Benevolence is Always Held Within Joy
The New Stream of Light for Lightworkers
Leaders of the 5D
April 2, 2022This was an excerpt of channeled material one evening sitting in silence asking of the feeling, sensation of closing out of many corruption upon our planet now coming to the fore for many to take heed into much excitement and determination for inner growth, inner forgiveness, creative alignment for all highest selves, souls, angelica, celestials and councils that we each have the potential and guidance of to make anew;
As I have been bringing for much of my own experiences of living through many, various levels of abuse, trauma, subjugation, manipulation and oppression of my creative being-ness, my expression, my desire and purity of human service, offering my many lifetimes as a shaman, master, and healer, teacher, prophecy to bring humanity to loving higher potentials of co-creation in the alliance of light that we each hold within and have to master new levels of galactic Oneness; all in preparation for our One within, to our One universal belonging that each, regardless of creed, colour, preference, orientation, religion, or faith, all are of the Great One home; the All That Is, and we are here to play upon a Divinely placed planet; the blue jewel with such blessed gifts, wisdoms, intelligence, Divine healing power, loving potential for a heightened collective that is truly beyond our imaging, but excitement to begin and revere such a gift, and entanglement.
This comes at the end of a period of tremendous challenge, and density that I have had to over
ercome, all simply within the family beyond the physical of which has been the only ones healing, loving me so very unconditionally and always being at my moment I reach out, call, and intend the opening to connect, all are here; the lightships in my constant skies, and within seconds, the sky is filled, with their loving hearts always guiding, restoring me, rebuilding me, from much of the density and harm done by black magic, corruptive games, dysfunctional mental, emotional, and suppressive environments to a crystal and rainbow creative child, is beyond unbearable.
Born an empath, heightened vibrational child, I found most of human interaction unnecessary in its aggression, violence, and games of manipulation to only receive what is always present within, yet never taught, never shown, for all and everywhere it is an outer seeking, needing, obsession to get, to have, to strive yet never achieving such superficial attainment, and why I too played all earthly roles in such lifetimes, and asI awakened I remembered all aspects of the dynamic of oppressor and the oppressed as we all did; why we each are here to heal, take accountability and begin new ways to see, perceive, to know of a higher more vast potential for greater systems of socio-altruism, abundance of eco-environmental lush symbiosis that would be a self-sustaining planet never to be depleted and honoured, valued as much as we valued that which never fulfilled our souls and hearts.
We are shifting dear ones, and with my own personal and earthly lifetimes, of many many incredible journeys, challenging and some triumphant I come in truth, honesty, humility to that which is always the
gift of the Great One, Source, the Creator to as excitedly as possible align with the highest light, and offer what light, intelligence, wisdoms, remembrances, stories of kind, that we can find our commonality of experience, pain, suffering, challenge, through systems, leadership, giving our power away to much that truly had no higher ideal that to receive for their own selfish needs and appointments, that which we create greater, higher, more attuned to light, love, peace, oneness, unity and service to the all that we all belong to and we will all return to; for this is not for first lifetime, and it certainly will not be your last.
The journey of awakening is one of allowance, acceptance, and as you allow for all in all moments, you can allow for the equal opposite to guide you into self love, self sovereignty, inner strength, the compassion that all paths are needed, required, and so too is your voice to speak for your needs, safety, creative expression, exploration, divine right to exalt in your perfection
ns, and your imperfections
We are each here in unique offering of our Divine souls, to live as souls, to live expressively and joyfully as the Heavenly creatures manifesting matter through our spirit. We are here to offer and assist others in their journey; not to preach but to simply take joy in you, be fully and unapologetically you, and to know that anyone, anything setting forth intentional blocks, energetic war, and blatant corruption to throw you off such human rights of freedom of your spirited joy, expression, divine service, and alignment to a higher truth of peace, harmony, oneness, and unity will fall and evidently seek the healing to their own ails, ills to which they choose to continue in such separation of their own inner truth and spirit within.
All is purposeful, however there are many that have been shown, given, offered amply opportunity to resign to peace, to humility, to reverence for those in pure service, and such that I offer the below from the Heavenly collective that I found interesting as we set intentions of peace for our planet are being seen in all facets of our reality and shifting so very quickly for us all.
We are all one dear ones, whether you feel it yet or not, this is practice of the loving inner, the self care of inner, self devotion to honour, value, respect, so that each abuse and trauma of those that abuse, will go within and heal that which is aching for such. All will benefit from and all will feel the light of such systems of enhancement from light, sound, alchemy of patterned density of trauma and dysfunction to loving light and Oneness. Many, much of the collective may not remember, know, or be interested in such ways of healing, transcending limitation, fear, illness, or disease, but it is a Divine birthright of an ascending planet and of the divine plan of which will be activated in the DNA of all future generations, of each here on the planet that choose ascension and Oneness.

