Weekly Ascension Tips and News
Activating the Heart Through the Divine Mother ~ Goddess ~
Activating the Heart Through the Divine Mother ~ Goddess ~
Light Program from the Divine Mother
Greetings dear lighted ones,
Greetings dear lighted ones,
Activate the Divine Mother God energies, and working with Divine Feminine masters, Goddesses, Gaia, Mu-La, and the deep healing of the soul activations for greater balancing, heart chakra healing, and moving beyond traumas.
Feb 7th-14th, 30min alignment, invocation, and Divine shifting for your entire reality experience; activate anew and see how your intent, your softening, and your entanglement shifts your reality experience and deep soulful healing of compassion and self love.
Blessed be the softened heart and inspired mind;
Our link for this class beginning tomorrow to activate and honour the Divine Mother energies within that allow for the deepening and re-balancing, enrichment of the souls song to live through you.
Profound Tips for Crystalline children, and Empaths for accelerated energies;
I wanted to offer some of the practical tips and wisdoms gained through my many years of energy work, healing sessions, and webinar offerings on how to move through such profound planetary upliftments for the human soul and collective Oneness re-write.
1.) Set Clear and Honoured Boundaries ~ nurture inner strength to say 'no' to what doesn't feel 'ok' - set new standards of sacred living

2.) Speak your truth - resonates with values, soul truth, multi-dimensional needs, desires for growth, exploration, expression
3.) Share love ~ through mindful listening, sharing, all for greater good outcome
4.) Compromise - mindful listening, respecting all paths, souls missions and free will, seek balance & Oneness to Greater Good outcome
5.) Celebrate ~ each time you find yourself being challenged to ways of expanding, exploring, harmonizing with the ALL, celebrate yourself within, Source, your soul, Higher self for becoming this flow of higher truth and peace in oneness
Celebrate the richness of all life, all those before you, and above all; YOU.
The greatest strength we can garner is that of honouring, leading our bodies through these dynamic shifts of energies as dimensional threads cross-cross and smooth out;
I have noticed that in the mornings it feels like living in a karmic soup of mountain climbing, and the afternoon smooth and blissful.
I have noticed that in the mornings it feels like living in a karmic soup of mountain climbing, and the afternoon smooth and blissful.
Taking note of your cycles of release and healing can help when to plan a walk, rest, or active energy work and manifestations, so be attuned to your own inner calling to what you are needing in any one moment.
Living from the heart space will be the allowance of centering to maintain balance and self-knowing. Ground, breathe, and tune in to your Divine living light for the expansiveness that aches you to surrender and have It live through you.
Here is our community sign up to engage, entangle, and be within a new light community and tribe; keep up to date on our offerings, and news.
~~~ https://ulwhc.com/community/index.php/en/community?fbclid=IwAR0HYnZuGCbBAa1Coi5cJTSIsFzkB6eLLGbi2YE5kWeCM82tao41e8o08is
Affirmations of Profound Transmutation
'I am not my thoughts,
I am powerful and realign to my souls code, my souls joy, my souls power, and I have direction and leadership to begin anew now.
I am powerful and realign to my souls code, my souls joy, my souls power, and I have direction and leadership to begin anew now.
I choose love, I choose light, I choose to be my fullest in beauty and joy of Source, all life.
I create new powerful thoughts of Oneness, of joy, and release all pains, all sorrows, all sadness that belong to 'less than beliefs and imprints.'
I have gained greatly and know I am served by the exploration of what no longer serves; in gratitude, I ask for Divine transmutation of all that no longer serves, in thought, word, all timelines, and realms that does not resonate with my Divine and Sacred truth of being love and purity of joy.
I release all resistance to my greatness, I release all limiting beliefs, mistruths, and falsehoods that I have taken on, felt or carried that no longer belong to me; I return to the Divine Source for transmutation and return to me in Divine light crystalline love. I am worthy of a rich and beautiful life filled with joy and soulful co-creation. I am worthy, and I am pure in my intention to feel, be, and live in this way.'
And so it is,
Thank you Spirit and the Divine for loving me so.
