Wednesday, 19 February 2020

The Purity of Love Changes ALL

With Soft and Loving Pure Intent
You Can Change Your Reality Experience 
The few moments of breath, re-centering, and the purity to feel into the love that you are, if even to practice your way into 'self-love' can shift your entire chemistry within your bodies and provide an opportunity to perceive anew, respond anew, and begin anew.
In moments of flux, transition, change, and deep inner purging, a few deep breaths and soft intention to transmute what is going on within; can bring about new inspirations, new healthy interactions, and new world perspectives; just enough of your heart-felt presence to honour the path you walk and to feel the love that in all other ways that we stumble and egoically try to win and receive love, will only be brought from our own inner journey to ignite It from within.  

In all that we do, in all moments of our earthly life, we are in some way seeking to feel love, to feel the acceptance of loving tribe, to feel the value of that love provides and honours, and in as many ways as the mind thinks it can gain control to this love, it is a healing journey that can only be remembered from your intention to begin within. 
 Your Soul Requires you to acknowledge, accept, forgive, and honour all that you are, and in this process of constant and never-ending adventures of self-discovery, you will feel the infinite well that is you in loving coo-creation.

Your soul,
Your ALL lifetimes,
All realms,
More than this one moment,
Will always be served in the vibration you hold as love.
Love offers, heals, and mends, ALL.
Honour this and the ALL of you will always, in all ways, will be served. 
Release and let go;
Love will always serve.
Live from a place of Love, Oneness, and compassion and see how life flows in and around this.
Love opens, love flows, love heals, love beckons, more love.
Anger, resentment, jealousy, are all vibrations of lack; which also, as an energy call more of the same in; self-care allows you to honour these feelings, breathe through the pain, forgive, release, and honour the experience as a lesson, a gift, and thus then to choose to know you are worthy of healing, of loving yourself, and knowing there is always a new moment to begin again in loving embrace of YOU. 

Awakening is never an easy process; but wow, can it open the door to self love, self embrace, self knowing, self confidence, and a whole new reality in wellness and inner peace. 
You are worthy of the love that awaits your own inner work.
May we each be the light that is peace on earth.

To live 'pure of heart' takes great courage and much practice.
It is a state of being; that which honours Universal Oneness, truth, humility, peace, and a narrow path paved in pure love.
This is mastery.
It requires many moments of miss-steps that the ego will try to manage, control, guide, and always leave one back to square one.

Pure of heart will always serve your soul.
Pure of heart will always serve the greater good.
Kindness and goodness to All; requires much practice and an honest look within how we love, honour, and value ourselves first.
Pure of heart is pure love of self.
Motives and intent; when pure of heart, are heartfelt in Oneness, peace, compassion, and love. 
This is our human role in remembering.

As Source, we are, the ALL IS; love.
In all moments, how may we breathe, pause, and allow for our own inner light to shine in pure love, from our hearts, and create peace on earth?
Peace on earth and in all realms.
I love you.
You are love.
You are loved.
And so it is,

Blessings and deep joy of being spirit and soulful humans, 

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Collective Re-Balancing & The Importance of Divine Pure Receivership

Divine Re-balancing and the Importance of Pure Receivership

There are profound opportunities to awaken.
Some are subtle and some are more blatant; and however the discomfort arises, there is a blessing and healing within it. Within our souls desire to explore, expand and evolve, we come with innate desires to express certain Divine Feminine and masculine traits, imprints, and behaviours to move through. These can oftentimes show up in relationship patterns, familial and societal experiences and desires for collective service; all serving the acts of inner-outer re-balancing.
The more that you are willing to dive deeply within, the more this process of self-awakening, self-awareness, and mindfulness will serve you. Deep imbalances, and mistruths will be unveiled and what aspects of the true Divine self can be freed to deeply love in new ways will be birthed. This is how we truly gain and ignite 'self-empowerment.' Self-empowerment, self-confidence, and self-love can only be gained in this way; why it is not the path for all; for it will reveal to each the dark, the light, and offer opportunity to take the high road which can be painful, it can be lonely, and it can cause for much re-writing of all that we have known to be true.  