Many have come with gifts beyond what we have words for, our understanding of our reality is shifting and shifting very quickly, we are all, each experiencing varied and diverse dimensions of vibration, consciousness and play, and all have the right, Divine birthright of Creation to activate, express, explore, expand, experience oneself in the wholeness of the soul that is equally motivated and enriched by the Mother, the Father, the Most High and a galaxy in waiting of our benevolence and integrity to take such advanced wisdoms and use with humility and reverence.
Such beings of light, human-celestial hybrid beings and code breakers like myself, although human in form, we come with much to offer, much to be of service in and of and from the earliest of our personal experiences, life has been chaotic in dysfunction, trauma, pain, loneliness disappointment, and harm to the extent that nearly took my life several times, and being pulled from such devastation to my light body, my DNA, my cells, and chakra's that I found myself unrecognizable; this most would simply not understand, for an empath, for a crystal child, it is like living through war again, and again stressing the faculties beyond what is or has ever been meant to be survive and return from.
I have suffered from PTSD from the multi-dimensional trauma of loss, experience of the intentional games played on top of what was my own souls clearing of deep and trenched soul wounds of persecution, sexual abuse and subjugation of the divine feminine, molestation and remembrance of planetary war, was far too much to ever return from. That was the intent of many I suppose so that I would not move forth in my exploration and expression, for what wisdoms and healings could potentiate, and inner abundance and liberation of entire collectives still asleep - however this is not in the Creators plan, and such will be and thy will be done.

I am here entirely to the Heavenly teams, the ancestors of great magic, great oracles, great angelics of the divine that pure love will and can only repair, and regenerate to appreciation in healing. I have been told that once I do cross the 5D threshold I will have to create a new physical body, for this body has simply carried too much pain and segments cannot repair but we devotedly heal each day, each moment of harmonization. I am a living representation of the Heavens, and the Mother reminds me of her living essence within me as she summons my light daily in joy and celebration to be the sacred child again, again, and in light for others newly awakening to remember our place here and our song that must be sung.

The sounds of this gentle and adoring planet will not be squashed or silenced, and for those of us that have been trained, for those of us that have spent eons in living of light translation for communities, tribes, and planetary evolution, it is why we are here. True spiritualists will offer themselves with devotion, rarely seeking accolades or buy in, do so with integrity to the greater good. I have offered such Heavenly wisdoms, intelligence, helpful knowings freely for years, generations in other tribes, and am often being told by my Heavenly teams to begin monetizing such, for the ones that truly wish the vibrations of the Christ Consciousness and leaders of the 5th dimension will require.

