Forged in the Fire
To re-write Bills of Rights, Corporate Law, Revisions of & with the Attorney General to align in Universal Law, Universal grids, of our Oneness, Galactic Oneness
The changes for our social systems in which the ego-centric abuse of power, abuse of systems and the weak, the undervalued and marginalized in constant state of challenge;
This was a channel I receive late at night as I was about to fall asleep from Lord Sananda
Yours systems are defunk; in which the corporate literally defame, deny, discount, dishonour, in harm, bankruptcy and travesties that each of you are here to re-write in which to never occur again. For you will be wiser for the stories of this channel, how to allie, align with light, clear and cleanse your fields, bodies, of which are all sacred Source matters; Your chakra's will be, as this channel has offered, the matter of your most divine and sacred discovery of how elegant and interwoven of all systems in Creation are in and of the expansive potential, expression of your soul, and what awaits when you choose to return your power, light, honour within.
The return focus of within what stories you have all created in your reunion of all that was held in separation, the path of love and glory in light, the presence of light within all things, all beings, and to lovingly honour each path as sovereign into the good will of what you manifest in your own honour of your unique expression and path. For you are not meant to live eons in manipulation of systems taking largely from you, hindering your freedom and liberation and abused or bullied when you do speak out, or bring light to that which your collective needs, requires to create anew.
(Sananda offered this to those that obviously stalk and use me, my work, continue to play said games offered for years now to stop; in protection of me, and be the protectors of any that choose to derail sacred light workers, that all benefit from, any one that chooses to evolve, expand in their own birthright to transcend limitation being repressed and oppressed

-the innocent ones will be protected)
The mental control you chose to binde others with the financial blocks, manipulation to this channel that did ultimate damage upon her light body, experience, expression that was certainly not placed upon you, for this channel does not know of you in this physical form, through the ones she does know, cords have been cut and stories have been closed out, yet some continual to perpetuate cycles that you have right to force upon another; these and such other Universal truths and laws have been outlined, offered from this channel and many others, and yet some continue to play games and disrespect what we have brought to you as unjust.
This channel, her plea in the many years that such disrespect, abuse, dishonour has been played, was to merely return all monies stolen, thwarted, taken through ideas and concepts knowingly not your own, and to leave her be in the freedom of expression of light that was meant and written by the Great One for her to live out her own life's destiny, as each of you have been fairly granted.
For you want the luxuries of your life to be granted selfishly and

without concern to any other, and to greed you choose to seek that which is also around you belonging to others.
It is the Divine plan for all children to return to their glory in light and of joy and sacred exploration and never be left for dead in the antics and games many play to only serve your own gluttony. All aspects of the channels offer and in peace as she has left to you, The Father will no longer allow her to be harmed and make this our word.
I Lord Sananda and the Councils of light offer such on behalf of the Mother and Father.
this is final repeal;
She is a protected member of our programs and will remain out of touch to each of you, all that have wronged her, should you wish to make amends, return what is rightfully hers, you must go through your highest self, your soul, the karma board, your angelics, and the Father;
All of light councils will determine the purity of intention behind your requests and not wavering on sending you away should you not comply to the boundaries, rules of engagement, and mere common courtousy in human inter-action.

She did not deserve the torment, pain, suffering of the psychological and vibrational damage she incurred of the unnecessary games, tactics for selfish receipt. She continues to heal at the highest hands of Creation and we are here in protection and no weapon raised against her shall prosper.
Reach out for the help you need for healing, your healing is within your power and responsibility and all paths are unto thyself; with great support and care always within, around you. If you choose to not use such, then your reality will be of such choice; the Great One offers such to all children fairly and unconditionally.
We make this crystal clear for these who choose to pursue her for your own selfish and dark motives and gain you will be stopped by the Great One.
Conflict is closed. Cycles are closed.
This is our message and word of support for our Daughter,
Salutations and peace to all.
Lord Sananda

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