuse Gaia -
If you truly want to earn your soul's voice and spirit back, then be truthful and honouring in how you approach the divine for it is has been nothing but degrading and disgusting, and thus, will be blocked,
There is a hierarchy now, and most have missed the point,
It is all about respect and self honour - do you love yourself enough to heal and hear your own voice?
Do you care about the voice of God?
Do you care about the water that cleans you off of the porn couch?
Do you care about the air your children breathe?
What is your values?
Blatant and so it must be -
Honour, sacredness, and respect - tap into and soften into such, for dear ones, do you think an angel will get back up the millionth time you impaled her with hate, tricks, testing, abussive voodoo, root work, destiny swapping mess, and using any persons against her just to see if she can stand one more time, then you think there is 'something' there ~
* so as long as you can abuse her as long as possible what her breaking point is ~ sociopathic and psychopathic
* none deserve what I went through, go through daily for the games of the rich and stupid that have no idea what creational reality is, nor who and what God is,
Such abhorrence, and what do you think the angel will do when you finally choose to simply be naked in who you are and approach her ????????
Are the games and lies over? Has everyone had enough play time and messing about with human laws and spiritual laws, any more gifts, and talents God will turn off and take away???? Is everyone ready to heal?
Any one ready to know God now?
Look around you dear ones, which elite fancy person that treats people abhorrently will get any collective through ascension and the shifts upcoming?
Ask yourself about the love for our planet - who will know this? #Gates? #rothschilds?
Roll in your money some more and play people down to you ~
You were given what you were given as a test for leadership of Gods kingdom - how are you doing?
Do you know what it is like to not eat for a week simply because you literally have no money?
Not fasting, but no money?
Do you know what it is like not to shower for a week, two weeks? Or carry heavy loads and wash dishes for weeks on end because that is your bare minimum job that pays for rent they cannot even afford?
Again - what money does in the wrong hands and closed hearts? All choose - God has seen, known, all intentions behind closed doors and no rich bunker will escape karma - nor what lifetime you come into next; listen to the Seth Channellings on reincarnation - we are meant to make the most of every life in soul growth - you cannot advance as a soul without such soulful lessons; being of generous hearts for all peoples and lands and ancestors that pass you the mantle of their deaths and trials - but you have not - you bring suicide to the sensitives, and drive the vulnerable in your mind-scraping games of power over others and trading and bidding humans like it is a piece of prized meat but without the prize.
How utterly muddy.
So choose -
Who are you?
Do not stand before me if you cannot even be real in your travels?
False is false. it is all energy and so too will your life, body, mind, and soul, chakra's for you have not trained yourself to be real -
Watch the Jim Carey video about 'where is the real Jim Carey' - he got enlightened and he speaks his truth; raw, naked, and slaps the elite in what they know they were not brave enough to say, utter.
How true are you?
How courageous are you?
Give yourself this challenge this week; 'I will be truthful this week, no matter what - I will speak what
I think and feel because it frees my soul and be I can be ok with however that ticks, rocks another's world'
I will not people please
I will not stand down to lesser Gods and false pretenders and abusers of laws for their own selfish gain
I will not be moulded by the shapeshifters and tricksters that are paid by the devil to throw innocence off and suck their soul and get researched, and studied to find their weak point for attack and throwing them off to get the devil into your field and soul to suck again - 'watch the video on 'Meeting #epstein video with Harvey Weinstein ~~ there are underground clone, species of mind-controlled beings, that warp, wrap the being because the ones they preyed on had 0 sense of self and their minds were easy; like the dogmatic brainwashing we have simply given power and normalcy to;
Again - what Gaia, what world are you manifesting.
And so dear lighted ones,
God is the love of all life
It is that simple
If it is not vibrant in life, why?
We have the greatest ride in creation right now and no one is talking about it -
Slumped in the nefarious clutches - the ones speaking truth barely surviving the death tactics and controlling stomping of the controlling enslaved wishes for humanity to give their blood, light, life, and bodies, organs, and brains to chips, and messy agendas that have no clue about God, nor what is divine - but choose dear ones - what world will you have with such leaders?
AS LONG as the DF sits within a home, box, never seen, heard from, or if she does speak than it be about abundance - the successful women are those that speak on such; and that way the DM and world can use;
How is it, generations, 1000's of years, divine feminine in divine knowing, wisdoms, arrive in many colours, forms, and all forgotten; none could recollect nor remember and their passages of time forgotten and erased?
WHY IS IT THAT ANY DIVINE FEMININE CANNOT BE SPIRITUAL CREATORS, KNOWERS, LEADERS? If she speaks on how to manifest, she is successful, but otherwise, there is immediate discrimination, targeting, and abuse to suppress who we are; intimidation?
Why not simply heal - we are meant to transcend who we have ever been - that is the point - and if you are triggered and feel intimidated because I carry wisdom not in books but in source, sky, knowing, energy and you cannot 'compete' and win over - intimidation and again, lack of sense of self because you have defined yourself by outer, not inner - that is what we offer and teach to heal - but few have been listening and it takes an angel, a divine being to be abused so abhorrently and to survive for any to listen and care?
Joanna;s most recent video and last video on youtube - ( I will no longer upload videos to youtube)
My offering is sacred, and I will no longer be pimped out, pilfered and stolen from while receiving nothing -
At what point will any one care about the state of disconnect and the damage being done in every community due to such?
You cannot be the sun, unless you are and know the moon; you cannot own your light and what ridiculous person thinks they can own, take, bid, transfer another's light and take their destiny when all is chosen, sewn, written in the heavens not a 3D dark low vibrational mason, witch, or false leader that has no connection, chakra's shut down, and no preparing, training in the light that say they want - you cannot be what you are not the vibration of - again, same message -
All are meant to be unique in their mission with God - not another's and why outer focus will be every time a mess and tower.
If she is a divine spiritual creator she is forgotten, targetted, suppressed, and placed under so much pressure, tactics of abuse, degradation that she will choose being crazy over living in a world of such abhorrence. Suicide is often the better choice that live like this.
That was their intention - the groups, the elites, the sick unwell, imbalanced, misogynistic masons that have no clue who they are, and abuse women, children behind closed doors and then stalk you, abuse you, target you when you say no and move on.
And you have raped the very ones that bring life to all ill and diseased
And you crucify every generation and the ones sent from the stars for helping a planet in need?
Is this how you treat the divine - what happens when you reject what gives you life?
If you are pure of heart in your souls journey - then you can approach - gamers, tactics, shady, false fake people that make fake accounts, emails and pretending to be someone you are not - you will be blocked -find another light worker to play with - I will not engage and you will be blocked on every level.
Blessings and light
I AM here for the divine, Systems of Light, Councils of Light, Star Council, Federations of unity and oneness, Heavenly Councils and God, Mother and Father - Gaia, nature, all wildlife and children - I am this voice - The DF is speaking and has spoken,
And so be it
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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