Wednesday, 19 February 2020

The Purity of Love Changes ALL

With Soft and Loving Pure Intent
You Can Change Your Reality Experience 
The few moments of breath, re-centering, and the purity to feel into the love that you are, if even to practice your way into 'self-love' can shift your entire chemistry within your bodies and provide an opportunity to perceive anew, respond anew, and begin anew.
In moments of flux, transition, change, and deep inner purging, a few deep breaths and soft intention to transmute what is going on within; can bring about new inspirations, new healthy interactions, and new world perspectives; just enough of your heart-felt presence to honour the path you walk and to feel the love that in all other ways that we stumble and egoically try to win and receive love, will only be brought from our own inner journey to ignite It from within.  

In all that we do, in all moments of our earthly life, we are in some way seeking to feel love, to feel the acceptance of loving tribe, to feel the value of that love provides and honours, and in as many ways as the mind thinks it can gain control to this love, it is a healing journey that can only be remembered from your intention to begin within. 
 Your Soul Requires you to acknowledge, accept, forgive, and honour all that you are, and in this process of constant and never-ending adventures of self-discovery, you will feel the infinite well that is you in loving coo-creation.

Your soul,
Your ALL lifetimes,
All realms,
More than this one moment,
Will always be served in the vibration you hold as love.
Love offers, heals, and mends, ALL.
Honour this and the ALL of you will always, in all ways, will be served. 
Release and let go;
Love will always serve.
Live from a place of Love, Oneness, and compassion and see how life flows in and around this.
Love opens, love flows, love heals, love beckons, more love.
Anger, resentment, jealousy, are all vibrations of lack; which also, as an energy call more of the same in; self-care allows you to honour these feelings, breathe through the pain, forgive, release, and honour the experience as a lesson, a gift, and thus then to choose to know you are worthy of healing, of loving yourself, and knowing there is always a new moment to begin again in loving embrace of YOU. 

Awakening is never an easy process; but wow, can it open the door to self love, self embrace, self knowing, self confidence, and a whole new reality in wellness and inner peace. 
You are worthy of the love that awaits your own inner work.
May we each be the light that is peace on earth.

To live 'pure of heart' takes great courage and much practice.
It is a state of being; that which honours Universal Oneness, truth, humility, peace, and a narrow path paved in pure love.
This is mastery.
It requires many moments of miss-steps that the ego will try to manage, control, guide, and always leave one back to square one.

Pure of heart will always serve your soul.
Pure of heart will always serve the greater good.
Kindness and goodness to All; requires much practice and an honest look within how we love, honour, and value ourselves first.
Pure of heart is pure love of self.
Motives and intent; when pure of heart, are heartfelt in Oneness, peace, compassion, and love. 
This is our human role in remembering.

As Source, we are, the ALL IS; love.
In all moments, how may we breathe, pause, and allow for our own inner light to shine in pure love, from our hearts, and create peace on earth?
Peace on earth and in all realms.
I love you.
You are love.
You are loved.
And so it is,

Blessings and deep joy of being spirit and soulful humans, 

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