Tuesday, 21 April 2020

The Mystery & Majesty of the Unknown ~ The Joy of Surrendering to Source, to Love

The Mystery & Majesty of the Unknown

Can you trust in the mystery that is SOURCE?
The Creator of ALL, in all moments that you can allow yourself to trust, to surrender, you allow for your inner soul growth and expansion to step into the unknown and face, and honour, and choose from your toolkit that is Christically awaiting for you to ignite and activate for the fields and the cosmic consciousness that aches for your partnering sacred play.

The Divine and Heavenly mystery that is within all life, at every level, through which we are able to abandon the ego and the mental strife of thinking we must 'figure it all out' and release to the flow that is the infinite stream of loving grace, loving potential, and Divine majesty. Stepping into what is not known, or allowing the unknown to tickle your soul to deepen new beginnings; it will require that your adventurous drive will challenge the status quo, it may inspire others, it may create distancing from what no longer serves, the unknown will allow for that inner strength required to continue when others laugh, or say 'your crazy,' or leave you in the cold for not following the social norms; this is the way of the maverick and the spiritual aspirant and it is never an easy won path but one that comes with the most profound soulful gains of inner and higher knowing.

Within all paths of the unknown and majesties of spirit, you will have to come to terms with and make peace with not making others happy but honouring yourself above all. You will have to make peace with your desire to be free and soar when others around you simply cannot find the way beyond what they have always known; and without judgment you offer light and love and carry on.

Can you trust that you are within the living stream of loving flow? Can you trust that the unknown holds your greatest adventure, your greatest love, your greatest discovery? Can you trust it will activate wisdoms and learning beyond imagining? There is great majesty of expansiveness within the unknown for this is the hero's journey of self and whole union with Source, with Creation.

Can you let go of what needs to be released in the pure and higher knowing, all is well and in the highest and best for all?

Can you allow for the majesty of your partnership with Source, with the Creator, and know all you will ever need will be provided in this trust?
This is all available to us in our ever-winding path with and as spirit; allowing the flow of the infinite; our biggest challenge to know all is as it should be and the sooner we acknowledge, accept, honour what is, and open to allow what can be; miraculous shifts takes place.

Trust in love, Trust in the joy that you are within all cosmic wind and Heavenly breath.
The mystery beckons for you to dance with the unknown, to step forth upon a new loving path, to commune with your tribe, and allow your heart to sing what it has come to explore. This beckoning will ask that we 'let go' and that we release the stagnant that needs to be renewed and healed anew, or to walk away when what you stand in doesn't serve you; heeding the call of spirit, will at any point, and in every aspirants path, require that you surrender to the higher order, the higher path, the inner innate Oneness of love that guides you into anew. 
TRUST; your highest self aspects know what is best for your highest learning and joys to be revealed. It will always require that we 'let go' and fully trust in the unknown, the unseen, and the inner pulling of what our souls are guiding us into. You are the master you have come to explore and expand anew. You are the angel that you have come to feel and expand anew. You are the Heavenly ambassador that you are to expand anew. You are the Source within Source, and there will always be majesty within the unknown for those willing to 'let go' and trust what your soul aches for.

Trust in the musings and urgings of the heart; it will always guide you more deeply into you. The ego will always tempt you to control, to seek the outcome or manage every minute to portend the best result; let go, dear master, let go. Source knows, you know, your soul knows, the Universe will support you, you are safe.
Daily Reflection to Inspire 'Letting Go'
Let go,
You are always held,
You are always loved,
You are surrounded and guided,
You are deeply adored and needed,

Let go.
Anything that is holding you back; reflect, acknowledge it, accept its blessing to your soul, and with great earthly and heartfelt alignment, choose anew! 

You don't have to remain broken within old beliefs and paradigms; old wounds can be healed, can be transformed, and you are the alchemist of this.
Accepting what is allows for the gateway of miracles to enter; 
You are the blessing and conjurer of magnificence,

Shapeshift to the you that you had designed yourself to experience. 
And so be it.