To challenge everything that our society is built upon is no easy task, and why this planetary ascension has been moving for many years; we are now seeing the crucible of unfolding take place and these gateways of change being ever more blatant for many to consider and awaken to be more challenging to face.  The more we resist this path of wholeness and Oneness, the more bumpy the ride will be; for this is the way of it and will be ever more obvious that the 'Ego' is not the driver and sometimes, we face a fork in the road that breaks us in order to make us whole. Stepping out anew, at some point will be offered; and to live freely and in Divine balance, each aspirant will be manifesting this experience to release residue of attachment, co-dependency, and limitation.
If you are in any way not allowing, or honouring the authentic joy of who you are, then there are beliefs that require your liberation and love to set free. We are each healing our lineage, our DNA, and our Akash, and as we do, we activate expansive gifts and becoming our Universal mono-presence.
You are purely Source in human form, how may we heal and love and honour this within all that presents in all moments?

Are you able to see each person, each being at equal love and potential as you see, know, honour thyself? How unconditional and loving we are within ourselves, and why daily self-care, self-reflection is so key to unravel the conditions and love into wholeness. We each come with aspects of limitation; for this has been our 3D experience and liberation to Oneness; it is the process of alchemy and what true awakening, awareness, to liberation is.  This process is a Divinely loving and intimate journey with the soul, your teams, your guides, your Divine Holy Mother Father, the Universe, and can be a part of each moment if you so desire, and in this invitation, we honour, and offer this to the ALL. 
Allowing for the equality, the re-balancing, and acceptance of the ALL to be presented in all that we manifest before us. There is much within our collective experience that requires our 're-balancing' and in every way, it begins within first.  From the minority groups, aged, children's collective, wildlife, planetary nature arena's; all is of in deep need for re-balancing and healing.

Each manifestation, regardless of how it may appear and in what form; is a representation of your entanglement with Creation and the beliefs, the perspectives you hold. There is no one thing doing anything to you, or constructs that are not of your making; but in the perspectives, the vibration, and the core belief you hold of your whole self.  The more we go within and rebalance, honour, love, releasing density, and allow for the battered control of the ego to rest; the greater Oneness and rebalancing equality that we present to our daily reality and all that we manifest. 
Perhaps muse gently and with a childlike open heart; 'Am I in receiving of what Creation, of what pure love, of what the Divine Source Creators are offering in all moments?'
This simple musing and heartfelt intent can open you up to what is always within, around, and about your reality if you choose to live from this centred presence of appreciation and worthiness.

Receivership is a state of being. To receive is a vibration that is required for healing, for manifesting, for the fruition of what is before you, within you. It is a vibration of purity in flow and authentic Oneness with Source, the Heavenly path you are in alignment with and invitation of and living of; that is of balance, of care, of honouring, sacred awareness and interaction with, entanglement and appreciation of; and is absolutely a sacred vibration.
How may we ask for what we need in care, in honour of, in appreciation of who we are, what we are, and what our souls needs are and be the example of this deep care for our children, our planet, our future generations and DNA that are activated and changed as we live in this manner?  How may we give and receive in balance? How may we know and honour this level of Source entanglement and be of appreciation of this song that is; loving grace?
To give and to receive in loving grace; this is the Divinely elegant song that IS LOVE.

Through love liberation is birthed. With graceful and loving intent, practice loving each moment and each before you and see how your reality shifts; through love your heart will open, your heart will guide, your heart will show you and teach you, and deepen your wisdom of what has always resided within. 
How may we see all beings, perceive all as equal in their purpose, their story, their blessing to offer you, and how may all children, all aged, all beings, all nature, all wildlife, as equal in essence of joy, purpose, and honouring we each have within Creation? How may each moment offer you the portal of a new vibration in Oneness? The Law of One; our Oneness in Source, Creation, through which we evolve, love, learn, grow, and BE anew. 