Those that have taken my benevolent offerings, my work, as stated in many years previous since such disparage has occurred, have done so with full knowing, full warning, full intentions to do with it in malice to use, gain, inherit what was not vibrationally intended, or even understood. Why, we have offered in literally hundreds of radio shows, podcasts, videos, the understanding of Universal Law, the check points that the guides, spirit realms have, and have always had to ensure that such constant games of the innocent and use of Universal wisdoms be held in the hands and hearts of those that 'done the time' and initiations of such and can use, honour value, be the vessel of expansive and even greater heights of energy.
For there is no end game; one must learn, value, understand the laws of One, to assure that what is put out will be of good, create in goodness, and we are learning to practice this, as it will return and will and can cause great harm. Not only was the damage done to my multi-dimensionality, personally, the way in which I perceive, how I create and manifest, timelines, potentialed timelines, the ones that were to be in receipt of my healing; all were affected; why this is no small deal and why many videos and gentle and not so gentle pleas to stop such corrupt energy work, intentions that bleed to the collective and all that are the One.
Once again, all lightworkers, we are surpassing a place in our human history and in our ascension through which we have never been; it is key to maintain centre and heart presence in as many moments as possible as you release, forgive, heal, and ground new light, new codes, new translations of the Creation, the Creator to your own unique spin to a new earth emerging.
We are becoming leaders, and the Heavenly Councils will ask us each to step up and out in new ways;
Here are some tips I have been given for we are accessing new vibrational threads of becoming and it will call that we extend ourselves in greater and more joyful ways.
* We will be asked to step forth in joyful blissful creative ways to live as the joyful fae that many of us carry in our DNA and do so without apology for the light, the anchoring of such dance, song, will elevate all and uprise new unimaginable waves of love for the all through the all.
* We will be asked to offer to others that was not offered to us in our journey; to stretch beyond resentment, anger, disappointment, imbalance of the heart through loving unconditional compassion, and even against our oppressors we are being asked to assist in their healing
* We will be asked for collective healing efforts moving to war-torn lands and sacred lands to assist with anchoring of new light, love, potentials to those that cannot reach us, and in 3rd world, under valued areas to bring value, joy, love, song, dance to what was and has been forgotten,
* Each will be asked in their unique ways in which their souls codes require the over-souls expansion of new levels of light to expanded in higher realms, threads, and bandwidths of light and exploration
Go forth and offer who you are with joy of simply being human, spirit, and new.
You are a gift, you are meant to be here, and you are the lover of the beloved.
Make new what was dark and unknown, unseen, or misunderstood.
You are a unique blend and offering of joy of the Creator and you are meant to be seen, known, heard, valued, and treasured. These are only some of my stories, my honouring and in so I love to offer, share, be new, I empower, inspire, and ignite you to live in such unique song.
Lightworkers, humanity unite; laugh, smile, offer a hand, care, love, forgive, be gentle with yourself and all others, for we are all healing deep family, lineage wounds of lack, fear, separation; this is not for the faint of heart; offer all in pure joy, and honour to be such for the Creator, have such bring sheen to a beautiful world and collective awakening.
In joy, passion, and pure intention for the growth and happiness of all, here are my sharing and I will stand, if even I stand alone, I will continue. Lightworkers we are becoming multi-dimensional, and you will feel yourself travel in all moments, to those in need; be it across the world, or to a family member; deepen your compassion, for you can and will go deeper in love. I promise you this.
It is a grand and Divine journey of love with you. You with you. Fear not, there will always be more support, more healing, more help, so ask when you need it. I am always here; I love you and know how loved you are by all Creation. Uplift and release what was. There is always a way to seek yourself into healing, into joy, into a new reality of potential. There is always, always, forgiveness.
Make good on your favours and never forget to ask for help when you need it, reach out when you need it, be humble in all moments; for God is, and Source is, always held within all. Spirit is within all, nothing is hidden, and your pain, your suffering is always temporary, but this is about your life and love for you and how blessed you are in living so; to inspire others in being and living so.
How may we we travel at all times of our life; day, night, we are healing, transmuting density, alchemizing, bringing joy, and in our own healing, in our own transcending we are the examples for those that so desire in free will, to honour the will of all without hinderance or subjugation allow.
We are each vast and old ancient souls, I can joyously say, offer, and exalt in my place here and now, in my body, my mind, my spirited expression, and in my perfection, in my imperfections, I am. Through all pain, suffering, the Heavens has been my soft and adoring compassionate bed in which I am always supported, valued, kissed gently to summon to my feet another day and repeat. The density one can feel is truly unmissable and most believe that this path is impossible, but I am living proof, as my brother and masters have offered, all is possible and all is the beauty of you - believe in such, and know of such, the Heavens are within and knowing of such is your destiny.
This alone will take you to the promise land, in sacred reverence, joy, and celebration of your own unique song; life has never been a competition, or end game; it is a joyful ed for a millennia in various factions of our galaxy and multi-verse until called forth by the Mother Most High for this important Heavenly infusion of light in this profound earthly exploration of ascension.
We are each here to bring our very best, highest, to not simply be the martyr but the most joyful creative blissful being and remember what it means to dance, to sing through life, and create in being so, for this is pure Heavenly entrance; the sacred portal of all 5th dimensional in enhancing health, wellness, gifts of our universe, eternal life and wellness to enriched systems of service and divine creativity that why, how, would we ever want to squash or taint in the depletion of our sense of self that has been our suffering and subjugation of so much illness, and disease, separation and war
Channel from Arch Angel Michael
As a collective, you are breaking down many barriers on the constitution of what was only considered only a ‘mans’ game call it ‘by law’ to ignore, abuse the gentile for they had no means to fight, or to
extend through riches, and such abusers know this and exploit this. Such are breaking, falling away and the undercurrent of corruption are held steeped in the veins of your social systems to those sworn to uphold, protect, and serve clearly have not and such will be shown.
All shall vanquish in the hearings of said councils of the Most High, that operate all worlds and Heavens and of what level of disgrace and imbalance occurred, occurs only you will know the servitude through which each devote to and by the richness of their heart and always be the compass of which all passions, service, and collective alignment will be from here on out.

Make no mistake, all systems that do not operate with greater good, or service of altruism, will be brought down by the lack of integrity, false foundations, of which your earthly courts will unveil in falling corruptions to the dust in the evil that it was created under such selfish and human obliterating values are now for you to sit in the rubble of, contemplate your part within it all and those that have been guilty of perpetuating such destruction of the spirit of human purity, value of the Most High can no longer play the constant and fiendish ways of greed, and many will be held captive by the entities you all summoned to harm others; the slavery that was placed on the innocent will be placed upon you, until balance is restored as Gods promise for this Heaven planet and its peoples.
May you all hold your hearts in peace and pray for the wicked and the oppressors for their hearts have been closed from a conscious knowing of the damage done to the innocence of so many, and as you begin to rebuild and rewrite the human-heavenly potentials of Oneness, may you all come together in peace, fairness, equality, and greater reverence for all life upon your world in rebirth.
Lord and Arch Angel Michael
In closing of a milestone for our Daughter, to the many deep and at times insurmountable odds and challenges.
The price for vanquishing our daughter is
immeasurable for her pure heart was forever changed by the damage done in the callous games and infantile energetic debauchery. You will feel the pain each placed on her so that you recognize the stakes at such foolishness to a world truly in need of her light, healing, and wisdoms;
We give our daughter permission to be the voice of justice and retribution and we will deliver so unto Her authority – She has only dedicated herself to all of you and you foolishly betrayed, stole in all ways that are vibrationally possible, and what was beyond necessary. Reparation will be set and we beseech thee, to thy name; thy will be done.
The Mother and Father, the Creator, The Great One
Blessings and light,