Send forth your devotional joy to explore, to express, and fully experience yourself as love, as the movement of love, of compassion, and living forgiveness; allow for the Heavens that is within, to be activated and live through you, for this is the portal through which the majesty awakens.  In all majesty, at every vibrational level, there are gifts, there are higher intelligent musings and remembrances that ignite you further and deeper upon your vast journey of loving exploration. 

The unknown will always be a part of our eternal exploration; as our human-spirit evolution more deeply kicks in, we will be ever more readily open to accepting this surrender and the ego, the shadow, will be healed into succumbing to the magic and unconditional love that is within such higher surrender. You have come here to explore your most adventurous and courageous life ever; can you feel your way into this joyful potential and that not knowing is why you came?

We are at ever moment dear ones, and this is important to note, in an ever-upward-outward spiral of Source exploration, and this requires that as we quicken, as we awaken, we will be required to ever trust, ever balance, ever 'let go' of the energies and vibrations that we transmute in this trusting.  We are constant in our shifting, and the more readily we can surrender into this constant state of change, the more our multi-dimensional experience can begin to feel the excitement and the joy, and the deep blessings of such journeys as love.  

Daily Affirmation as you arise to begin a new unknown; 
'I AM SAFE, I AM LOVED, I AM WHOLE, and I will follow my heart, I will attune to my highest wisdom upon this unknown and exciting path of love. I will express myself freely with compassion and grace, and I will forgive in all moments that I called to do so; my heart is pure and desiring to soar, and I will soar freely and in unconditional trust of who I am with Source, as love. Today I will exalt all that I am as love, and as I perceive all as love, all others as love, I begin now to create the love that I have come to explore and experience. Today I promise to centre as love, to step into the unusual and unknown, and I will leap when my soul calls for it. I trust all that I am, for I AM THE LOVE that I AM.' And so it is.

Here is our latest video on 'Imagining Beyond 3D' and allowing for the majesty to live through you in your new 5D co-creations. The Blessings of the imagination and how our souls, our earthly realm is healed as we freely express all that we are in all moments.  Following your bliss will always serve.
*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL0trevrDxU
Remember, dear ones, dreams, wishes, miracles, and the majesty of the Heavens are always held within the unexpected, the unknown and the surreal moments that are simply undeniable and unexplainable, and this is meant to be. This is the blessing and whisper of the deep unconditional love that Source and your union in this knowing of how infinite the journey is of love.

Allow yourself permission to see, to perceive each moment as a new reality you are birthing through your heart, unconditional trusting, and knowing that change can be purely aligned in joy, and may come with some 'seemingly out-dated release, or pain, or even loss,' however knowing that the Universe, your soul, will always provide something greater in its place.  

Perceive each moment as the majesty that is the mystery and how deeply are you able to simply surrender and be at peace with how loved, how supported, how guided, and how blessed you are to be healed when you ask for is, to be blessed when you pray for this, and how warmed you are when you ache for it?  You have the Universe at your beckon call, with infinite teams of consciousness working within you, all about you, and this is an eternal journey through which is ever-sewn with Source and through which you can never be separate or unmoved from. You are safe. You are loved. You are far deeper in your gifts, in your wisdoms, and blessings to which you can call upon for the graceful and peaceful flow through change that can be experienced, if you desire to activate it within. 

I remember the moment I saw my first child in the back seat, as we made our way home from the hospital and the bellowing ache of worry in my stomach as my mind raced; 'ok now what; every book, every notion of trying to prepare yourself for bringing home your child, is utterly unknown.'  The responsibility and joy and love is so overwhelming that how can the ego prepare you for the mystery and majesty of this experience of being a parent?' 
There is great mystery within you young one. There is great intelligence and joy of exploration within you oh masterful one. There is great majesty and Heavenly order within your heart dear bold traveller of the cosmos, and how may you soften within your heart, harmonize as love, and invite the utter surrender within the only steadfast union within the ALL?  

Oh the journeys of love that will surprisingly arise, oh the mystery of love that will ignite your soul and heart to sing anew, and oh dear one, the new world of creative joy that awaits your spirit to paint within; trust.  You are the Creator and you are needed to surrender within the grace that is Source fully aligning you to this majesty of the Heavens upon earth.  

Unconditional loving trust; step forth into the unknown, you are held, you are loved, and you are so very vastly sewn in Universal wisdoms, there is no wrong path; energy and love will always transform and flow, and how may we succumb to the sacredness that is the mystery of such? 

