Sunday, 12 April 2020

5D Soul Mate ~ The Dynamic Depths of Soul Mate Love ~ The Omni-Present Experience

5D Soul Mate Harmonization 
Healing and Awareness to living in and AS LOVE

As many are experiencing, the complete need and desire to re-write how we experience ourselves and one another in the relationships we keep; our relationship within love, ourselves, one another, and why so many right now are simply seeing the truth of what beliefs we have held, and how these beliefs call forth the blessings to re-write a new canvas of soul fulfillment in every way.

Are you relationships draining you? Are you living from out-dated expectations that are based on ego and lack of self? We have the perfect opportunity in the close quarters to fully seed and bloom anew; and how may we take advantage of this quarantine to deep-dive and emerge anew? How may your 'soul-mate' relationships be perceived anew to fully align within a 5D reality program? What relationships and attachments is your spirit, your soul, guides and teams asking that you re-align and / or release and let go to traverse new adventurous ground? 

We are entering within new collective programs of light exploration, and thus then, our souls are triggering us innately, and we will feel such subtle urgings, to explore, and experience ourselves anew especially pay attention to the energetic shifts when we awaken each morning; for these are the 'new expressions of you' that come right off your healing lightships, your Universal etheric travels that re-align you for each new day of your journey here to ignite new quantum desires to the physical; act upon what subtitles you are being offered; envision, and ponder within, for this is the elegant communication of your teams and spirit to moment-for-moment align you in love and joyful adventure. Every relationship is a quantum magnetization of vibration and inspired through the soul, spirit, if you are awake, in-tune, and trusting the guidance; to allow for your maximum and most joyful, playful, and loving experience in all moments. At the vibrational awakening that we are at entering within a 5D collective consciousness, such Divinely intended orchestrations can truly allow us to experience the elegant threading of our omni-present existence and truly magical each engagement can be.

Soul Mate relationships are inspired to honour the souls journey at the highest levels and are pulled together through profound synchronicity and Divine intervention so that each soul can fulfill its pre-destined path and desire for its highest vibrational experience to explore Itself as love. Not just at the individual level, but at the collective, galactic, and Universal level as well; inspiring new depths of love that inspire new depths of creative expression. Soul Mate love inspires us at every multi-dimensional level to bring forth gifts, to inspire new gifts through the pairing and entanglement of deep multiple timeline soul love, and to inspire play to evolve anew.

Ascension, Awakening not only allows for the individual expansion through heightened consciousness but also that of every relationship entwined within. There will be many relationship shifts; regardless of how we define them; whether it be through the cycles of break up, releasing, letting go, re-aligning, re-working, healing and transcending, new friendships, and lovers, soul mates, coming together in the most miraculous ways to make way for the new light expressions, and communities of potentials that every soul is aware at the highest levels that IT knows it is a part of the orchestration to unfold. All souls are in agreement at the highest level; trust in what your soul is guiding you to deepen within.

The excitement and newness of seeing, perceiving, and experiencing a loved, one, a beloved; to align within 5D vibrations; that can be shared in all familial and soul tribe;

1.) To release expectations of one another, allowing for pure and whole, and expansive potentials of one another, each other, and not suppressed or driven from ego-human made old paradigms re-cycling old ways of behaving and growing together and individually.

2.) To love, live unconditionally of oneself and all others; knowing that all souls are Divinely threaded and aligned, and living purely within their innate souls passion, souls excitement and neither party to hold back or feel held back but to empower, inspire, and encourage growth in all ways and in all forms of exploration of the spirit.

To set the self-loving intentions that inspire a new richness of Oneness and expressiveness of spirit, and uniqueness to that of honouring of the whole self; thus being the above 2 in culmination to live purely by in alignment with self-love, Source entanglement, soulful expression, exploration, and experiential potentials that have NO LIMITS in respectful and honouring vibrations of all life.

Simple and allows for any healings that trigger such liberating ways of sacred living, will absolutely come forth to assist you, and one another to heal and live fully in unconditional trust of one anothers' paths and souls desire for Heavenly fulfillment upon earth.

All relationships show up to allow us to grow, to honour, to explore, our limitless potentials as love; simple right? Every wound and less than of the whole loving self will come forth as you commit and devote to exploring, expression, and experiencing this level of unconditionality of love; the BEING of love.

As our collective heals, releases all old paradigm energies of less than, lack of self, transmuting the wounded aspects, and healing to fully align within the infinite vibrations; loving and honouring energies, the road will of course require that love to smooth out the hurdles.