All moments, allow us to love, heal, and bless it forward; 
How so our planet, our collective, our children require to know their worthiness, their brightness, their gift in their creative offering; inspire, empower, and encourage and see what victories of love live seamlessly through you.
There are profound opportunities to awaken.  Some are subtle and some are more blatant; and however the discomfort arises, there is a blessing and healing within it.
Dive deeply. It will serve you; for there will always be a new depth, a new richness, a new level of unconditional love that IS YOU to be revealed. You are the infinite well of Creation, you are the womb, and you are the song that is sung by the Holy Mother and Father to come into reunion of the bliss that is every note of your being-ness.

In our weekly long, daily invocation service last week in honour of the Divine Mother Goddess energies, we felt deep transformations of remembrance; igniting the remembrance of 'devotion' and not that of out-dated dogma and stringent practices, but that of a 5th dimensional purpose to heal, to love, to remember the joy deepening Oneness and service in loving honour; the whole self, the Oneness with spirit, the Oneness with Gaia, and the breath that reminds us of this; and how truly deep our sacred care and devotion allows for a gateway to the threads of Creation living through us to be lived anew.
I had no idea, or pre-planning as to what each day would hold, or consist of, but to open to the Divine Mother and honour what was brought forth; each day adding to the previous day in deepening, and the threading of our loving entanglement was shown.  On day 7, we were shown and offered the visions and energies of what we had co-created; a glorious golden womb that was the shape of a beehive, and we sat in a meditative position in the centre of the beehive womb, in resonance of the remembrances, the quantum activations, the intentions, the deepening, the nurturing, the love, the recommitment, and the devotion that we had honoured and allowed to occur.

I was shown that in my own unconditional desire to serve relentlessly at times, that I had allowed the portal of receiving to occur in a way that ignited a cellular remembrance of our holographic abilities to manifest and be that of Source in movement, in song, to bless Creation through our own receiving of who we are authentically, offering who we are authentically and then to have it be mirrored back to us in vibrational kind. 

The beehive golden iridescent elegance and new song through which was our ability to bring forth a new level of heightened rebalancing and through the releasing of what no longer was able to be carried into a new level of co-Creation was released. 

The Blessedness of Pure Loving Receivership
I was reminded in this Divine weekly experience of Divine Mother and Goddess devotion, of a multi-dimensional other-worldly experience of 'pure loving receivership' in which I know what is an eternal opportunity for us to now step into at a 5th dimensional level.  I offer this not as a 'result or prize' to sacred devotional intent; but as the words we have to offer and explain, express, in what way we can to divulge the miracle and majesty that IS the purity of LOVE of Source.  There are infinite blessings and gifts at every level of the inner adventure that is ascension; for it offers us to surrender what was and leap into the unknown of Source majesty, and this past week was certainly a sacred interaction and entanglement of rarified Oneness that reminded me of what 'pure loving receivership' is. 
In my specific life experience, and healing of many soul fragments, and timelines, of healing, Light-worker over-giving, and feeling most often exhausted for the over-giving responsibility that we come with; and little did I know that this first devotional offering to the Divine Mother Goddess would allow me to experience the blessing of 'pure receivership' and this requires our pure abandon and surrender to 'receiving.'  For those healing so many trauma's and histories, if you will, that were felt at every level to be demeaning, degrading, and even tragic, this ability to truly 'receive' is a souls life lesson and must be experienced to move into a 5th dimensional co-creative reality.  

You are worthy of receiving perfection.

For this is YOU.
In the unconditional and heartfelt intention to merely BE, to live in a state of being that is present, allowing, honouring, accepting, and trusting; we open the gates for the deep alchemic remembrance to be activated by your Higher self and soul teams, the Heavens, the energies we bathe within to 'turn on' sacred and pure receivership.  This is self-value. Valuing, loving, and honouring of the Source that we truly are and knowing, very deeply that we are worthy of this purity and depth of Heavenly receiving; and does allow for whatever miracles that the Heavens ready you for in undefinable and miraculous ways.  

