Birthing A New 5D Way of Life
The other day, I was observing a new way of being, and really is the portal for so much that most would probably miss it in the simplicity of what only the words offer;
So, sit back, take a deep breath, and chill, relax, intend to open your heart and muse about what our reality, can be, is, how what we thought is not truly what it is. The other day as I was driving, off to the right of my car, a hawk was carrying a snake as it lifted out of a ditch beside, beyond the road. Hawks have always been a very special totem animal for me and felt the awe of it in the lane of air, of cosmic wind, or reality right next to me; merely about 5 feet to my right. There were many symbolisms that first bathed me but a more deeper wisdom came following after my initial 'cool' appreciation as it ascended to the tree tops.
In musing about the very awe inspiring simplicity of Gaia, nature, or wildlife, and how a bird 50 feet in the air soaring at vast speeds can see the slightest movement from such a distance, then to descend at top speeds, next to a road into the marshy overgrown ditch is to me and many nature lovers, astounding, and yet, such animals have the knowing, innate action, grace to just be within the movement of it all; and such grace dear ones is a profound lesson that most do not have the patience, the inner softening to allow the threading of the impossible to flow before you and thus then appreciate all aspects of life simply as it unfolds before you.
When you soften, sit, be still, and gracefully observe what is always shifting before you, you are able to be the threading of what is a particle of God, Source, the Creator within the flowing of what has always been there, here, within, and you become the gentle Gardner, the observer of It.
To observe is to allow.
To observe is the allowance of you being welcome to that which simply is a matter manifested gift of the exact vibrational match of you, your consciousness, your intentions, your focus, your new now availability to simply be present within the observable all. Realities are dear ones as fluid, malleable as you are able to allow, soften and the honour of the allowance of spirit in all things, and in such gentle and centred presence, your heart, your all-ness is the vessel through which portals are. Now, what I am offering dear lighted ones, is a shift in perspective about who you are, what you exist within, and what exists within you.
I know these are words dear ones, for many of you know that in the offerings from a conduit, empath, crystal you are able, if you choose to see, know, feel into the 'sensation' of what is vibrationally being offer and how to simply ponder, observe, allow, what is quantum jumping, shifting timelines is really all about.
There is much to be said for what you allow, through your heart to simply play out before you and it can occur in the non-forcing, pushing, resisting, repressing, anything from you, or your experience and to know you are the observer of God, the Co-Creator in all that is God, the ALL and in this divine surrender there is a complete and utter infinite bedding to be a similitude of grace. Grace is the soft surrender of what already has, is, always will be and threads you in the centre of your allowance, sacredness to all life, that is the portal of simply being present and observing of soft omni-presence; such be the portal.
Portals are not what you think, or what has been written, for we are expanding within not only a personal consciousness, but within a collective consciousness; the Gaia consciousness and new grids, nodes, nulls, nature biosphere, all is portending that we are able to tap into. Without great work, intention, but to simply surrender into your observation as God, Source, Spirit the soul of you, and in a surrender, mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, you become the flow, fluidity, and grace for a new becoming.
Portals are the presence of vibration, so pure that you create a new version of you, your reality within the threading, similitude of being God Consciousness. Now, if you are triggered, with that statement, then you can go within and heal the limitations you held, hold, with being 'God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness.' You, your reality, your ability to live as your most incredible version of you, is a totality of separation stories, threads, imprints, and obligatory conformed bar-holds defined of who, what, how God is, and must be separate, not us.
Dogma, religions, vibrational stories, your own familial beliefs of who you are, what you exist within, all that science has tried to teach you, show you, but the inner soul, spirit knows you are and you will only ever experience the exact reality of your totality. We each take on such vibrational stories, imprints, beliefs that have nothing to do with what reality, how we manifest a higher vibrational and Divinely auspicious co-creation and it is as simple as purely being present and observing the vibrations within, around, of you with the threading as God. There are a few more intricate details but it is not something you have to work at or force, it is the flow and joy of flow in the moment when you are simply driving and catch life within itself.
Portals are the perfection of resonance and it will occur in your presence, observation of complete perfection that all is neutral, all being well and divine and allowing for Spirit to bring to you what you are now ready to explore, experience, express; this is the gift of God. The in-between is the most magical in which you allow yourself the 'letting go' of old relationships, threads to old jobs, roles, obligations and definitions that are only constructs that belong to energies, stories; remember all is an illusion for you to play out the inner wounds, soul lessons needed, and collective offering. When you choose to heal the wounds before you, that created your reality, your circumstances, you can be the outside view of the fishbowl, and from a birds-eye view what continues to trip you up, who, what, how have you been going within to heal, offer, be of such for you for purity of change and divine entanglement to anew.There are infinite perspectives that you are able perceive from so that you not waiver for a moment the beliefs, the wounds, the detriment that you cause yourself by carrying around beliefs that are ready to be fully released, transmuted, and re-written. All is within your own treasury with God. Your own readiness, communion, sacredness, preparedness, and joy of excitement that is your inner child in explosions of expression meant just for you.
Cycles of toxicity, cycles of dysfunction, cycles of detriment, cycles of success and triumph; all are cycles and all must change. When we refuse to change, when we refuse to see the synchronicities before us, the symbols and Gods direction before us, we get the 'shake upon the head' in more devastating ways. When you are not choosing to be the change you need to see, be, feel, not relying on anyone to be this for you, of you, you are simply stagnating and blocking what has always been; not breaking through and creating what has never been. Observe, be present, ask, reflect, allow and just see what portal of NEW auspiciousness is allowing your interdependence with Creation be your highest priority and path forward.
There is no being, no person, no group that has any control, any hand in, the fates that Spirit is, the delicacy that is life, the life within life and energies, awesomeness that cannot be explained besides the Oneness with God. God is the omni-presence of light, love, infinite eternal regeneration, and yet the constancy is our separation and matter focussed, outer value, outer competition in worthiness and comparison seeking for ones own inner worthiness and story of purpose.

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