This mystery will always show you the satisfying ache that your soul calls for; greater love, greater creativity, greater family and tribe unions, greater soul mate union, greater adventure, greater compassion, this is the never-ending story living through you and is always a vast journey of forgiveness, compassion, and eternal love for the ALL that you are and have always been.

Fall in love with who you are and who you have come to explore, express, and experience, for this is your Source union that awaits in all new now moments. The mystery of you is infinite, this mystery of you is eternal and so very creative, and how deeply may you love you, may you honour you, and may you trust you with Source as a creative navigator of light?  Trust; you got this, you are sewn with Source.  

And so the mystery unfolds.....enjoy, celebrate, you are held tightly and gently in loving grace.
And so it is.
Blessings and light,


Friday, 17 April 2020

Honouring of the NEW Human Sovereignty

The Values, Truths, and Honouring of Human Sovereignty 
We have experienced many lifetimes of misguided, misinformed, and misinterpreted scriptures, social rules, about honouring ones own happiness before others; these stifling and backwards social conventions are what we are all beginning to re-write and open up for new liberation. Our birthright, our sacred and blessed commitment in being is that we live fully and with soul-focussed, heart-centred truth within ourselves first, thus aligning all else. Heart-centred living is conscious, it is innately threaded within your offering to the ALL, and expanding of the ALL; and in no way is it selfish. Heart-centred higher know is the harmonization within the Higher Self, soul, and Source Creator; and oftentimes, due to ego-ic tendancies and programmed patterning, many forgo the inner nudging's to let go and move on, and get stagnant within the quantum enmeshment of others energies, social chaos, dysfunction, and many other imbalances and therefore continuing old cycles of dysfunction.

What is available however, what has always been available is for each person to step off the merry-go-round and begin anew from a heightened and new heart-centred approach to live within a Divine and Heavenly truth of self-love, self-honour, and purely self-aligned to ones own sovereignty.

The exploration of sovereignty and being of this, is a key and fundamental attribute of ascension for humanity; this will become a part of every human's experience to sort out and begin to pay greater attention to what is going on within, how to steady the ground for peace, harmony, and joy, and equality in nurturance and self-exploration, but to also let go when the time and energies call for it.  How may we each be blatant and honest in what, where, and how we have held ourselves back in any way of creative self-expression for the fear of going outside the box, or social norm, or to make others feel comfortable? How has our evolution as a species been stagnant because of such latent gifts and Heavenly magic not being expressed?  How may we awaken now to live fully in our Heavenly truth and know that our threading in such diverse creative blessedness IS our very reason for signing up for such an earthly mission? Such individual and collective reflections will allow us to not only release judgments and out-dated beliefs within, but innately resolve much disharmony and inequality to many groups, peoples that have been disenfranchised for eons. 

We all must experience this in some degree and to know that there will be ever subtle communications on how to continually align your inner truth and souls calling to that which is available and how to balance this with our ever-changing and shifting world, and communities around us. This will be the mastery we each earn, and is a phenomenal task in and of itself.  

We should be very proud of how far we have come to literally shift our way of behaving from ego-ic to soul-heart centred in such a short period of time and know how vitally important this is to honouring of ones path, creative expressions, and overall mental, emotional, and energetic health and wellness. This however won't come without the pains of letting go, the fears and anxiety of the unknown, and shifting ones entire perspective upon what values, rules, laws, and out-dated paradigms and beliefs did we hold within about where, who, and how we align for our own innate happiness, souls ache to explore, express, and experience our omni-presence and aptitudes? How have we held our fate in what our social constructs have designed for us; or our happiness in the hands of others, or our power in any way to that of anything outside ourselves? How can we each re-align to what is truthfully calling from within? Higher vibrational purely aligned intent in love and the exploration of this within the ALL, and to justify to oneself first the deserving of this is a moment-for-moment human re-write that we are all now facing and many excitedly inviting forth to explore.