Whether that receivership be a heartfelt awakening, forgiveness, chakra activation, vision, and quantum remembrance that forever shifts your reality and how you perceive the newly awakened essence to new levels of becoming; this is the constant and blessed flow of Heavenly pure receivership and in this knowing, feeling, sensing, seeing, living, dreaming, and manifesting, we open our hearts more deeply to gift it and bless it forward unconditionally and without expectation, or resolving, or accolades, but simply be within the flow that is Creational LOVE.

For many light-workers, for many children, children of neglect, abuse, additive environments; these soul moments to remember 'pure receivership' are manifested to shake up old paradigms of guilt, shame, and less than mentality and beliefs, there is profound and deep healing available within receiving. One cannot heal unless a surrender within receiving can be experienced.  

Believe it or not, true Heavenly receiving is not something that most know, or have experienced. For life in and of itself is a Heavenly blessing; each moment, each breath, and yet how many, how do we value and appreciate, honour, and even celebrate this?  So, needless to say, 'pure receivership' is a portal to greater knowing of self-value and Oneness in purity with Source.  We can open, invite, and offer in this experience through our devotion to feel, sense, and BE of greater pure love and to do so, we must be willing, ready, and surrender into the soul love that is always available.

Learning and remembering to receive is a soul lesson that can be seen, and misunderstood in our old world perspectives; just as some may see and perceive self-care, and meditation as 'selfish,' the ability to truly and deeply receive is a Universal experience that until brought into balance will forever elude those that seek self -actualization. 
Rebalancing our collective human-earthly-Universal experience is held within our ascension adventure; it simply must. There is much for us to remember in this rebalancing; the ability to truly and purely love ourselves, love all others, to give and receive in equal measure, and to know that whatever has been given in pure of heart devotion to explore, express, and experience Creation, love and or joy, will always, at some point, at every level; will be Divinely returned. 

The Universe requires balance and to evolve within higher light programs, this is our planetary and collective blessing to reignite anew. Rebalancing and equality are that of a Divine stirring within you that can be subtle and profound but always magical in ITS transformative result; whether it be activating you to soften, to release judgment, forgiveness of the self, forgiveness of others, release of blame, or shame, and even the ability to recognize your wrongs and to apologize; all of these offer small and profound ways to rebalance the souls need for equality and liberation. 
Nothing goes unnoticed by the soul; at every level there will be a reckoning and rebalancing; why we see what we do in our reality of the dismantling and restructuring that simply must occur and re-align at a higher vibrational potential. Our consciousness, our collective consciousness is driving this. 

If you are in any way not allowing, or honouring the authentic joy of who you are, then there are beliefs that require your liberation and love to set free;

You are purely Source in human form, how may we heal and love and honour this within all that presents in all moments?You are the only one that can invite your own revolution and evolution. You are the only one that can offer and invite in true self love, self-empowerment, and a higher, deeper self direction into greater wholeness, Oneness, and unity with Source; and as this is surrendered to, allowed, honoured, and valued, so too will the result and honouring of all that you entangle with and co-create with and a new enriched path of colour and song emerge; that is, make no mistake about it, you. You are the road of Divine and Heavenly song. You are every note, and you are every colour. This is Oneness.
For those that so desire to purchase the MP3's or MP4's of our Divine Mother Goddess week-long devotional series, please connect with our website next week when it will be fully loaded for your joyful exploration and transformation.

We are here to help and inspire anew; global webinars and activations, private intuitive healing sessions and readings, and in-person one-on-one ascension guidance and Universal wisdoms.
Blessings and Divine joyful grace,

Monday, 10 February 2020

Healing & Activating Yourself AS SOURCE

Healing & Activating Yourself AS SOURCE
Honouring the Soul Fragment Integration & RE-Unification

The profound dynamics of healing the soul in our Heavenly reunification. In the many years of my ascension process, one of the most challenging and oftentimes traumatic experiences is that of the healing of soul fragments. These are experienced as profound and deeply emotional wounds as if they are being played out in the here and now; however on another bandwidth that we have been given the blessing, the opportunity to heal through Source; the Holy Mother, the Holy Father, to make right, and honour, to reflect, to conjure through our hearts and live from a place of pure loving compassion and be whole in the now reality.