Morning Affirmation of Clear Spirited Aligned Intent
Today I will 'show up' in my own confidence, clarity, self-love, and Divine creativity and I will seek new ways to share, be, and explore LOVE.
Today; I AM THAT I AM.
I walk with Source; and I allow myself to grow, to release, to know myself deeper, to love myself deeper, and forgive where and how I am able, and I ask for help in transmuting all that I am unable to see and feel my way through.
I know of my Divine support teams, councils, and the Oneness with Source.
I create the blessings and sacred joy that I am, the vibration of, the imagination of, the co-creatorship of with Source, for my day, for my destiny, and I AM ALL THAT I AM. I choose this new now reality and I have all within me to create anew. I AM THAT I AM. Emotional, Mental, Etheric, Physical, Spiritual ALLness that IS Source; human vibration of love, light, truth, and higher knowing of the ALL within this now moment. I AM my deepest, and most profound truth.
For those that so desire,
A multi-dimensional healing,
Solar Plexus ~ Co-Creating within 5th D energies,
Understanding programming within our Multi-D systems, and why healing, clearing, and igniting anew requires higher vibrational light consciousness perceiving.
A multi-dimensional healing,
Solar Plexus ~ Co-Creating within 5th D energies,
Understanding programming within our Multi-D systems, and why healing, clearing, and igniting anew requires higher vibrational light consciousness perceiving.
Have fun in your exploration and journey to your new vastness.
As our planet moves through ascension, we will allow ourselves to perceive our multi-dimensional ALL ness anew.
This means, a new way for healing, for clearing, and for calling in, activating the blessings of our infinite potential.
Crystalline children, beginning to expand upon who we truly are,
For those that so desire;
Ascension Stories and Shamanic Tarot,
We are emerging within new energies to challenge and expand ALL that we are; new decade, new cycles;
If you have been in a set regime, set routine, for many years; little change, little expansion, then get ready for the Universe to shake it up.
If you have been in a set regime, set routine, for many years; little change, little expansion, then get ready for the Universe to shake it up.
Shaking the ego, shaking the stagnant, and whatever has been, will be challenged to break free and liberate.
What has been lost, will be found. What has been stagnant will be shaken up, for the benefit of growth and expansion and new landscapes to be explored. If you were hidden away, the stage is set. If you were running your life with distraction and chaos, you will be slowed to honour the souls true calling. If money and material were all your focus, then relationships and health will draw you to revere the moments of potentials to love and be loved.
Offers out of the blue, synchronicities offered, dreams to align to new higher truth; it is all free will however;
Will you be open and ready or resistant to change?
Will you be truthful and honouring the Divine change?
Will you be allowing and bold? There is so much to be grateful for in ways of our evolution and soul healing.
Will you be truthful and honouring the Divine change?
Will you be allowing and bold? There is so much to be grateful for in ways of our evolution and soul healing.
Ascension is sovereign liberation. Creative exploration and joy is in the cards; miracles abound, but it is up to us to take up that mantle and leap into the unknown. To know who you truly are, one must peel back and acknowledge, honour, and reflect upon what you no longer feel you are not. What is the deeper and more pure truth for you? For your destiny and deepest creative joy to explore and express? These are the sovereign blessings awaiting for you and will be supported by the crystalline Christic grids and Heavenly Councils.
Stand within your light and trust.
Source is with you challenging you to step forth and allow your heart to be loved and honoured,
Source is with you challenging you to step forth and allow your heart to be loved and honoured,
Honouring the Soul Within
Seeking, honouring, knowing your center will allow for the accelerations to move through you unwaveringly as the tool for pure expansion and deeper awakening.
This is mastery, practicing mastery, and why you call any one energy, experience into your life for the loving self care, release of judgment, the Divinely timed release and healing of cellular and mental belief patterns within your Akash, lineage, and the collective, and how we may create Oneness within and without, takes great courage to let go, release, move on, and re-center with ever-greater em-powerment.
There is an infinite well of love and compassion to assist you, and it is the surrender and Oneness with Source, your soul to allow this to be your new 5th dimensional existence.
Embodiment. The allowance, the surrender, and living as the soul.
Living Through the Veil,
Blessings and light,
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