We first must look at how we have moulded ourselves, over time to situations, behaviour and misguided truths that were not necessarily our own? How have we sacrificed to save face, to comply to others needs that were simply unable to seek for themselves? How have we been living within guilt imposed sanctions that serve few and only continue controlling systems of lack? One cannot see the magic, experience the magic, or express the magic if we are constantly riding the coattails of what others expect, or desire of us. We must truly ache for the Divine to live through us and be fully expressed to truly know and be present as our soul to live as such.  

Each person awakening will ask similar and soul searching questions that must be brought forth for examination and re-alignment; for this is how we truly enlighten. Release the density and mistruth, and align with a heart-centred valuing and honouring system that works within each and supporting the ALL, honouring the ALL, and radiating forth in this way. 

Many of my key lessons have been about 'standing in my power and my own innate truth' and how I have recently been evaluating many of my lifetimes, choices, and experiences to clearly be shown how I have sacrificed much inner light, peace, and higher knowing, to make it easy for others, or what I thought was a service, only becoming a huge disservice to myself and never really allowing any other to know their higher truth, or find their own way, and actually making the path harder for them by doing so.  I remember many lifetimes in which I succumb to negative energies and simply did not think, or know I had the power within to stand in my light and take ownership of my power, my truth, and this lifetime was to offer many situations in which my voice, my truth would be honoured. 
We have many of our social 'norms' backwards and truly do not center within a higher knowing that each person, all life, is purposeful, valued, desired, and needed for unique reasons and each person, being a master, cannot know their mastery if others are overstepping boundaries to solve every mishap and argument that arises.  I remember many times ruminating; 'I'd rather be outside exploring the forest and talking with nature than watching TV;' feeling as my needs, my light, my exploring of my light was less normal, or less valued than what the majority was doing and not honouring this light this simple nudging, suppresses the creative expression that we each have as spirit to live fully and beyond our imagining and why we are each moving through profound inner-outer rebalancing.

Being a parent, wanting to be the best and most involved parent, oftentimes left me feeling over-exhausted and unappreciated as I overstepped to solve every niggle in the house. Not wanting our children to feel or experience pain, or being let down, and so on, comes with the overburdens that simply are not ours to take on and manage, solve, and stop from occurring. I was reminded more times that I could count; 'your children cannot learn, grow, and know their own power if you are doing it all for them, you cannot live their life and smooth the way in every minor and major hurdle that arises; they have come to experience such challenge; they are masters. Reinforce their mastery and see how they arise to every challenge they attract.'

There is a very fine and subtle line that every human will move within that challenges our ever growing sovereignty within new vibrational realms of play.  How, when, and what to offer, and when stepping over boundaries of free will, and a souls desire to experience soul growth is only between the soul and person living it.  I have had a number of occasions, even while waiting in a hospital room in support of another, that my teams chanted in when my worry and anxiety began to rise; 'allow the process to unfold,' not even considering that my worry elevated the distress and that I had not considered that their soul needed to experience that very situation beyond the reasons that I was initially seeing.  

On the road to mastery, we must always check-in; how may I open my heart and serve in the greatest good; for myself and all others? Listen, wait, and honour; as much as we want a positive, loving, free flowing, positive, and joyful outcome, oftentimes, we must heed the call for each person to be allowed their own souls unique path in learning, growing, and exploring what it is that is fully in alignment with their highest truth, karmic healing, and activations that guide them in their blessed journey.  

We cannot control every outcome; this is ego-ic and why mastery allows for us to step back, know thyself, set healthy and honouring boundaries, and sensing into when to act, how to act, and serve, and what is truly in the highest and best for ALL; you will always be guided but it takes our inner listening and trusting and not to succumb to the ego-ic reactions.
This is why it will be key for the ever-attunement within and to be the love that we so desire to receive to be treated and honoured as; we bloom and blossom as the elegant purveyor of light, and every situation unfolding becomes a fluid higher knowing of what is meant to occur.  We will feel the shift from chaos to order and when we can trust ourselves unconditionally, we see the true elegance and design that IS our existence.  

