Monday, 6 April 2020

The Beauty of Creative Surrender ~ 5th D IS our Creative Surrender Coming to Life

The Beauty of Creative Surrender ~ 
5th D IS our Creative Surrender Coming to Life

It is our birthright to express our light.
Our light is the purity of who we are as Source in human form;
This light is creative, eternal, expressive, infinite in potential, delicate, profound, elegant, poetic, dynamic, and unique to each of us.
I was offered this weekend about a clearing, a healing I have been moving through that was imprinted within my souls blueprint to unveil and transcend, to harmonize and bring forth for a creative offering to humanity at this time; the profundity of our creative expression as Source is so very key and vital to our wellbeing and ability to further evolve and expand within Creation, and does absolutely affect all multi-dimensional aspects of our ALLness.

If our Heavenly, Divine, innate light is not expressed; or repressed due to dysfunction, environment, abuse, out-dated socio-systems, or any other form of repression, or subjugation, then this creative light, creative truth being stifled can cause much of our individual chaos, imbalance, instability, and illness in every way, to the point that affects our lineage and timelines and what we are here to acknowledge, heal and transcend into anew. 
Creative and innate authentic expression is so vital and key to our collective and personal multi-dimensional healing and cannot be overlooked in the core of our human issues, core to our process through healing. This one attribute to our human collective ascension goes beyond this very short article, but is also innately connected to many of the perhaps misunderstood diagnosis of many behavioural - mental experiences that can also be brought into a more evolutionary and expanded perspective to enlighten a compassionate and reverent resolve to its truth of potentiality rather than medical dysfunction.

Know thyself, explore thyself, express thyself and thus, experience the ALL that you are as Source. In many of our articles, we pose our experiences, our findings, our ascension unveilings as the door of opportunity to bring much of what so many ail from, or are swayed into illness from due to the lack of understanding or allowance of our innate greatness to be explored and expressed.

How delightful we are, our reality NOW moment is that we have to re-write, re-awaken, and re-imagine our greatness in all new moments and express it forth?

The rejection of your uniqueness within your world is not and does not have to be your perception;
You do not have to carry, or personalize what others think of you, or have judged of you. Judgement is how we have separated ourselves to maintain safety and control and is being healed on every level of a new 5th dimensional earthly unveiling; and within us each to call forth and heal of the many mistruths and wounding energies that have kept us suppressed and collapsed in silence and inaction of what and how our souls have ached for us to release and live.

Healing the inner wounds of rejection, creative suppression and depression is that of radical self-acceptance. Release the burdens of others for it is choice that we take that on and absorb it or make it our own; at a young age, we don't know that but is a part of our adult healing to bring self-love, self-expression a part of our own pure path with Source.

Empaths, crystal children, oftentimes, without knowing, take on the thought forms, the imprints, and energies of others and why self-care, clearing the space, creating sacred self-love, creative self-expression time is so key.
Bring your inner child and inner joy to life, you are worthy of the light that is purely you! Our world is changing, our world needs your courage and blessed gifts, you are needed and valued as a Divine gift of creative perfection.
We are so very blessed as the Divine in new realms, new timelines, new human collective majesty and how we can if truly passionate about the unfurling as love, to acknowledge and explore our creative truth, who we truly are within and feel the beauty and elegance of expressing such Heavenly light in whatever manner and matter it may be inspired. This entanglement, this Oneness with Source, with our guides, is the acting as the Divine puzzle piece that will innately fold into what our collective requires, needs, and will be served by, for, and in simultaneous design, will serve the soul in its purpose and passion for why it came forth.   

These again are the micro-macro elements that serve personal, soul, over-soul, and all timeline energies, as the Source within is being acknowledge, allowed, and surrendered into for exploration and expression.  

Release the fear, release the discomfort of caring or denying yourself your own brilliance in fear of what others will say, or not understand; follow your inner joy, embrace the brilliance that IS your light, your Source truth, your Source inspiration that was meant to be inspired and brought to life here for a new realm co-creation.  You are the truth of Source living through a human vessel, a beautiful and dynamic truth that is unique and special, and Heavenly and Divine to us each; within this uniqueness, within this special vibration IS the catalyst that expands ALL of Creation in new ways, and undeniably, in unexplainable ways. 

If we deny this creative journey living as Source, we deny our birthright to live fully in our joy of being US; inner peace, inner joy, is the vibration of living in full expression of who we truly are; and in our Oneness as Source, whether we perceive others accepting us or not, or others understanding us or not, we deny our birthright to expand.  Remember, our consciousness is the ALL; and denying this is denying your evolution, the ALL.  What is truly beautiful, that in the mere expression we serve what was drawn at the soul level, and in this, goes into the quantum fields of Source that serve more than what is or will ever be seen, but known to the ALL for the ALL.  How can the elegance of Source, God, the Universe, the Omni-present, the ALL, be any less than perfect in this design and how are you any different or separate from this? 
 Art by Charles Frizzell

We can be truly in bountiful excitement to design, to inspire our social systems that can incorporate more of our innate truth, of Oneness, of pure entanglement as creative colour, sound, and expression to not only heal our captive joys, but to heal a collective system stifled through limitation and/or controlled programs that leave little room for unique Divine expression of gifts that we have no words for and have yet to explain. We have gifts dear ones, through our DNA, through our internal asking, seeking, and allowing, that will come forth and enter us into our Universality and allow for even grander Omni-present exploration, and how are we ready for this, and allowing of this, or honouring of this?
 We have so much to be explore and in this, WOW, what a new birthing and new dawn that we each have to begin!

In this dear ones, know that the innate beauty of YOU, the innate and unseen, quantum elegance of YOU is truly and unfathomably celebrated by CREATION in all moments you freely, with great passion, with great inner knowing, with great love, with great honesty, with great truth, and with great authentic generous excitement, will always, always, and in all ways serve and delight you, delight the all in fall in love and transmute all density of fear of expression, fear of being your lighted truth, or how you have felt repressed by others or systems, for these are the illusions, the boundaries, the blocks, the imprints we are all here to lovingly and joyfully, and purely expressively transcend.

How may we lovingly inspire and empower our children, our loving inner child within to play, paint, create, meditate, connect, and entangle with our gifts that are done through such creative birthing and joyful exploration? How may we see our social re-birthing as one that is creatively over-due and creatively lead to allow for our Heavenly bliss to simply BE the ALL that we were meant to be, share, and be expressed as?

For our 5th dimensional new earth is not something that is forced or created through agenda and linear blueprints; it will be innately and creatively birthed in our Heavenly surrender to who we have always been as Divine and Heavenly co-creators. This is why childlike joy is so very key to not only our 5th dimensional re-alignment, but to all multi-dimensional healing and transformations at every level. 
Shine, dear ones, shine!
Your passion and joy, and excitement now affects ALL!
And so it is,
Blessings and shiny truth,

Our latest Shamanic Tarot Weekend storytelling - The Glorious Re-Birth


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