As our entire Universe is moving through new spirals of ascension, the light programs from the Offices of the Heavens, are that of integration; how may we bring within ourselves, our new now whole self, the many experiences in which we have played in separation; and how may we heal this? As we heal these cyclical soul fragmentations, we allow ourselves to continue within the spiral of our Universal pathway of evolution into new planetary, galactic, and thus then Universal potentials. This is what is mechanically occurring and has been for some time; and now that we are at a crucible funnel point if you will, we are feeling the ever-compressing of these soul fragments to be healed. 
My offering today is that of a 'perspective shift.' How may we shift our insight, our understanding, and our perspective upon what we are truly moving through and how utterly profound this ascension and reunifying process really is?

Feel Into the Depth of Who You Are and Celebrate

When we are healing and reunifying soul fragments, past selves, con-current selves more accurately put; it can cause moments of 'Am I going Crazy' moments and thus one can experience the re-breaking of the self to rebuild through integration, love, and compassion.' 

Soul fragment integrations feel as if we are breaking ourselves, because what we knew ourselves to be is being challenged by this new self-family member; you, desires to be acknowledged, loved, honoured, offered compassion through the new heightened wisdom of this experience. We have come from eons of separation and knowing ourselves as simply the physical body with a mind, and ascension soul healing allows us to experience the opportunities of wholeness. Wholeness means we break the limitations of self, of our wholeness, and allow for the infinite to be what IT is. 

Much of what our soul fragment healing offerings; through our agitations, frustrations, emotions, dreams, energies, are the catalyst to going within and healing not only the thread that these relate to in this lifetime, but that which relate to the soul fragment timeline that does not makes sense or come into view in this now moment. And of course why we feel the; 'Am I Going Crazy' experiences.

Soul fragment healing are personality aspects of you on another vibrational thread of time that is threaded to your souls themes and desires to heal in this experience. I want to make this very clear and how Divinely loved we are; although these experiences may feel deeply traumatic and unnerving, oftentimes, what we actually experienced was far more traumatic than we can imagine; and the love that Source and our soul has for us, allows for this 'stepped down' approach for healing our soul is being offered.  We are ever offered infinite choices to refine within our wholeness; the refinement of self-love, benevolence, creativity, integrity, bliss, joy, and so on. It is our awareness and attunement within all moments that we choose to navigate through these new NOW whole moments to expanded landscapes. Moment for moment co-creations.

For example, one can awaken and set out to live life as one lived the day before, however in a dream, the energies coming forth of violence, or anger, or harming of others, and then throughout the day, throughout ones daily, weekly, experiences, energies and subtle synchronicities are making one feel conscious of ones words spoken, the actions from childhood, taken upon oneself and that of others, and how one behaves to others, how one reacts in anger in traffic, or pushing through crowds, or how one is offering oneself to others vibrationally, or if you are an energy healer, or teacher that is awake and aware, as in my case; this one lifetime experience was healing a lifetime of many persecutions; unjust persecutions in the array of misunderstandings about energy, devotion to alchemy, and perhaps in the misjudgement comes the greatest reflection of ability to heal through compassion; however we must first heal our own wounds and how may we refine our now moment in ways to begin greater self-love, forgiveness, and strength in ones abilities to not fear and call in judgments, honour oneself, and therefore knowing, what we fear we attract at some level, and what we love, we attract. All a cyclical vortex of growth potential and how we are the Source Itself; healing ourselves, knowing ourselves, loving ourselves, and how any soul fragment IS your new portal to greater Oneness.