The innate inner and higher voice, heart-centred alignment will offer moment-for-moment ushering to release the need to know, the need to control, and the reflex to succumb to out-dated notions that we have to sacrifice our light for anyone or anything.  It is up to us to be present, allow, and honour what is the most Divine and elegant entanglement of each souls growth and re-alignment to a higher truth and way of being. 
Within our collective experience, we are each re-evaluating what our core values truly are and how we arise, how we behave and allow for all others to walk their unique path to that which they have desired and written, is not within anyones control and what we can honour as the entering within a new human sovereign paradigm that will allow for ever-heightened streams of Heavenly light as we walk the past of mastery.  

Through the process of enlightenment and awakening, we move through moments in which we must each look within and seek what truly honours our sacred journey, our sacred spirit, and gifts that will emerge and become present to serve and offer. What higher truths and higher calling can we each align to that opens a vibrational joy for others to see and feel, and in our harmonic strength, we begin to rebalance and heal what has been so out of alignment?
These are paramount lessons we learn as awakened beings into new realms of light and consciousness and how to understand energy, entanglement, self-mastery, claiming your sovereignty and much more. Awakening to greater sovereignty; acknowledging what this means and feels like for you, owning this, claiming this, and setting forth sacred joys, behaviours that fulfill this alignment will also re-align what your reality shows you. How valued and how honoured you claim to be, will be what you receive and entangle with.  

Daily self-care allows for a constant alignment process, healing, intuitive and intimate connection that can never be broken, always be relied upon, and allow for your highest and best path to always be presented; if you allow for the needs of others, or dysfunction of others, mental, emotional, and energetic games of others to disrupt this light, or feeling suppressed of this light, then it is key to create self-care to re-align and live within the pillar of light that you have always been; state your innate Oneness with Source, service to light and Source, love, and goodness, and direct your energy to what serves you and your souls journey. 
This requires knowing your own needs, desires, keen heart felt aches to serve, and setting boundaries, and stating your equally needed desires to re-align in each new phase of light offerings for our collective; we cannot do the work for others, we can set the vibration and tone, inspire, guide, and empower, but we cannot heal anything for anyone; it takes compromise and equal work to work through tough souls healings; and if this is not taking place, it will be keen to set clear boundaries to maintain and sustain your light.

Honour and live within your light; standing in our sovereign power is one of humanities key lessons; this releases all subjugation in every way. Heeding the innate and unique call of spirit within is unique for each person and will require a unique and inspired path. This means unique healing, unique energy requirements, expression, and so on. 
You have earned this light over eons' and know your intention, attention, standing in your own power, to have your own back, and know that your loving focus within your heart is everything!
This doesn't mean separate or judge, or live without compassion; quite the opposite; it means we are releasing every restraint and constraint on our energy that no longer serves us. Standing within a more soulful aligned honouring that values growth, love, acceptance, and compassion for what we each are here to explore, express, and experience. To know that you can do, achieve, and experience anything you desire, and to begin at 'being infinite' to live as love will be a portal to which our souls liberation and sovereignty will be served. 

Listening and honouring the intuitive guidance to serve you and your souls journey so that you and your light are not compromised for what you are here to truly co-create. Ensure that there is time to be fully nourished, balanced, and served within first; then you serve in a balanced and harmonious manner to set the same vibration for others to also follow their innate calling and souls urgings.

Here is our most recent youtube on 'Sovereignty' and the new portal of self-discovery.
Here is our most recent youtube on 'Allowance, Presence, Allness'  for those that so desire;

Many and Heavenly Divine blessings of sovereignty and inner joy,

Blessings and light,
For personal ascension coaching, Akashic blocks and intuitive readings, sacred journey initiations, and much more, see our website; https://ULWHC.com

Sunday, 12 April 2020

5D Soul Mate ~ The Dynamic Depths of Soul Mate Love ~ The Omni-Present Experience

5D Soul Mate Harmonization 
Healing and Awareness to living in and AS LOVE

As many are experiencing, the complete need and desire to re-write how we experience ourselves and one another in the relationships we keep; our relationship within love, ourselves, one another, and why so many right now are simply seeing the truth of what beliefs we have held, and how these beliefs call forth the blessings to re-write a new canvas of soul fulfillment in every way.