Soul mate love is the joy of thyself, the reflections and sparking of one another to ever deeper levels of love and the exploration and experience of this expression; in all relationships, we are evolving into and within love, and how this is the ultimate Heavenly tool that transmutes all.

The challenge will be to surrender all ego-ic controlling energies and beliefs that creep up in lack of trust and self-love that aches to be healed. Such explorations will allow us to expand within all aspects of our community and socio-economic restructuring as the ALL changes as we each dive deeply and align with the sacred vibrations of love, sovereignty and infinite creative potentials.

For we all know, when you love and set your souls honouring intentions, how you love and honour yourself, how you love all life, and live in this spirited exploration, so too will your core vibration attract another that has cleared, and healed to the similar vibratory level to then harmonize a new level of Love to bloom.

Love is our greatest influencer and requires that we drop all pre-conceived notions, expectations, and disappointments of the past and allow the karmic past to be your greatest teacher for a new NOW vibratory beginning and reality.

The Christic 5D vibrations will always be The Center point to which we re-align; in all loving relationships; LOVE, INFINITE, ETERNAL, SOVEREIGN; and how may we explore, express, and experience the Heavenly sacredness and infinite potential that we each are within all moments, all entanglements, in all ways?

One can reflect and ponder, ask in daily self-care contemplation, healing, and integration to new vibratory realties;

* Am I being honoured and valued, to the new level to which I now deserve and desire?
* Am I expressing, exploring and allowing for Divine experience in honest authentic potential?
* Am I allowing myself to expand in giving, receiving, and exploring love in all ways and in all moments with all beings?
* Am I ready to fully surrender with Source, as Source, to know, to live, to be the knowing that love is ALL, that I am connected and threaded within the ALL, and I am always with the ALL, in spirit allows for there to be no real loss but only the growth I honour in all exploration of my souls journey?
* How may I become more of my creative joy in all relationships and honour this in all others?
* Is all that I am; physical, mental, emotional, and etheric energetic being of who I am, and becoming, being honoured and adored? How may I begin in each moment to shift my reality NOW?

Such moment-for-moment allowance and self-worthy, inner innate knowing of your own Godliness, of 'As Source IS, I AM' thus expressing this vibration from every cell and particle that you are; within the ALL you begin to offer this Divine vibration to all others, within the ALL, thus then shifting and affecting the ALL to return these vibrations of ever-heightened potentials for growth within the self, and the unions that you entangle within. As we can see, such profound potential for evolutionary exploration and it is purely within the core and centre of loving intent of the honour of the whole self.  

How can we each appreciate and value that each person before us is for that exact reflection to love more deeply, to accept the blessed uniqueness of Source be valued, be honoured and be the vibration portal of thyself that allows all others to know their worthiness and their innate potential to also express freely and with loving grace? 

As my teams reminded me earlier this week; 'The blessing of God, Source, the Omni-Source Creator, the Universe, spirit, is within all things, all beings, all moments, and your collective evolution reside within your gentle and curious seeking and living of this.'

In such loving relationships, individually, within our families and communities, we are remembering the core DNA coding that we are INFINITE, that we are eternal, that we are vastly creative and can re-write a loving reality experience that truly can be unconditional and dynamically self-expressive; thus being loving evolution in all ways with one another upon every fractal of our souls experience.

It is also Divinely aligned and gifted on every level that we become more aware of our co-creative potential and inner Oneness and harmony within ourselves; our souls desire to explore, express, and experience love, that through communion with Source, spirit, that we see, experience magic in all moments. The majesty that we become in our recognition of our Heavenly partnership with spirit to assist in every way our miraculous threading of what only moments earlier we believed the unfolding of such Divine soul relationships to be impossible; our souls and spirit guides, teams, and The Holy Creators, are ever threading magic within our wishes, our dreams, and whatever creative joys we wish to experience. 

It is through our souls healing, the coming of new, to allow for the release control, the ego, and the mind to live as a surrendered embodiment of Source in complete infinite exploration of love. Can you allow for this surrender and fully trust your soul, the elegance, the intelligence, the expansive journey that love can offer and that your teams, your guides, the Creators can offer you? These are the profound 5D vibrations that lift us, that empower us to new heights and elegance that we knew would be our unfolding potentials.

Surrender dear ones, your soul, Source, your teams, your guides, you; you know what you are doing and trust in the elegance and unconditional creative vastness of Creation living through you to deliver exactly what you knew would be your greatest dream ever.

More Divine offerings to gently and lovingly ponder.
And so it is,
Blessing and light,


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