Even though in this now lifetime, I am aware at every level I am living within benevolent purpose and intent, these threads are multi-dimensionally allowing for healing and expansive growth and honour; continue within your aligned intent to be of service to self, and others, and how may this reflection to the soul aspect desiring love, reunification and honour. We are always offered infinite depths within all moments to align within purity. Why we must truly slow down and honour what and who we are as we are assimilating within new cosmic and planetary juices of the All of Source. 

Truly allow for the time, the inner space of an open heart to grasp how profound this process and 'perspective of wholeness' can be for your enrichment of your soul. This enrichment is an alchemic shift in not only perspective of who you are as spirit, but a Divine and lovingly expansive soul that is now alive and active with you in all and every moment you activate this Oneness-wholeness. This is a new perspective and requires that we shift from 'healing the soul' as a process to merely get through, because for many, especially 'old souls' can feel as if 'will this ever be over' and the soul, the emotional body, the mental body, the physical body, is weathered to a point of no-return; or so it can seem and feel; however, know that you are far more 'superhero' than you know.

It is within the reflection, the moments of profound rawness, of authentic loving truth that one desires to truly know, be, feel into, accept, honour, and allow for YOU, the ALL of YOU, to be loved and steered anew that IS the catalyst that bursts your own heart, every particle within you, and every soul connected to your soul group, oversoul, over soul of over souls, and so on, into a whole new level of experience within the ALL; that truly overjoys the Universal omni-present family in ongoing ecstasy of Creational flow.

You are, we are, multi-dimensional, and what we are all healing is not recognized from this lifetime, or have even no cause to feel, but we, our higher selves knows of our readiness to heal, to master, and thus we co-create manifestations through dreams, daily unfolding, to bring forth this inner work to bring about new outer greater flow. 

How may we honour, celebrate, and be of joy in this new perspective to recognize that we are within a 'master~ship' that is loving energetic systems, personalities, constructs, and experiences that YOU are the master of healing, calling in to reunify, love whole, re-direct anew, honour, activate anew, and love as the SOURCE that you are. 

I say 'master-ship' in the imaging of a dynamic cruise ship, lightship, that has a myriad of personalities, aspects of dynamic gifts, skills, wisdoms, energies, and excitements, that can, within your love, your calling from, your invitation, and joy of, to bring into the fold of this new now and live with you as a whole new system of light, system of loving flow through the vast cosmos of Creation, of Source, and live dynamically as a master navigator, master mediator, and master energetic magician to how you now desire to move about a new life perspective within the cosmos of new 5D earth expanded earth within our galactic families.

Have fun dear ones. What is your joy factor within you for you? How may you celebrate the master alchemist, the flowing of a new you, or a master director of your new found Oneness and wholeness? How may you perceive the deep emotional drawls as a portal to the expansive gifts, love, and joy that will eventually surface after the acknowledgement, acceptance, forgiveness, and / or loving compassion process? A slight shift in perspective may be the most profound and expansive portal of a whole new experience of your WHOLENESS as SOURCE. 

You are Source, healing Source, healing as SOURCE, and this is a Divinely blessed and honoured gift. A true and wholly blessing. This is how much we are loved. We are eternally softened, we are eternally held so dearly as we awaken to our loving vastness and it will, from the heart of Source, Divine Mother, Divine Father, be always in the vibration of soft and loving generous joy of heartfelt exploration and experience of pure and eternal love. How may we emulate this in our perspectives, our views, our honouring, our softening within who we are as soft and loving and expansive Source joy?  

You are a master, you are a joy of love. You are a master healer, a master director of your vessel, you are the navigator of new lands, new dawning, new concepts of 'never before been known' and to anchor into new 5th dimensional soil. Trust in the process of our Oneness and souls essence of healing through loving wholeness. You are profound. Simply put; you are profound, and so dearly loved and supported. Soar into new sky's, soar into new depths, and oceans, for it is all you directing you into deeper love and cosmic joy. And so it is.

Blessings and great mystery of flight, 


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