Are you relationships draining you? Are you living from out-dated expectations that are based on ego and lack of self? We have the perfect opportunity in the close quarters to fully seed and bloom anew; and how may we take advantage of this quarantine to deep-dive and emerge anew? How may your 'soul-mate' relationships be perceived anew to fully align within a 5D reality program? What relationships and attachments is your spirit, your soul, guides and teams asking that you re-align and / or release and let go to traverse new adventurous ground? 

We are entering within new collective programs of light exploration, and thus then, our souls are triggering us innately, and we will feel such subtle urgings, to explore, and experience ourselves anew especially pay attention to the energetic shifts when we awaken each morning; for these are the 'new expressions of you' that come right off your healing lightships, your Universal etheric travels that re-align you for each new day of your journey here to ignite new quantum desires to the physical; act upon what subtitles you are being offered; envision, and ponder within, for this is the elegant communication of your teams and spirit to moment-for-moment align you in love and joyful adventure. Every relationship is a quantum magnetization of vibration and inspired through the soul, spirit, if you are awake, in-tune, and trusting the guidance; to allow for your maximum and most joyful, playful, and loving experience in all moments. At the vibrational awakening that we are at entering within a 5D collective consciousness, such Divinely intended orchestrations can truly allow us to experience the elegant threading of our omni-present existence and truly magical each engagement can be.

Soul Mate relationships are inspired to honour the souls journey at the highest levels and are pulled together through profound synchronicity and Divine intervention so that each soul can fulfill its pre-destined path and desire for its highest vibrational experience to explore Itself as love. Not just at the individual level, but at the collective, galactic, and Universal level as well; inspiring new depths of love that inspire new depths of creative expression. Soul Mate love inspires us at every multi-dimensional level to bring forth gifts, to inspire new gifts through the pairing and entanglement of deep multiple timeline soul love, and to inspire play to evolve anew.

Ascension, Awakening not only allows for the individual expansion through heightened consciousness but also that of every relationship entwined within. There will be many relationship shifts; regardless of how we define them; whether it be through the cycles of break up, releasing, letting go, re-aligning, re-working, healing and transcending, new friendships, and lovers, soul mates, coming together in the most miraculous ways to make way for the new light expressions, and communities of potentials that every soul is aware at the highest levels that IT knows it is a part of the orchestration to unfold. All souls are in agreement at the highest level; trust in what your soul is guiding you to deepen within.

The excitement and newness of seeing, perceiving, and experiencing a loved, one, a beloved; to align within 5D vibrations; that can be shared in all familial and soul tribe;

1.) To release expectations of one another, allowing for pure and whole, and expansive potentials of one another, each other, and not suppressed or driven from ego-human made old paradigms re-cycling old ways of behaving and growing together and individually.

2.) To love, live unconditionally of oneself and all others; knowing that all souls are Divinely threaded and aligned, and living purely within their innate souls passion, souls excitement and neither party to hold back or feel held back but to empower, inspire, and encourage growth in all ways and in all forms of exploration of the spirit.

To set the self-loving intentions that inspire a new richness of Oneness and expressiveness of spirit, and uniqueness to that of honouring of the whole self; thus being the above 2 in culmination to live purely by in alignment with self-love, Source entanglement, soulful expression, exploration, and experiential potentials that have NO LIMITS in respectful and honouring vibrations of all life.

Simple and allows for any healings that trigger such liberating ways of sacred living, will absolutely come forth to assist you, and one another to heal and live fully in unconditional trust of one anothers' paths and souls desire for Heavenly fulfillment upon earth.

All relationships show up to allow us to grow, to honour, to explore, our limitless potentials as love; simple right? Every wound and less than of the whole loving self will come forth as you commit and devote to exploring, expression, and experiencing this level of unconditionality of love; the BEING of love.

As our collective heals, releases all old paradigm energies of less than, lack of self, transmuting the wounded aspects, and healing to fully align within the infinite vibrations; loving and honouring energies, the road will of course require that love to smooth out the hurdles.

Soul mate love is the joy of thyself, the reflections and sparking of one another to ever deeper levels of love and the exploration and experience of this expression; in all relationships, we are evolving into and within love, and how this is the ultimate Heavenly tool that transmutes all.

The challenge will be to surrender all ego-ic controlling energies and beliefs that creep up in lack of trust and self-love that aches to be healed. Such explorations will allow us to expand within all aspects of our community and socio-economic restructuring as the ALL changes as we each dive deeply and align with the sacred vibrations of love, sovereignty and infinite creative potentials.

For we all know, when you love and set your souls honouring intentions, how you love and honour yourself, how you love all life, and live in this spirited exploration, so too will your core vibration attract another that has cleared, and healed to the similar vibratory level to then harmonize a new level of Love to bloom.

Love is our greatest influencer and requires that we drop all pre-conceived notions, expectations, and disappointments of the past and allow the karmic past to be your greatest teacher for a new NOW vibratory beginning and reality.

The Christic 5D vibrations will always be The Center point to which we re-align; in all loving relationships; LOVE, INFINITE, ETERNAL, SOVEREIGN; and how may we explore, express, and experience the Heavenly sacredness and infinite potential that we each are within all moments, all entanglements, in all ways?

One can reflect and ponder, ask in daily self-care contemplation, healing, and integration to new vibratory realties;

* Am I being honoured and valued, to the new level to which I now deserve and desire?
* Am I expressing, exploring and allowing for Divine experience in honest authentic potential?
* Am I allowing myself to expand in giving, receiving, and exploring love in all ways and in all moments with all beings?
* Am I ready to fully surrender with Source, as Source, to know, to live, to be the knowing that love is ALL, that I am connected and threaded within the ALL, and I am always with the ALL, in spirit allows for there to be no real loss but only the growth I honour in all exploration of my souls journey?
* How may I become more of my creative joy in all relationships and honour this in all others?
* Is all that I am; physical, mental, emotional, and etheric energetic being of who I am, and becoming, being honoured and adored? How may I begin in each moment to shift my reality NOW?

Such moment-for-moment allowance and self-worthy, inner innate knowing of your own Godliness, of 'As Source IS, I AM' thus expressing this vibration from every cell and particle that you are; within the ALL you begin to offer this Divine vibration to all others, within the ALL, thus then shifting and affecting the ALL to return these vibrations of ever-heightened potentials for growth within the self, and the unions that you entangle within. As we can see, such profound potential for evolutionary exploration and it is purely within the core and centre of loving intent of the honour of the whole self.  

How can we each appreciate and value that each person before us is for that exact reflection to love more deeply, to accept the blessed uniqueness of Source be valued, be honoured and be the vibration portal of thyself that allows all others to know their worthiness and their innate potential to also express freely and with loving grace? 

As my teams reminded me earlier this week; 'The blessing of God, Source, the Omni-Source Creator, the Universe, spirit, is within all things, all beings, all moments, and your collective evolution reside within your gentle and curious seeking and living of this.'

In such loving relationships, individually, within our families and communities, we are remembering the core DNA coding that we are INFINITE, that we are eternal, that we are vastly creative and can re-write a loving reality experience that truly can be unconditional and dynamically self-expressive; thus being loving evolution in all ways with one another upon every fractal of our souls experience.

It is also Divinely aligned and gifted on every level that we become more aware of our co-creative potential and inner Oneness and harmony within ourselves; our souls desire to explore, express, and experience love, that through communion with Source, spirit, that we see, experience magic in all moments. The majesty that we become in our recognition of our Heavenly partnership with spirit to assist in every way our miraculous threading of what only moments earlier we believed the unfolding of such Divine soul relationships to be impossible; our souls and spirit guides, teams, and The Holy Creators, are ever threading magic within our wishes, our dreams, and whatever creative joys we wish to experience. 

It is through our souls healing, the coming of new, to allow for the release control, the ego, and the mind to live as a surrendered embodiment of Source in complete infinite exploration of love. Can you allow for this surrender and fully trust your soul, the elegance, the intelligence, the expansive journey that love can offer and that your teams, your guides, the Creators can offer you? These are the profound 5D vibrations that lift us, that empower us to new heights and elegance that we knew would be our unfolding potentials.

Surrender dear ones, your soul, Source, your teams, your guides, you; you know what you are doing and trust in the elegance and unconditional creative vastness of Creation living through you to deliver exactly what you knew would be your greatest dream ever.

More Divine offerings to gently and lovingly ponder.
And so it is,
Blessing and light,
